I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

the manager of the apts is in my will, she just told me she thought I was 60 something..fuckme.

I'll be 79 in November...trust me I never thought I'd live this long.  ok..me and blogger are battling..so it's insisting on publishing today..so fuck..Wednesday is early.

                                                  now this is porn for magas


Anonymous said...

Well shit!
If it's that easy to get into your will...

I thought ya didn't look a day over 45.


(P.S. someday we gotta meet so's I can see what you look like)

yellowdoggranny said...

anonymous..hell, I've posted enough pictures of me..scroll down the right side to about me...there is a picture that's a year old.

yellowdoggranny said...

oh and you're in the will too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your youthful nature stands you in good stead, YDG! And yes, Blogger's been a right little bitch lately.

Hey, I've killed a few wontons in my time. Delicious, delicious death.

That quotation by Robery Reich about upward redistribution of wealth and trickle-down economics is absolutely right.

"Roevember" -- right on!

Richard said...

Hang in there yellowdoggranny, we have to at least see what is going with the "midterms ". You can keep going for a while.

Mr. Shife said...

I think I need to learn more about Victoria Woodhull. Thanks for all the good stuff, Jackiesue. Appreciate you and take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh please!
That 'about me' pic is OBVIOUSLY a fake!
I can tell your real one is further down.
Wearing a dance-dress, holding a hoop, blowing a bubble.
Sayn' "I'm fixin' to fuck some shit up. You comin'?"


Just a tidbit of trivia...
I 'login' anonymous, but put one of my "handles" at
the end of every post (if I remember).
RandomTroll aka PedEchsing (Ped-X-ing [aka pedestrian crossing])
I like PedEchsing... stole it from a Disney cartoon. Dave the Barbarian.

River said...

Happiness is...the smell of chocolate cake fresh from the oven.

I would also be happy if I never have to see Trump kissing asses again.
Republican Jesus makes me sad.

yellowdoggranny said...

Debra I hope Roevember brings out all pissed off women...I have a youthful nature for about 3 hours when I first get up and then the ass is dragging.
Richard...I know one thing..I'll shut down the memes on trump when he's behind bars.
thanks Mr Shife...yeah, she sounds like a great book report..
Random troll..oh yes I do remember those aliases...I'll post a few recent photos and some of me in my wild youth...
River I just want the bastard gone...for ever...and all his crazy followers with him..
thank you Rad, I appreciate it.

SickoRicko said...

Quite a good collection today!

These days 79 ain't so old. My partner, Jerry, will be 74 in November. I just turned 71.

(I will admit that when I was 25 I thought people our age were ancient.)

Valerie said...

Happy Wednesday, Jackie Sue! Awesome, as always. Loved the "pee off your porch" one--first thing my husband did when we moved on our land :-D

Vicki Oleksinski said...

When I had a computer it was so much easier to come to your blog. On my phone I just randomly stop by and enjoy the time💕

yellowdoggranny said...

rick........oh man when I was 24 I couldn't even IMAGINE being 78..fuckme.
Valerie, I've been trying to teach Dylan to pee off my porch..there are shrubs and no one can see but he's not into it yet.
Vicki you can stop by anytime..:)

Daal said...

most of these are as true as they are funny lol