I'm all itchy..mostly in one place..on the crook of my left arm...Dexter brought home some nice poison ivy from his late night excursions..little bastid. Went to NP-C and she gave me a shot, a script for some pils,(steroids) and a note to give to Kirk for some of his home made anti-itch cream Which worked right up until I took a shower and now it's all itchy again.. Kirk is one of those pharmacist that can make up the pill, ointment, etc. and his anti-itch cream really does work.
But now I'm showered, my ass is tabued and I'm taking the Last Werewolf and Dexter to bed..
My neighbor got poison ivy from her pug. He would sit on her lap while she played on the computer. The rash looked very similar to paw prints.
Damn cute critters.
"Humpididodah" -- brilliant! And Dexter, you bad boy. Next time, just bring home a dead mouse or something.
I like the cats on the moon! Reminds me of that astronaut kitty video I ran last week!
Maybe Dexter should be sent on an outer space excursion?
hehe. Angela looks like she's ready to jump his bones right there.
Not that i blame her or anything...
I don't know anyone ever having poison ivy - sounds the pits, hope it clears up soon! Glad to see you still have your humour (although that thank God poster was far from funny, if acurately true - sigh)..
Thanks for the mid-week grins! You hit a home run again!
My brother always swore oatmeal was the only thing that worked for his poison ivy. Mix up a little instant (warm water and thickish) and plaster it on.. let it dry out. It looks horrible.
I love the one about Alf having joint trouble when he got older... LMAO!
Everything is indeed possible with catnip. Saved & stored for later use!
I hope your poison ivy clears up soon. My dog brought some in and I got some on my arm, so I can symphathise. If you soak the affected part in the hotest water you can stand for about 15 to 20 min. It will itch like crazy because the heat causes the cells to release histamine which causes itching but then the cells are depleted and it takes about 8 hrs before they can start making more, so no itch. We live in the woods and with 6 kids I've treated a lot of poison ivy.
Thanks for sharing all your funny cartoons I may not always agree with them but some are hillarious and all are well done. You do a great job of picking them out.
Well since I am currently visiting Canada I believe I will share that one for FB!! Love that you added Hump day funnies and truths!!
I get it so bad I swell up and they have to give me shots. But the doctor once told me it can dry on a shirt and still be active for a year. Bad stuff.....
We don't have poison ivy here thank goodness. Hope your itch clears up.
Love Alf and his joints. Go Alf!
I am sorry you picked up poison ivy. That is miserable.
lucky for me..my dr got me on steroids right away and my go to guy Kirk at Old Corner Drug makes his own anti itch cream and it works wonders..smells great and leaves a film over it to keep it clean..so I'm almost over it..but the steroids are shooting my blood sugar up and I hate that..
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