Things are coming along..I finally finished filling 2 large plastic totes(huge suckers)with stuff for Jamie's bridal shower...Holy shit..I bought a lot of stuff...towel sets, spices, condiments, toilet paper, paper towels, coffee maker, can opener, hand mixer, coffee, coffee filters, coffee creamer, a Texas flag, an address/calendar/note book with my address , phone number and email address already in it and on the first note page it says call your grandma..popcorn, bunch of hamburger helpers, cleaning supplies, assorted kitchen tools and hell, I don't know what else..The 2 totes can also be used as laundry baskets when she gets moved in..I got her the Texas flag so she could piss off all the Redskin fans when she gets there..Yup, already I'm starting to stir shit up with them 'skins fans..
I wanted to look good for her party Sunday so I went and bought a top for my new black slacks and a new bra..holy shit...the top is a large.(deep eggplant color)..not 1x or 2x, but a large..and the pants are a size 16..ok, I know that's still big, but when your ass has been shoved into a 2x for years a 16 looks fuckingnear petite..ha..and the bra..oh my Goddess, it's a 48 D....a D...I haven't worn a D cup since I was ..............what ? 11...ha...my tits are so fucking perky...I can damn near rest my chin on them..
So going to go to town tomorrow after I get off work and get some nice shoes to go with it..I don't think my lime green baby phats will go with my new outfit..will take pictures so you can see..I have taken some pictures of West, but I keep forgetting so will try and do them soon...
West paper had some great news...Bold Springs Baptist Church is making hamburgers today and Monday..I didn't get one today and even though I want to I may not get one Monday either..last time I had one it shot my blood sugar up...and it's been so good lately..89-117...
I made another apple/cake cobbler, but this time I did them individually..made them in deep dish pie pan..made 2..and will save the remainder of the cake mix and the can of apples for a later date..Will give Babs one(well less my share..ha) and one to be split between my work and the lady at the other dollar store..Who when I went in Tuesday to get my vitamins said "where's my cookies"...so made her some too. I have been wearing my 'ears'...the listen up hearing device and it works great for when I want to watch video's on computer or movie on my tv..but in the store there are so many different noises that it picks them all up and it's like a disco in my head..Plus the other day the train went by and I screamed bloody murder and jerked them out of my ears..Judas priest..talk about smart...When some one bangs one of the baskets or a kid screams it's like it's right inside my head..and that's freaky..But I can hear the phone ring now..Good news is...Inky still hasn't had anything to drink...the bad news is Anessa stopped smoking and we're all fixing to shove her in front of a train. She's all over Inky like flies on shit, then he comes to work and bitches about her for four hours and I'm about ready to smoke and drink to be able to stand both of them..
We are desperate for rain here..I'm in the process of drying 4 loads of laundry and been walking back and forth and it looks gray out, but the wind is blowing to hard, so it'll just blow it off in another part of Texas.
Some woman(56) was going form Axtel to Leroy the other day and a bull was loose and ran out in front of her car and bye-bye ..killed them both..Really tragic. I sure wouldn't want to be the owner of the bull...I see a lawsuit coming ...Colton Lee Parrish turns 1 year old on April 27th. I had to post his picture..as it's
about as cute as you can get. Oh man..I just read the article that goes with it..it's my loan manager from PointWest Bank, Bernie Klish. Wait til I tell her I put her grandkid on my blog. She'll have a stroke.. If your interested in a little home with a business, Leroy Country Store is for sale along with a 3bedroom, 2 bath house for only $135,00. Plus the Village Bakery is still for sale. You can also buy 8 acres of completely fenced land, with a tank, barn and oak trees for $45,000.
The West area girls are invited to a Mother-Daughter Tea Party at the West Community Center.Mothers and daughters are invited to attend this eent to make special memories. Girls will make a crown, play Princess Bingo, and find out what it means to be a princess. (hope no one brings up Charles and Diana)
Last year at this time we had 36.6 inches of rain. So far we've had 14.4 inches of rain...What a difference a day makes..Was going to post some of the pictures I took, but Babs is still napping so will do them next time..
ya'll come back and see us.......y'hea?