I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday may suck...but at least we don't have to do homework.

                                                      and asses will be kicked.

                                                we have to vote this fucker out



Unknown said...

The procrastination one reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw one time:

"When I say 'I'll do it maƱana' I don't mean tomorrow. I mean 'Not today'" :-)

Jimmy T said...

As usual, I'm gonna steal a few of these. Thanks Granny...

SickoRicko said...

Wow, what an incredible haul! That last one made me laugh out loud!

Lin Barker said...

Microdose, my ass


Debra She Who Seeks said...

"Let them buy Teslas" -- hahahahaha! Also, "we burn a Tesla in remembrance"

Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow, YDG!

Anonymous said...

Thank Wifi you're here to lift our spirits throughout the week! Have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow - be well!

C. Optimist

Tundra Bunny said...

#stopthesqueal gave me my first belly laugh of the day! And I sincerely hope that former officer Michael Fanone gets his wish!

Hope you have a terrific Thanksgiving this year, YDG!

yellowdoggranny said...

thank you Rad...and so are you.
unknown...works for me
JimmyT...steal away my brother...steal away
Rick..me too...might be one of my favorites..cause I been there.
Lin..you never had a microdose? I had tabs, barrels, drops, etc...my favorite drug of choice.
Debra...better than let them eat cake..going to my sons..sigh*...wanna go and wanna stay home at the same time.
aaah, that's sweet c optimist..
Bunny I just want to see him in handcuffs...I hope I have a terrific thanksgiving too..

Richard said...

Dear yellowdoggranny, wishing you a happy thanksgiving. I am thankful for this project of yours. It is excellent, useful, and entertaining. Thank you! My thanks to you, your family, friends and community.

Anonymous said...

It'll only be a real giving of thanks when djt gets imprisoned.

River said...

I also want to see Trump arrested, in handcuffs etc.

Bohemian said...

That last one, LMAOROTF...