I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Monday, November 25, 2019

I think I'll take off from now till next monday

we're having our thanksgiving on wed and then going back to west and help serve our city wide free thanksgiving dinner at KC Grounds..I'm making all of the desserts (for our thanksgiving)and I'm watching Abby and the little prince..plus I kinda need a break..I'm feeling a tad wore out..I'd a tough ole  lady but that almost 9 month old boy is kicking my ass..but wouldn't have it any other way..


Valerie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Jackie Sue! I'm grateful for YOU!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, Jackiesue, just leave the blog for this week -- sounds like you'll be so busy! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and with the community dinner! You're a blessing everyone should count!

Donald Trump's "brain spurs," LOL! And that bus for Giuliani can't get here fast enough.

And oh, that cat for Christmas one! Don't let HRH know how hard it made me laugh! What made me laugh harder, though, was the Yoda one -- "Listen here you little shit." And of course I stole the Buttcheeks one!

Leanna said...

Yes! By all means, take the week off, darlin. I plan on taking Wednesday off up until Sunday.

Vivian Swift said...

Have a wonderful holiday week, doing good and spreading the epiphanious light of JackieSue.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for today's post. Enjoy your holiday and some much deserved time off from this wonderful page!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Have a great Thanksgiving
the Ol'Buzzard

yellowdoggranny said...

Goddess bless you all and have a wonderful thanksgiving..ole yellerdog..

jono said...

I can't believe someone as rude and stupid as Gym Jordan could get elected to anything. With Republicans, any foolish notion can become reality.

Happy Thanksgiving!

yellowdoggranny said...

the guy deserves to be in prison jono

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Jacki Sue.

Enjoy your more-than-well-deserved time off! You are truly a blessing, to those you love, to those you know, to those you help. You are also a blessing to us who you keep informed, horrified ;-P and entertained in equal measure.


yellowdoggranny said...

Jaime I'm enjoying my rest..if chasing a 9 month old baby is restful..haha

Mr. Shife said...

Enjoy your much-deserved break. You have certainly earned it and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

yellowdoggranny said...

hey, I'm watching a almost 9 month old and a 7 year old..not getting much rest here..but oh the fun.