Sorry I haven't been here much lately...the job was kicking my ass...So I
wimped out and told Tom I wanted to drop back (like I ever worked it) to 20 hours which is what I signed up for to begin with, but started out working 30 hours right off...and as bad as I hate to admit it, and believe me .(ok...I'm an old fart).it pisses me off to admit it..

but I'm to old and in to bad of shape to work 30+ hours..If I didn't have the back trouble, feet trouble, leg trouble and diabetes topped of with the fact that I'm a decrepit 64 years of age, I'd go for it..but fuck it...I'm not ruining my health for Family Dollar..and glory be...I have 3 days off this week...Today, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then went I went to work yesterday Tom asked me if I wanted to keep the same hours (20) but instead of having 3 days off, work M-F, 10-2pm? Which is A.'s shift..I said why, what's up ?...He said he was pretty fucking tired of her taking 1-2-3 days a week off for her kids school activities..Considering she's way behind in her rent(months) and her electric is always on the verge of being cut off, I would think the way to prove your a good mother would not be to take off work to go with your kids on a field trip but to work that day and pay the rent and the utilities..But what the fuck do I know?..So anyhow I think he was going to give her an ultimatum and either she worked her shift or she hit the road..I'm afraid to call and find out for fear they'll ask me to come in..ha...Plus more good news..Remember my friend Debbie the Republican? She worked at the library until Miss Henrietta ran her off?...She's the one that I took with me to Crawford to watch the Michael Moore movie Fahrenheit
9-11...and we had such a good time..She's my only republican far as I know..Well, Jack and Diane in Marble Falls(friends of Bolish and Blake), but they are more friendly acquaintances than friends..Annny how, she came in the store yesterday and we had a big hug fest and caught up with each others news...she was happy to see me working and wanted to know if they were hiring...I found an application so fast...She's supposed to fill it out and bring it in today...So after she left I called Tom and told him if he was smart he'd fire all of us and hire her..She was the best asst. that the library ever had and Henrietta was so afraid she was going to take her job, she made life miserable for Debbie and at one point after she left there was talk of her suing Miss H. and I think the city of West..I was really torn because as much as I admired what Miss H. has done for the library she was dead wrong in the way she treated Debbie..Only reason she didn't treat me that way was because she knew I wouldn't stand for it and she also knew I didn't want her job..So, having Debbie would be fun..when she was leaving yesterday I laughed and said 'oh we could get in so much trouble working together.'...she agreed...
I just finished talking to Jennifer, she's doing terrific and J. has a job and is working and things are doing good for them...She's so smart and down to earth about things..She said the bills for the apt. groceries, utilities, etc. are exactly $394 a piece...and that's what happens, he pays his half she pays hers..She's also pissed at Lulu who even though she is only a ball of fur thinks she is a pit bull dog and has chewed the paint off the wall in 2 different rooms, is now a biter and attacks your ankles if you sit still long enough..She can't understand how something so little and cute could end up so mean and ornery...ha...Sure glad that it's a puppy she's complaining about and not a baby...Jamie is supposed to be moving to Virginia in July and she and Harrison are getting married. Arghghghghgh, this is going to be tough for me to keep my mouth shut about..bite thy tongue Jackiesue, bite thy tongue...
Oh, and Thom and C. are the only people I know who can go to Maui and have a miserable time. The Hawaiians were rude, the wind blew all the time and yada yada.. Break my heart..
I sent a package of 'stuff'
to Mojo for her birthday along with $50 and she was very happy with her 'care package'..I sent it the same day I sent Anne's book on the de-homosexual book. Mojo's got there in 2 days and Anne still hasn't gotten hers...I told her the post office in New Jersey probably saw a package from Texas and assumed there was something harmful in it and was being x-rayed and checked for bombs...This is the latest picture of Mojo.
Hmm, what else..I finally got the 3 book cases up and all the books are out..But lots of them are having to be stacked on top of each other and I don't like that..So I'm thinking I could get one more small book case and put it in the bed room. I still don't have my astrology books, dream books, witch books, pagan books etc. up on a book case. And I have a shit load of them. I have the bottom shelf of the big book case full of records and I could move them and put some books there..I don't know..I just might need 2 more book cases..I plan on giving away most of the children's books..Some of them are old classics and are worth a lot but would rather give them to some of you out there that have kids or grand kids..I will make up a list and post them and then you can choose which ones you want..then I can send them to you..That will empty out at
least 2 shelves..sigh* decisions..decisions..

It's been hotter than hell
here..the humidity is just awful. It has been 93-97 for
weeks. One day we broke a 73 year old record when it hit 97...If it's 97 in May, what the hell is it going to be like in August?..Holy shit!...Westfest will be miserable...Hot and dry and humid...feck!..By the way I scanned the little flyer we put out each year for Westfest, so you could see what you'll be missing.

I have okra, squash, cantaloupe, eggplant, tomatoes, my herbs, onions, asparagus, and chives growing like gangbusters..oh and peppers ...jalapenos and the little twisted red ones..One ripened already and used it on chicken and like to have tore me a new one..Tiny but lethal..
I should have a good adventure tale to relate after Wed. as Babs and I are going to go to the House of Satan for our drugs and our big shopping..We're going to go in together on some of the things we can buy in large amounts, like toilet paper, paper towels, a flat of eggs, etc. and since we both hate the fucking place we should be able to make it a fun adventure..making life miserable for all those WalMart shoppers...
The great thing about having more time from work is that I will have more time to read as I have some great books and can't wait to get at them. I finished the 2 books by Jeff Lindsay who writes the Dexter books that the SHO Time series is from. Dearly Devoted Dexter and Darkly Dreaming Dexter...Oh man, were they good..He is so sick and twisted and I fucking love him, which makes me wonder, what does that say about me?...
There is a lot more news, but can't remember any of it right this will be all for now folks..enjoy your holiday and say a toast to our soldiers, the ones that have gone ahead and the ones that are still here.
click on the pictures of westfest...they will be big enough to read...
Question: If West, Texas, is actually closer to the center of the state, and Center, Texas, is practically in Louisiana, does that mean any town named East, Texas, would be located somewhere in Mississippi? We drove through Center on Saturday on our way to the Younger Daughter's place here in Sabine County and stopped at the House of Satan there -- although we always refer to it as the Evil Empire. I feel like I'm visiting the dark side of the force when I step into Walmart. I don't think I've ever met anyone who admits to liking shopping in those stores, so why are they always crowded?
Ive been bummed about not having Shotime in part because of not getting to watch Dexter. I had no idea there were BOOKS. Guess what Im adding to my wishlist as we "speak".
Mama Kelly
PS Glad you're going to be cutting back your hours at work!!
Hope you are having a good long weekend JS :) Just catching up here, and glad to hear you'll be getting a break from all those hours.
Heh ... My birthday is during WestFest ...
Now you gotta get me laid! LOL
But I have standards ... is Mojo not completely out of her tiny mind? If she were a sweetheart ...
(I'm totally playing, by the way)
It doesn't matter what this time of year is like -- it SUCKS in August o_O
We had the ungodly monsoons this time last year, and it kept summer off of us until mid July!
But it SUCKED in August >__<
so I have a question, stick with because although I am cute, I am a tad slow...explain this whole de-homo book thing to me. why oh why are you reading it? are you on some mission from God? ands another thing, if that woman want to take off time from work & lose her home she is insane. if I am ever lucky enough to have kids I would make sure that when they hit a light switch it will turn on a light! Pay the bill bitch! Any idoit can get drunk & make a baby but my bf & I have to prove we are not monsters to some judge in order to care for a kid in need?!?! ok, I got off topic....what was I saying? aw fuck it! love ya Granny!
I'm going to add those Dexter books to my library wish list, Yellowdog.
I love the show, too. Never even knew about it until it aired on CBS this spring. You'll have to let me know what happens this season as I don't have cable. :(
This heat is kicking me square in the nuts, as Cartman might say. I have this vision of what August is going to be like, and it's something akin to the prophecies in the book of Revelation. In my vision, of course, the seven-headed dragon is my stepmother... :-)
I'm going to have to try and come down for a visit during Westfest. Do you have any idea what's going on with the family reunion this year?
I love the first two Dexter books! There were great. The latest one was a little bit bizarre, though. Wasn't so into that one. The writer is working on the fourth. I hope he goes back to what the first two were like.
I know what you mean about book shelves. I have two huge book cases in my room, and my books are stacked all wonkity to make room. I still have a ton stacked on a small table next to them...and under the table...and in my nightstand...and on a shelf in the dining!
I have all the Showtime, HBO, TMC, Starz, FLIX, Encore, and Cinamax about 62 channels and have never seen Dexter. I've never watched Lost or any of the other shows you talk about. I've been getting the disks of Deadwood and haven't even watched them yet. I do watch a lot of movies though.
I think you work for the West Chamber of commerce trying to drum up business and get more people to move back to 1953.
Way too much work through Saturday morning and then spent all my off time babysitting and playing taxi. I would have gotten more rest at work. My weekend is all over.
Oh boy, I just fell asleep for an hour in the middle of typing.
I wonder what I said.
and a toast to fewer hours!
library politix r bad stuff and ya gotta know what's upriver. yesterday one o my cowerkers was given a hug by an assistant director and afterwards i sed to him "turn around"...and he did and i patted him between the shoulders and i sez "okay no knife".
a big yaaaay on the veggies -- glad that feller came and tilled... the heat may be fierce out there but the okra will surely dig it. you gonna slice it and fry it up in corn meal jackets?
nit -- lol @ "move back to 1953"....spose that means the sixties will arrive in a while?
You should never let work interfere with your serious business of blogging. Besides CNN does a lousy joy of covering West.
jan:i think they should let me do a spot on cnn news about the 'haps' in west, for me..
Damn! For an old fart you're pretty busy! LOL
you need to do yoga....chill out... ;-)
I want to visit but with two surgeries coming up I just don't know. It may have to wait a year.
I'm hanging in there with some help from friends of which you are on top.
Love you,
but I'm to old and in to bad of shape to work 30+ hours.
Hum, I'm going to be 65 next month and I can still work 60 hours, if I wanted to, but I don't want to.
I work 30-40 hours a week and that is good enough for me.I don't get paid for most of them but that is okay also, I have enough to take care of my needs.
I turn down paid work all the time, I'm not here to try to make rich people happy, they can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
Hey Jac...
mojo = beautiful....guess she takes after you?
Glad to hear that you cut back on your hours. It is just not worth it to work so darned much!
Too hard on you to stand so long on those concrete floors.... ouch!
I have the very same bookshelf dilemma. Damn
I love Dexter on Showtime. I didn't know there were books! Thanks.
The Polka Freakout looks good. I like Brave Combo.
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