When I saw this I cracked up...and I have to admit...the first person I thought of was....
Yankee Girl....If you don't read her blog...you won't get it..if you do read it..You got it.
Inky was in the Wolf's Chili Cook Off last Sunday and they brought me some pictures and will post them and get Inky over here to tell you what went on..But he did win 6th place.
We're supposed to get from 4-7 inches of snow tomorrow..I'm going to drag Babs out of her cave and we're going to build big tittied snow maidens...I can't wait..We'll take pictures of course.

Chuckling at the thought of pics of those snow maidens - can't wait!
You should make snowmen too. you can get so creative with positions. If you place them in the right locations you can try to set a record for Cowboy crashes.
Someone needs to put that sign on a t-shirt and sell them at The Masters this spring so everyone can show their support for Tiger Woods.
That rocks my world.
Oh I cant wait for the pictures!..that picture would be better with two women.
somehow that picture makes me think of true blood.
make sure babs doesn't see her shadow.
Take lots of action pictures of the building process. can't wait to see them.
LOL @ NitWit's take.
The picture is fucking awesome...Lakota would lovit!
Did you see this? There are some even funnier ones on the site..
Where you hiding I need my fix.
I even posted just for something to do.
I have another half done to boot.
You must be out having T-shirts printed up.
Hum....that activity seems to be familiar. Can't quite remember why.
Ahhhh, we should all try to be more like Yankee Girl!
We to make a couple of those stickers for the Yankee Girl and Leland 700 times a year club!
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