'LOOK, IRAN WAS DANGEROUS, IRAN IS DANGEROUS ...and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.'
President George W. Bush, on why the new National Intelligence Estimate's conclusion that Iran is not pursuing nuclear weapons changes nothing....(Associated Press.)Why do we trust a man to run our country when he can't put a coherent sentence together and pronounce nuclear?...
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck!
It would really be funny what a dumbass he is if so many people hadn't died on his watch. Worst president ever? I think so.
how many nuclear submarines are lurking in the oceans these days?
i'm more afraid of dick cheney's fleet of nuke subs than some iranian bomb. just think how the iranians feel about dick and his navy.
I wouldn't be surprised if Iran doesn't wind up buying a nuke directly from Blackwater. Really, I wouldn't.
That was me. Why am I anon? Self-preservation?
The only people who elected him were 9 men and women in black robes.
Whatever happened to election reform and the scraping of the electoral Collage?
The only reason Bush is pissed at Iran is that they are buying weapons from China and Russia and also making their own instead of buying them from his buddies.
That other moron President in Iran has a blog now.
Don't get me going. If we attack Iran, it will be the end for sure.
But maybe that would be OK. Especially if the stupid people in Iowa elect this Mike Huckabee guy. Good grief! Haven't people (whether Democrat or Republican) learned ANYTHING these past 7 years????!!!
anne johnson:he is such a schmuck but the ones that blow me away are the ones that still support him..now THAT'S stupid..
billy pilgrim:hey, I'M AFRAID OF DICK AND HIS NAVY...everyone should be..
alan:we probably get our nukes from china..and they are all lead based
nitwit:im afraid to check out that website..I'm already on every watch list there is..if I go there, they will probably sent me to gitmo...
HMHH:and that guiliani guy is such a dufus..can't keep his dick in his pants..and we already have had enough presidents that have dick problems..
I love your Bush quotation and "nucular" makes me want to chew nails.
I'm wondering why a 'fat old broad' even worries this? Will it interfere with a football game or something?
Really, why do you care if the world goes to hell or gets blown up?
I know why, I just want to know if you know why.
George Bush is dangerous,and will always be dangerous as long as he can frighten weak minded citizens into buying his paranoid bullshit.
Where is Teddy Roosevelt when we need him. Now there was a real President Jackie Sue !!
jackiesue - read your comment about the Michael Vick jersey for your dog - LOVED IT!! you're awesome woman!
jan:everytime he speaks it makes me want to chew nails..
BBC:because it's my country and I love it and things that he does that fuck up my country fuck me up too...like no insurance, war, poverty, etc..every one should care..you should care..but then you're to interested in your dick to care about anything ..
sling:yup, it scares me to death to think how incapable he is at everything but starting wars...
Paul:where is any president except nixion,reagan,bush, when we need him..??
Rocky:yeah, I could think of lots of good using for the tshirts..like the nfl should take the money from the sales of the tshirts and donate it to animal shelters...
We're reduced to looking around for the lesser evil and can't find it anywhere. It's completely fucked up and we are truly up shit creek.
The Republicans gave us GWB yet a lot of people are still going to vote Republican. That's like going back to a restaurant that gave you food poisoning and expecting a great meal.
Eh, he doesn't even need to say Iran is dangerous to justify starting a war with them. He's the decider, he doesn't need a stinkin' pretext. :P
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