I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

if you fart this day is for you..its wendy..



Valerie said...

Ha-Ha--yes my body is an amusement park, but a lot of the rides are iffy. Hope you have a great day---thanks again for the memes.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Horticulture! Hahahahahaha!

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie most of my rides are either out of order or ride at your own risk..
yeah, Debra..I liked that one too..I hope Jill Biden restores the Jackie Kennedy Rose Garden..

Leanna said...

That horticulture made me laugh and laugh and I thought, boy I can't wait to see Jill Biden turn that all back to the way it was. Other than that I'm stealing a few of these.

jono said...

Executive Orders 5 cents!