Bah, fucking humbug!...Ok...there I said it.
It's not even Christmas yet, and I'm already sick of it..think it was a mistake putting the Christmas tree up so early...and having to re wrap all the packages because Annie keeps ripping the paper off them is getting a little old..But the good news is that David came over and put my desk together and now I really feel like a growdup..My dining room table looks nice with my refurnished mismatched chairs..I sorta kinda straightened up the book case that I put up so all the books wouldn't end up on the floor or in boxes in the closet and shed..After I sorted the dining room up, Annie had to come in and smell everything..If I bring anything into the house she has to sniff it..not just a little sniff..she sniffs every square inch of it..If I go to town she has to come out and smell the truck from one end to the other,she's especially fond of the exhaust pipe..It's like she finds out where I went and what I did by sniffed the truck out..she is one weird cat..
Tonight is the winter solstice..the shortest day of the year..Dallas is having a celebration ...They have done this for the last 15 years...I think this is a pretty big deal among the pagan folk..and while I am a pagan..I don't adhere to any brand..It's just me and the Goddess..
We had the apartment complexes Christmas party and Margaret said grace...at the end when everyone said amen..I said 'a woman'
...17 gray heads snapped around at me...Sometimes I just can't help myself...I also said "Thank you Goddess."...Margaret laughed..she knows me well enough by now that I just like to fuck with people...When I told her I was so pissed about the Cowboys loss that the only think I posted on my blog was fuckity fuck fuck fuck..she laughed and said:"I would have just said 'oh shoot'..." So far nothing I have said or done has caused her to flinch, raise an eyebrow or act upset over...But guess she didn't get to be 76 without learning a few thing

I have to go to the House of Satan tonight to get all the stuff for Christmas stuff I have to make..I never put things off till the last minute like I have this year...Have to make 2 pecan pies..one for the Christmas party at David and x-wifes house and the one I make every year for the Bratprince's family..I was going to have a 'get together' here at the apt and make mulled wine, apple cider and home made chocolate with home made marshmallows..but the idea of all those people(even though they are my dearest friends and I love them to death) in my house was starting to freak me out..So instead I am going to make the homemade cocoa and marshmallows and put them in little cellophane bags and put in a Christmas mug...and take them along with their gifts..That way they get the cocoa/marshmallows and I have my peace..Plus now I don't have to clean the house again...
Babs will be down Christmas Day and be moved into her apt. by Thursday...How cool is that?...I think we still have some vacancies in case anyone wants to move here also...My selling point is 'it's 1957 here and we like it that way'..
I will do the annual Christmas letters to Santa from the kids in West tomorrow..bad spelling and all...
The Cowboys play Carolina tomorrow night on NFL channel..which means I have to go to a bar to see the game..I may go to the old Capital (now Jack and Diane's) as they have terrific bbq and that might help take the sting out of another loss...nah, all the bbq in the world couldn't help ....sigh*..
The little cartoons are care of Kalibitch, one of my new readers and fast becoming a favorite..you have to check her out..
Going to go finish reading my book..Nancy the new librarian ordered a bunch of new books and I have been reading like a mother fucker...Think I've read 16 books in the past 10 days..Yellowdog and new books...now that's my idea of heaven....
i keep telling myself that christmas spirit is gonna kick me in the arse any minute and i'll be happy as a clam.
i understand there's some minor football game on saturday night.
I love you too Oh great and wonderous Queen of the Universe. I decided to do the soup kitchen on Christmas eve by the way and spend all day in bed on Christmas moping. Best of both worlds.
I wish I could be with you guys. Tomorrow Bruce is making me go out so I will get a cylinder to get Willie out to you. Have a great week-end JS and remember I love you! Give Babs a hug for me!
billy pilgrim: another cowoboy fan who knows his football stuff said we wont' make it to the bowl this year..but next year, we'll win it all..sigh*..
christmas sucks, bites, and blows..
kalibitch:good for you...trust me..you'll feel better by helping others..and you'll feel good all christmas day..
feeling sorry for yourself is a lonely job...
mcraven:dang, wish you were here or we were there..for a big ole texas group hug...
I don't think you will have to worry about losing...it's a tough year for Carolina fans. Might as well enjoy the BBQ anyway!
I didn't even bother putting up a tree. I love a Christmas tree and don't mind putting it up but the taking down is a bitch and I'm always working on the holidays so why bother.
Now that I've read your blog I am inspired with the Christmas spirit. Did you really say "Ah Women" out loud? I love it.
hi there gal :) yep, I'm going for some kind of record over here with the sinuses hehe - tryin to be good but i thinkin havin a drink or two on thursday nite set me back with the meds :( oh well i should be good for my trip on thursday - (a month of sinus infection is enough dammit)
Good luck at the House of satan lol I didnt even put up a tree, nothing christmassy - J and I are headed for the islands for our 5yr anniv this comin thursday - so we decided to cancel xmas ;) greaat idea hehe
I'm not as humbuggy this year as I have been in the past. Maybe it's because it finally hit me just how Pagan all the decorations are. So I think its funny how many bible-thumpin' Christians have them.
I honestly don't have anything against Jesus, just all the erroneous mythology that's been built up around him. The real dude actually seems to have been a pretty good guy. But he was born in the spring anyway, apparently. The old church fathers just needed a Pagan holiday to bogart, so they chose Yule. Oh well, the joke's on them in the long run.
It's been hard for me to get in the Christmas spirit this year, too. But you know what I'm really looking forward to? NEW YEAR'S!!!
One more year (and 21 days of the next year) of BUSH!! Whoo hoo!
Have a SUPER Christmas, Yellowdog!
In 1957 I was 1 year old. I have this fear that if I go to West I will find myself unable to walk with a shitty diaper on.
I went to the House of Satin three times today 4 AM 9 PM with my daughter and 12 AM with one of sons.
I may never recover.
I finally bought my first Christmas gifts today and that is strange because I usually do all my shopping in one trip and then it's over. It makes life so much simpler.
The reason I haven't been around much because as around any holiday people seem to be addicted to bread products. I am so sick of seeing and smelling brown and serve rolls that I may never eat another one.
I'm still reading His Dark Materials. I’m on the subtle Knife.
I hate Pecan pie. When I lived in Blytheville we had a pecan tree in the back yard and boy was it a producer. I don't care if I ever see another of those damn nuts. I really enjoyed the Mistletoe E-mail. Merry Solstice. Isn't that when Wiccans dance around naked in the moonlight?
alan:yah, but they played pretty damn good last night, plus they took T.O. out with an ankle injury..ffffuckk
junebugg:dang girl haven't they ever heard of holidays? vacations?...days off?..come to west on labor day...
jan:yup, said A Woman...and thank you Goddess...
tina:have fun in the sun, thinking about all of us suffering in the cold..merry merry...
bbc:bah humbug to you too..
cheesey:yeah, all the christian holidays are on the same date or time as all pagan holidays...that's how they got the pagans to give up goddess' and gods..that and slaughtering them..
HMHH:so far my holidays are pretty happy...
nitwit:so what do you think of the dark materials?...think they will be brave enough to make movies of the last 2 books?..geez..and I have to go back to house of satan again too as i forgot to refil one of my scripts..dagnabbit
"bbc:bah humbug to you too.."
I love you too.
Someone said that they didn't really know what day Jesus was born on, so they picked a day right after winter solstice. I guess because the days start getting longer, maybe symbolic for hope or faith. I don't know if they knew what they were talking about or not.
I'm so excited for Babs being down there! And I'd have killed to have been at that apt. Xmas party with you. I'd have probably been laughing too much at what you were saying to even bother eating.
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