Great news the West Kiwanis won the District Boys T-Ball championship. The won over the Bosqueville Sharks last Wednesday. 10 years from now they will be winning state for Baseball..you watch.
Austin Patterson got a check from The West Fair and Rodeo Association and the West Longhorn Club for $500 to help with his travel expenses to the National Rodeo Finals in Gillette, Wyoming. Haven't heard how he did, but when I do you'll be the first to know.
Texas has a new testing program which will replace TAKS, and it's STAAR(State of Texas Assessment of Academics Readiness.) We also came up with more money and will be able to fill 5 of the positions that were lost due to budget cuts.
The Eight Annual West Knights of Columbus Texas Allstar Barbecue Shootout is scheduled for July 29 and 30 at the Knights of Columbus grounds in West. I will see if I can volunteer again, but no more chicken. No more no more.Entry fee is $150 per team.
Oh man..high crime in West. Police arrested a guy in connection with 3 July 15 fires in the city. The West man was charged in connection with a 4 p.m. fire outside of West Elementary School, which resulted in a burned trash receptacle, a 5 p.m. grass fire across from the school and a 6:30 p.m. fire in the alley behind the 100 block of South Main. Chief said that a fire at approximately 8:30 p.m. on July 13 on a sidewalk outside the West Elementary is still under investigation. So that gets him a second degree felon arson charge.
Run to Live group plans West fundraiser. A combination garage sale, bake sale and car wash from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Czech Inn. This foundation was established to raise money so those suffering from drug addiction can get help and to also help in keeping Freeman Center in Waco open.
Great news, Tommy and JoAnn Wolf are celebrating their 50th Anniversary. They are really nice people and it's great they are celebrating their 50th..wow..
Mattie Urbanovsky celebrated her 4th birthday.
Knights of Columbus 33rd Annual Picnic at Geneva Hall is having fried chicken and country sausage and all the trimmings for $8.00 a plate. There will also be games and auctions starting at noon.
West High School 1950 grads gathered for their 60th reunion. There were 23 people there. For their 50th high school reunion..dang.
Still need volunteers for the library to make confetti eggs...Call Nancy at the library if you'd like to help.
I love my town..West car dealers plan program to raise funds for Legacy West. Three car dealers are starting a program next month aimed at raising money for the Legacy West Education Foundation.
Upmore Motors, Sykora Family Ford and Greg May Chevrolet have agreed to donate $100 to the foundation for each car sold at these businesses in August. Pretty cool.
50 years ago at the Circle Burger you could get 2 large pieces of chicken, hot french fries, texas toast and pickle slices for 49 cents. This was a Friday and Saturday Special. I wish I had lived here to have gone to the Circle Burger. Have heard such great things about it. 50 years ago Edward Hykel served aboard the USS Lexington. Bet he had some stories to tell.
West Food Mart has Tyson's Chicken breasts for .99 cents a pound..I got a small package. Trying to cut back on meat...Sigh..*
Community Grocery has some great sales on veggies and fruits.and their fruit and vegs are really fresh and tasty. Like em.
I'm telling you ..houses are at a premium here in West. 3/2 brick home, just outside of town, 2 shops and large backyard for $89,900.
3/3 with Ch/Ac and 2 car garage on 1 acre for $159,900
New business opening up in West. Wild Bill's Outlaw Steakhouse and are hiring. I think it must be at the old K.D.'s Restaurant which went out of business. Big prices and small servings will do that every time here. West is all about size and quality. Which is why Pizza House is and always be the best place to eat. But then I'm a tad biased..I'll keep touting them until Jeanne gives me the recipe for skunk eggs.
I have some Jackiesue news...We have had workers out here for about a week putting in a sprinkler system and then will landscape. The weather is horrible..It's been 100 or over with heat index up to 108, these guys are working so hard and are so nice and not from here, and not Czech. They are Mexicans. So ....
Anyhow..I started out with a huge pitcher of ice water ...well, if they leave it sitting out there, it becomes hot water. So Babs gave me some of her bottled water and I semi freeze it and when they drink it I switch it out with more water from the freezer. Plus I took a bunch of old towels and wet them down and stuck them in the freezer for 5 minutes or so and they can use them to wipe down with. During the week they were using the bathroom in the office..but Friday the office is closed so I was letting them use my bathroom..there are 4 of them Neo, Gilberto, and Eddie..Not sure what the other guys name is. Eddie is his kid, about 13-14 or so. Speaks good English, the rest..very little..But nicer, sweeter hard working guys you'd never meet. So I took some pictures we figured out Facebook and now Neo and Gilberto are my friends and I tagged the pictures so they could show them to everyone. They live in Warton, Texas which is down by Houston. Can't wait to see them Monday, even if they did mess up my napping Friday coming in and out.
So..that's the news here. Going to take Jamie the goodies from the Bakery tomorrow for Breakfast and make her fried catfish for dinner. Oh...the best news of all..Babs is doing wonderful on her diet and the changes are remarkable. I'm so proud of her..she's done a 380..Completely vegetarian diet. Brown rice, veggies and fruit..Taught her out to make granola and she snacks on it. Lost over 20 pounds and her numbers have dropped almost in half...yeah to Babs..
ok..I'm out of here..I'm watching Great Big Fat Gypsy Weddings out of the corner of my eye, and it's like watching a train wreck...have a great weekend..stay cool.. The devil called, wants Texas to turn the heat down.
You are a hoot! I would move to West if I could, those prices are a steal.
First you tell us all about this great food, chocolate, fried chichen, etc. and then you tell us about Babs and her diet. Couldn't you put these in separate posts?
It is even "warm" in Ontario, Canada but still 10* cooler than my home town and I head back home tomorrow. I enjoy your updates and you!!! Might have to try that diet Babs is on because chocolate has been my favorite food lately.
what's the use of living if you can't have the occasional treat?
try a little chocolate coffee.
Those bakery items raised my blood sugar without even a taste. They looked so good!
Hey, lots of good news -- your yummy treats, how nice and considerate you're being to the Mexican workers in this heat and Babs' successful diet! I hope everyone gets rewarded with some cooler weather!
You are so bad. But I had my chance to eat one. Just think all you had to do was get poison ivy. Forget the little blue pill. Have some on your hands and take a whiz if your a guy. Ends up looking the size of a Midus muffler.
I ate the one chocolate what ever it's called and will keep the Sharla in the freezer for when I've been a very good girl..(approximately 37 days away)
What?? You're only good every other month??
If we could somehow clone you (minus the naughty parts:) the USA would be a better place.
Take a bow, LADY!!
I'd move to West just to have that nice lady that puts cold water out for guys that work outdoors in fugly heat...
I'm glad you enjoyed your chocolate dreamy treat!! you deserve something nice like it once in awhile.
*Whispers to The Future Was Yesterday, "the naughty parts make her the fun woman she is... yafta clone them parts too!*
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