So...I know I mentioned this on facebook, but can't remember if I told it here..if I have stop me.hahah..
ok..so I'm sitting in my recliner and can see right out the window into parking lot etc. I look up and the mail truck is busting ass into the parking lot, squeels into a u-turn and runs up and over the curb and slams into a stop by the office..directly across from my apt. I calmly get up get the keys to my box and walk across to his truck, knock on the window with my keys and said 'your driving to f fast in the parking lot, there are little ole ladies here that are in walkers, use cans and have enough trouble getting around with out having to dodge you and the mail truck..'yes, mam'm.' every one that lives here are really nice little ole lady's except me, and I'm a bitch on wheels, so if I catch you doing this again, I'm jerking you out of the truck and kicking your ass.'
Then I called the post office and talked to G. and told him what had happened..(it's against the law to threaten a gov. employee) and that I had threatened to kick his ass and why. He was so sweet(me..the bringing of cooked goods, must be appeased..ha)said he was sorry and said it was ok, but thought he should know what had happened. So I'm pretty sure, the mail truck will be coasting into the parking lot from here on out.
Sunday when I told my granddaughter I was going to kick her xboyfriend's ass she said but you'll go to jail...I laughed and said..I think I have one more assault and battery charge left in me.