I'm such a schmuck..I forgot to take pictures at the Fiesta..there weren't that many people but they all loved the enchiladas and Jessica O.W. made the most delicious sopapilla cheesecakes..they were a great hit. this was a no frills (except for the food) party..which I will leave alone..I love doing it every month and don't want to piss anyone the only picture that was taken was the beautiful little miss Kenna Jo-Ann...and is that not the cutest face? She helped hand out plates..some made it, some made the floor..ha..but we didn't care she was just so damn cute. I had all kinds of help..Anissa's boss is going to let her have the day off when ever I have one so she can help..which really really pleases me..that's a great thing for them to do..Plus Jessica made the dessert and brought the entertainment.I down loaded a great CD and not a damn thing don't know what I did played at home but not there..sigh*...I wanted them to hear Que Pasa Baby, I thought I was your only vato by the Texas Tornado's, and Low Rider. One of the ladies that volunteers came in and gave a hand Jamie and Jessica. The other picture is of me and the ladies serving chicken salad, soup and tea. They charge $5 for it and that's another way for them to raise money to give for donations.That's Jamie to the right and Bonnie is next to her and I know that lady's name and for the life of me I can't remember it..I swear I have old farts disease. I only put up this picture because this is how I walk around(not with the little plastic hair net) but with my sunglasses flipped up. Looks like Mickey Mouse is sitting on my face.

Oh man..we have some great ideas for next month..I'm doing JACKIE'S SOCK HOP.. Marissa is going to paint a back drop of 50's stuff and we're going to have the old farts pictures taken in front of it. The ladies will have scarves around their necks, Kathy is web searching for a beehive wig for them. I'm bringing dippidy doo and putting the guys hair in duck tails and spit curls. Also getting candy cigarettes to roll up in the sleeves of their t-shirts, and one of my West face book friends is loaning us a black leather jacket. We're trying to get a pair of skates for Jamie as we're going to make her up as a car hop and she'll serve them on skates(if she doesn't kill her self)...I thought first of making milk shakes and french fries..but think I might just make banana splits..We sort of took a straw vote and banana splits won out. I'm also thinking of asking a friend that has a motorcycle to bring it up there and maybe have their picture taken on it..or at least the ones that can get up on it..We're also going to see if we can find some poodle skirts too..I'm so excited about this dang.
oh..did you notice the video feed of west, texas has changed? it's showing more of main street and the rest of town..I live to the north of the city..on outskirts..the truck you see is parked in front of the pool hall I think..
What fun. Those darling oldies are so lucky to have you.
The Fiesta looks like a lot of fun and it sounds yumalicious! Sometimes home-burned CDs won't play on certain CD players -- their lasers can only pick up commercially prerecorded CDs. That can happen with DVD players too, I've found. A pain in the ass, but there you go.
Next month's Sock Hop sounds fun! I bet they'll all really enjoy it!
A D.A. on a Senior Citizen...I can't wait! I wonder if it's too late to call Henry Winkler? LOL!!
It seems you really have a lot of fun!
Fiesta is a good word. I know I would of had a grand time.
I haven't had banana split in ages.
Coffee is on.
Hmm.. which is sexier... you with the hair net or a beehive wig and poodle skirt?
It all sounds like so much fun.
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