hail..fair friends of the Yellowdog..I've returned to your cozy planet to find it nearly torched. It seems no one has been listening to your earth...She's changing, she's always changing..She'll change some more...nothing ever stays the same, even if it was a few million years.So? Get used to it.
I'm here for some R&R, and the Yellowdog has opened up her doors to me ...Dexter on the other hand doesn't seem glad to see me. He likes being a solo..and doesn't like me bringing the blue cats. I have promised peace and I will have it. No flying fur. Now...lets have some questions...
Why do you leave us alone for so long to flounder in our ignorance?
Dear Goddess, Is it better to bitch a bastid out right then and there when they piss you off, or is it better to know you could have but instead held it in and grinned? You see, I had this brother-in-law who got a sudden case of stupid (mid-life crisis is the recognized term, I believe) that hit him like a semi-truck full of silicone (silly cone?) boobies, and by silicone I do mean mesmerizing mounds with Daddy issues. I did not bitch him to within an inch of breathing no more at the time. I feel like I may have made the right decision, but can't seem to satisfy the cravings for a memory of words flaying his sking right off his bones. Did I do the right thing, or am I missing out on the smokey aged satisfaction of an ass well served?
Yes, he has no skin. He has sking. He's some kinda freak.
Oh Goddess, basically I am wondering why you carry that electric heater with you. Is it to warm your one exposed breast? Or is there a more philosophical reason?
Goddess -
Do you plan to see Sarah Palin's epic movie during your short visit to our planet?
dear goddess
should i retire or make them drag me out kicking and screaming?
Discovered a new word yesterday, Unfucker. Who was the greatest Unfucker of all time??????????????
I want to hear the answer to Jadej's and Kulkuri's questions! LOL...
I need ideas for blog entries. I'm posting irregularly and infrequently because I haven't any ideas that excite me. You have any create thoughts or ideas on how to get motivated? Will be sitting in the office with one of my man boobs exposed help me write more? better?
Dear Goddess I attempted a relationship with you in the past after turning my back on the patriarchal God of my upbringing but it just didn't work out.
Lovely to see that you are still making visits and I wish you a pleasant stay.
As far as a question...I will continue to just still my heart in search for the internal answer but thanks for your time.
Dear Goddess, Antarctica is melting, North America is frying, gas companies are fracking, the oceans are dying and giant conglomerates are talking about draining our drinking water from the Great Lakes. What can we do to save the earth? Is it too late?
Do you think it's time for US to adopt the same policy toward it's politicians that politicians had toward peasants for thousands of years before now ...I.e: "Do WTF we tell you, or you'll get your ass kicked!"?
Dear Goddess, do you ever see me as thin??? Tight...would be okay too.
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