I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

this is posted Tuesday at 7:30 Texas time..I can't watch..

 so fuck it I'm not watching...I'll know more in the morning..all I know if we're going to be accused of cheating at the ballot..I think we should..

humor only folks..


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, at least Fetterman beat Dr Oz!

Lots of good funnies here this morning, YDG! I especially love My Kitten, God's favourite, Secret Message for Dogs and Attention All Fairy Tale Things!

JustGail said...

I avoided all news yesterday too. So disappointed this morning in state results. Sadly if the Rs get their way, daughters will not qualify as people if they get pregnant. And who knows what they'll be up to as far as patient rights to medication vs pharmacists' religious views on contraception, especially on dual purpose medications.

Bright spots - Fetterman, and Kentucky rejecting the "no right to abortion" amendment. Hoping for more good news from tight races around the country, but I won't be holding my breath.

Love the secret message for dogs!

SickoRicko said...

Good choices! I'm still avoiding the news as long as possible. Remember to breathe.

Bruce.desertrat said...

Goo News Everyone! Lorena Boebert lost, so there's one less useless idiot in Congress

Rad said...

We shall prevail. Good selection!

yellowdoggranny said...

yes, Debra Fedderman won..hotdamn.and I just love the message for the dogs.
gail..I think people should get messages like the dog one.
Ricky.........sigh*...yea, breathe.
Bruce? no shit? hotdamn.
Rad...I sure as fuck hope so...

RevZafod said...

Hi, Grannie from Carrollton, NW of Dallas. FYI, the one about god's favorite planet is pointing to Mars. Can't say I blame her after the way humans have screwed this one up.

Richard said...

Rhonda Santis! Christmas Music! Very funny. They are all funny. I'm a little giddy today, things turned out better than expected.

River said...

"The mission has failed and the raven has flown on the wings of midnight." I'd love to know what that really means.
I wouldn't be voting for anyone who didn't think women were people until they had a daughter.
Rhonda Santis! yes please.

yellowdoggranny said...

revZafod? no shit? that's funny...and welcome fellow Texan. You're just right down the road from me..come down and have a kolache and a skunkegg with a pivo..
Richard..I'm not giddy but I can breath now.
I wonder what it means too River..but it's pretty...

pam nash said...

I didn't watch either.

Mr. Shife said...

I really liked the pocket bible and how Shrek addressed the religions so they wouldn't be offended. Thanks, Jackiesue. You are the best.

yellowdoggranny said...

pam...made me ill.
thanks Mr. Shife...nah..YOU da best.