Whoooooooh...big news alert in paper..the city is considering closing down 2 railroad crossings..has to do with our jupe mill and jupe feed...they use tracks to load up cars full of feed and some of the tracks need repair and as it is so costly they are considering closing 2 crossings so they can use one for loading...which is ok with me i guess as it is good for our little mill...but fuck..its hard enough to get across the tracks sometimes when there is a train stretched clear across town...we have to drive way down to the other end of town (maybe 6 blocks) and cross over...and then go the same amount of blocks back to where all the main stores are...will scan a map for you one of these days...any how, that will be a pain in the ass, but not as bad as living in a city of 100,000 people or more...2,500 people is nice...
They are having a benefit sunday at kc grounds for my friend julio rodarte...you would love him..he is such a sweet funny guy..has great kids, nice wife and just had his color removed from cancer..and back in hospital again with infections..He is a self employed carpenter and is the one that built my huge gigantic book case for all my books...for $50...so cheap...but looks great...they are having bbq plates for $7,$5...plus an auction and drawings for prizes...anyone like to donate for my friend can mail donations to west bank and trust c/o julio rodarte..west, texas 76691...I am going to donate some money plus have some stuff that can be auctioned off. have great collection of books that should raise some cash...
big article in paper about scott podsednik who was selected american league all star...he beat out derek jeter, tory hunter carl crawford, and hideki matsui for the position...he got 3,965,473 votes.... most coming from west...ha...this is a great kid. wish the rangers could get him...he is the cousin of my 2 other granddaughters mom...nice czech boy...
4 new babies born in west...ashley lynn martin, zane anthony lenoir, paige anne linnenkugel, and chloe raelynn kaluza... one marriage.and 5 deaths..from 90 to 47 years of age...The S.P.J.S.T. Lodge nno.6 in cottonwood is having its 108th picnic...
second annual knights of columbus texas allstar bbq shootout...july 29th...and 30th...also going to have a kid''s cookoff which is really cool..one entire page of pictures of kids winning tball teams, and midget teams and regular teams..they all look soooo cute...Did i tell you that we have a blacksmith? yup..we do...
fresh fruits and local vegtebles are on sale and gong to stock up at both grocery stores..to damn hot to cook any more and getting burned out on sandwiches..so going to make salads and lots of fresh fruit..i have got to lose some weight...keep thinking im going to explode..the west rodeo is scheduling a mutton bustin registration..age 6 or younger and must weight 55 lbs or less..$20 per kid...
jenifer''s academy of dance is offering classes in ballet, pointe, tap, jazz and gymnastics.ages 3 and up...my grand daughters did that for about 2 years but thought jennifer was a mini hitler and didnt want to go any more..
not much news in west...im still working on the article for the library...if they print it i will put it in here...well, have to go to the library..read a great little book by fannie flagg...redbird christmas...was sooo sweet... small book...easy read ...and is a feel good book...check it out...also reading fanatsy for first time in years...called wizzard's first rule...going to check out the second in series...see ya'll later...
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