I'm going to make this a 2 parter because of the snow pictures..I kept saying we got 1/2 inch of snow when I discover we got 2 inches of snow. I know considered to most parts of the country that got 8 inches and up, 2 inches isn't much at all..but for us...it was a big deal. I thought you'd get a kick of out the mutant snowmen. The kids in West don't have a lot of experience in throwing together snowmen, so they don't look like the snowmen you might see from Maine, Canada, or any other northern states. Although it seems we do make a great snow duck. The one snowman looks more like a deer or a gigantic rabbit. But I think they did pretty good...
I am really enjoying the Olympics ..the curling is fun to watch and so are the snow boarders..Actually I like it all. Keep waiting for K.D. Lang to come back and do an encore. Will finish up the rest of the West post tomorrow. Getting late and need to finish my book on the Hellraisers. Book about Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole and Oliver Reed. When I first started reading it I was just stunned with the amount of booze they drank, all the wild things they did, all the 'good times'..Now the further I get into the book the sadder it is. They wasted so much of their lives doing shit that they didn't remember, drank so much they just stumbled through movies and ruined careers more than once. The only one still standing is O'Toole and he looks pickled. Very sad...Makes me glad I couldn't drink any more than I did.
That's a lot of snow for a state that has the hot air produced by The Gump and Fair Haired Perry.
We just keep getting more snow here.
My Grandkids are out of school again today. That makes 2 full weeks of no school. There talking about adding an hour to every school day or going on Saturday. They really like that idea.
Looks like some of the snowmen have had a little too much to drink but that is one fine goose.
I just finished Dean Koontz new book Breathless. It was as always different from his other books. He has a new Golden in the family too.
I liked it but not as much as the Odd Thomas books.
We have been getting 2 inches on days that we aren't supposed to get any snow.
Love the snow duck! ;o)
I'd be very disappointed if we (South East England) didn't get snow at least once a year...
Enough snow for a giant duck? (goose? duck?) Wow! We got nuthin'.
If global warming keeps up, y'all will be experts at building snowmen in a few years.
Snow is a lot like sex, you don't know how long it'll last or how many inches you'll get.
I've been accused of being from Canada at times, but I didn't know it was one of the northern states??
Wow, those are awesome snowmen! Good job, West, Texas kiddies! And that Hellraisers book sounds good. Those 4 actors were absolutely legendary boozers, the lot of them.
The Hellraisers book sounds like a great read! I'll try to grab it.
Those snowmen are awesome!
Holy cow you guys had some serious weather. I wont even bring up the weather we have been having.
That snow duck is great!..Like I always say,it's amazing what you can do with 2 inches.
A friend of mine in Houston posted a photo last year of the snowman she made. It was 2" high. Cutest damn thing I ever saw. :)
i think it's wonderful that we got snow but not paralyzing snow like you get in the north/east/canada..etc..
it's here today gone tomorrow..
kulkuri:you didn't know that canada was one of our northern states? you betcha..
a 2" snowman..how cute..
You are most welcome for the snow. Enjoy. k.d.was on one of the morning shows and my oh my she made me cry. i ordered her new CD....
Usually, we get all our snow in January up here, but it must have been on hold for inspection or some shit, because it's been an off and on dumping the last three weeks...Sucks!
maybe if the GOP turns the hot air machine...I mean Sarah Palin back on, it'll clear up.
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