I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


isn't that right susan R..


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"If 2020 were a candy bar" -- gawd, that made me laugh so hard! The "emotional baggage" one was pretty good too! And "Sparkle Farts!"

Love that quotation from John Lewis! Also the quotation about "all" not covering everyone. And Goddess bless George Takei, LOL, he's right as always!

Valerie said...

Bless you Miss Jackie Sue! Sparkle Farts is my new term of endearment for the fur kids.

Anonymous said...

welcome back we missed you ; from Indiana - we're sorry about Mike Pence

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra all the if 2020 were memes were great..sparkle fart is my new nickname for everyone ..hah
valerie..it's such a great name.
oooh, if you have to apologize for pence I'd have to apologize for the bushes, Cruz..etc..hahah

Geo. said...
