I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Friday, August 27, 2021

have fun................it's FRIDAY.................



Valerie said...

Happy Friday! August 32 is definitely the date! Thanks for the laughs, Jackie Sue, hope you have a great weekend

Genevieve said...

Abbott is a pendejo. And, Yay! Judge Linda Parker. Have yourself a fantastic weekend.

Leanna said...

That Fridge Raider made me laugh so hard. Thanks for the Friday laughs.

Anonymous said...

Those squirrels know better! LOL! Have a great weekend staying cool, safe and healthy!

Closet Optimist

yellowdoggranny said...

yeah, good ole august 32..can't wait.Valerie I plan on doing jackshit this weekend...it's westfest weekend and I'm pissed that I can't take my gg's to the parade, but West people are anti vax and no mask assholes..
pendejo is right Genevieve...and rest is in on my agenda.
Leanna, yeah that's a good one..
it's august in Texas so staying cool only happens if you don't leave the house Closet optimist..

Dee said...

Yup, I need the tee shirt that say I'm avoiding people in 2021, which is exactly what I am doing. I'm a blue girl in a heavily red county of cowboy anti-vaxers... Happy Friday!!

yellowdoggranny said...

dee...I'm buying a hazmat suit..

S M McBean said...

Thanks for the diversion. And I like seeing the 1918 pictures of people masked. Ancient history when Americans did the right thing because it was sensible.

The Blog Fodder said...

Lara Croft, Fridge Raider, squirrels, I hit him, so many good ones.
I do not like republicans. they lie and kill people.

Tundra Bunny said...

I learned something today: cats CAN wear masks and that makes them smarter than anti-vaxxers, LOL!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha, Coviditicus 1:9 -- that's my kind of Bible verse!

yellowdoggranny said...

mcbean...and even Washington has his troops vaccinated for small pox before they went into battle.stupid republicans.
Allen, you are sooooooo right..they kill people..
Tundra..hahahaha.cats are smarter than your trump supporter..
there is a youtube video where a money roaming the streets in some asian country picks up a tossed away mask and puts it on...see ? even the monkeys know better.
Debra...yup.mine too..haha

Richard said...

Thanks yellowdoggranny. I have lost my sense of humor and i can't hardly stand to even laugh and point fingers anymore.

It is normal where i live to be an outsider if you wear a mask and getting a vaccination means you are a slave of the devil.

I don't know what happened. How did this happen?

I used to live with my people but now i am a radical liberal socialist. Even worse, i am a boomer.

I always come visit to see your posts but i don't smile as much because of the trouble we are in.

pam nash said...

Pretty sure our governor has had a total mental break with the real world. How much longer is he in office???? More than today - too long.

yellowdoggranny said...

Richard...please don't loose your sense of humor. It's the only thing that keeps me from going crazy for sure. Fight the fight with humor. Get a mask that says fuck you on it...or Biden/Harris...I walk right in the middle of a bunch of mouth breathing trump supporters and dare them to fuck with me. I may be a 77 year old great granny but I refuse to let them rule my life..
It's not going to be easy or a short ride..but we will get thru this.
Nah, Pam, he's just a evil fuck.