I am having a hell of a time putting pictures up on blogspot .for some reason a bunch of the pictures got deleted..I could ahve redone them..but it's a pain in the ass. so I may have to start using firefox again just to do my posts..fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
Holy crap...the comments are about a mile down the post! Blogger does not like you YD G.
LMAO at Pleasing Women (Volume 1).
Its so refreshing to "hear and see" the Truth. LMAO!
I dumped Firefox after an upgrade started causing problems. Still isn't right. Using IE, Opera, and Google Chrome now.
Love the Mythbusters cat! And I always suspected a vacuum was involved in the Rapture!
I love the Mythbusters cat too! Fantastic!
Red still my heart
Hillarious all of it but then I wonder, what are we missing!!!???
I had pictues to fill that space and they all god deleted..fucking blogspot.
most of them were the polical ones too..bastids..sigh..
Did someone say give me some space?
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