Oh, I fecking love my DAM News...last Sunday ole James Baker said he thought there might be som
ething to this global warming stuff, but would NOT give up his Big Tahoe SUV...this week, he said he needed to clarify the statement, that he might buy "a Tahoe that is a little smaller -if that would help."...From my lips to your ears James?...fuck you and your Tahoe.

More of the tapes from Richard Nixon's White House have been released...Man, I wish he was still alive so we could call him out on some of the shit that comes out of his mo
uth..."There are times when an abortion is necessary. I know that. When you have a black and a white, or a rape."....I personally plan on bipping into a coma the next person that either defends him or what he says..Jeez.

Just about when you thought Iran had the top spot on crazy, here comes the North Koreans. "If the U.S. imperialists start another war, ignorant of the ignominious defeat they have sustained in the past Koran war, the army and people of Korea will determinedly answer 'sanctions' with retaliation and 'confrontation' with all-out confrontation...and wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all." .....our response to
that? Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said:"I don't Even know how to respond to that. It's silliness. For what and with what?"...Well, I have the answer to the with what....see the picture?

Just about the time I think people in the large cities of Texas have a few brain cells working, something like this comes along and reminds me that beneath it all...they're still rednecks. Even the cops.
Last week at the Rainbow Lounge, a gay bar in Fort Worth was subjected to a 'club inspection' by 2 Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission agents and 6 FWPD. These checks happen often and they're looking for people obviously drunk and will cite them and the bar. In a official statement, police said they encountered hostile drunks, some of whom "made sexual explicit movements." toward the officers.(heehee) One customer allegedly "assaulted a TABC agent by grabbing him in the groin." Patron's of the bar say the officers showed up prepared to make arrests, with fists full of plastic zip-cuffs
. "They were hyped up. They were loaded for bear," said Todd Camp, a veteran journalist who was there celebrating his birthday with friends. "They were just randomly grabbing people and telling them they were drunk."

Camp said he has been in bars during TABC/police "checks" before, " and it was never anything like this." Usually, he said, officers discreetly walk through, looking for anybody who has too much. this was different. "They were shoving patrons," Camp said, "asking, 'How much have you had to drink?'
The differences in statements on how Chad Gibson was injured were very different also.
Gibson is hospitalized with bleeding around his brain.
"He was taken down hard," said Camp, with "four or five" officers wrestling him to the floor inside the club. Cellphone photos shot by patrons and posted to blogs show a person being held face down by officers in a short hallway inside the club, then show a dent in the wall where his head was apparently banged.
But a Fort Worth police spokesman said Gibson was injured outside, when he fell and struck his head because he was so drunk.
"He was the one that groped the TABC agent, "said Sgt. Pedro Criado. "He was injured by falling and hitting his head." (yeah, right...some TABC agent gets groped by a 'homosexual' and then the guy mysteriously falls and hits his head.)
"I hate to say I was afraid of my own police department, but I was," Camp said.
His description of frightened, distraught patrons just does not seem to square with police accounts of being subjected to a drunken, groin-grabbing gauntlet during a routine "bar inspection." Fort Worth is a fine and tolerant city. The police officers I personally know over there are decent, stand-up people. But today, in the Twitter-and -blog enabled process of rapid dissemination, they're getting an ugly reputation. And the flames of indiscriminate opinion about Texas being a stagnant backwater of vicious, insular, hate-crazed xenophobes dance higher. So, Fort Worth, we need some answers, please and quickly. This is no time to stonewall.
Jacquielynn Floyd(Dallas Morning News)
I for one, am sick over this..Just about the time I think Texas has crawled out of the stone ages, something like this happens..sigh*
But with people like Jacquielynn Floyd on the story, I'm pretty sure it won't disappear..
Oh..yeah, heart breaking news from the shores of Great Britian...the Queen is spending her own money to make ends meet, but if she keeps this up she'll be broke by 2012...Big fucking deal..Let her go broke, why should she be any different than anyone else? I think she should just retire to her little place in Scotland and make the rest of them get jobs.