Found this in my DAM News...
"I can't afford to buy my own children shoes." Alba Monterrosa, Salvadoran immigrant and housekeeper, describing the financial effects of being laid off by Suzanne Sirof, a Californian homemaker.
"Nothing deters me from my Botox treatments." Mrs. Sirof, explaining why she could no longer afford to employ Ms. Monterrosa. He daughter is s
o upset she's seeing a counselor. The Sirof said she feels bad and tries to use Alba once a week, but that nothing deters her from her Botox treatments..I googled and looked everywhere, but can't find a picture of the Mrs. Sirof, but she is no where to be found..Wonder if her face is worth it?....
"I can't afford to buy my own children shoes." Alba Monterrosa, Salvadoran immigrant and housekeeper, describing the financial effects of being laid off by Suzanne Sirof, a Californian homemaker.
"Nothing deters me from my Botox treatments." Mrs. Sirof, explaining why she could no longer afford to employ Ms. Monterrosa. He daughter is s
Enough said about that bitch. I've already come close to losing my dinner more than once this evening.
I read the picture to my husband. He said, "oh god, whose blog is that on?" When I just glanced back at him he said, "oh it's on granny's isn't it?" LOL
lou dobbs says suzanne did the right thing.
unless she pays a mexican for the botox.
So who's cleaning the house now?
The pool boy?
'The Golden Rule has been replaced with "The Goldstein Rule" '
It's official.. that made me throw up in my mouth. And I'd maintained so well this evening...
woozie:please let it be my foot.
jobs:or cunt.
pom:that made me laugh out loud and will keep that comment in my favorite comment section in my mail box.tell your husband 'thanks'.
billy:you know mexicans only do yards and houses.or at least that's what lou dobbs says.
bigpissy:you know it isn't her...probably the husband..
pom:sometimes ted makes me want to bip him..
As though Botox is going to make someone this transparent beautiful! The bitch should save her money -- that is, if Madoff didn't make off with it...
Botox, it sounds more like she's full of Chicken shits of Christmas turkey!
Maybe the Botox will find the sludge that has replaced her brain tasty and start growing under her skin.
She must be scared that her meal ticket will give her the boot if she starts to look like a normal human with wrinkles and warts and such.
I've known people - men and women -like this in ex-pat communities around the world. In fact I posted a video about the sort of sweet revenge most of us would like to take on these Harpies
There is a ring of hell where they will all get their comeuppance!
As much as I wish this were an isolated incident, you have to realize the same people who raped this country for the last eight years are now trying to flee with everything they stole...
Lost jobs, store and business closings &c are mere symptoms of the disease:
It's what happens when fools value worthless fiat paper over the lives of others, and they end up losing it all in the end, anyway.
"We can evade reality, we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."
- Ayn Rand
My stomach hurts.
As shameful as this lady is and the fact that there are far more than a few just like her - I gotta laff at the graphic though...
Hope you cough is better today Granny... *Hugs*
It's pathetic really.
Her face is what she has to get attention.
When the beauty fades,as it eventually must,the kind of 'friends' that are attracted to her will fade as well.
Ah well, think about it this way: the world can tell when you've had Botox by the way it makes your face look like a manikin! I would not for the world get a deadly food poisoning microbe injected into my mug. Especially when what it says is "hey, look at me, I'm so vain that I get deadly food poisoning microbes injected into my face!"
wait till she looks in the mirror one day and sees a space alien and figures out she ain't got friend one...the Goddess has a asshole list, and she's on it..for sure.
That's appalling.
I also recently read somewhere that they were using cells from the circumcised foreskin of infants for some sort of cosmetic surgery... which is fucked-up to think about. What sick fucking things people do to try to avoid looking old.
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