Well, winter came to West,by Goddess, Texas yesterday...it went form 80 degrees to a low of 26...my nipples got hard for the first time since I drank a fifth of tequila back in the 60's..or as we called it 'ta'killya'...
This has become the month of everything breaking...hot water heater went out...have a new one that looks like a rocket ship...the other was new in 1959...so it was ready to go..then I finally hooked up my dearborn heater this morning..and nada...it's about 11+ years since I bought it used..so I got that going for me..but I turn on the oven low and it really keeps the house warm..never did get cold last night..but then I have hot flashes going for me too..hot flashes are good in the winter time..plus Annie slept on my head last night and kept body heat in...pussy's are good head warmers,,
Oh man...did anyone catch the article about our newest Senator from Virginia's little setto with old Forest Gump?...oh I laughed my chubby little ass off(I wish)..seems he was at White House and he didn't want to have to deal with ole Forest so he didn't stand in the reception line..but ole Forest who likes to be an asshole marblehead found him and asked him"How's your boy?" referring to Mr. Webb's son, a Marine in Iraq.
"I'd like to get them out of Iraq,Mr. President," Mr. Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme..
"That's not what I asked you,: Mr. Bush said."How's your boy?" "That's between me and my boy, Mr. President," Mr. Webb said coldly, ending the conversation. He said later he felt like punching him out...ohhh lordy..if only he had...Some times you get cake and some times you get cake and icecream sigh**
But the best thing was my weird ass dream last night...in my dream...Forest Gump comes to my house..dressed in cowboy shirt(like a western shirt) jeans, boots and hat...I opened up the door and started to laugh...said"what the fuck are you doing here?" he said ...he had read my blog and wanted to come meet me and see if he could find out why I didn't like him and if he could change my mind about him...I laughed some more and said "fat fucking chance, you asshole marblehead."...anyhow the entire dream was dipshit trying to convience me he was a good guy and was 'just misunderstood'.
I wouldn't let him in the house..made him talk to me through the screen door..I kept calling him names and he kept whinning 'but you just don't understand me'..oh man..I need to quit drinking that Starbucks tea before I go to bed..
Well, I was going to post some other stuff, but I have to go home and make doggie bones..ol lady send me a little package of 4 different sizes of dog bone cutters(like in cookie cutters) and I am going to make a bunch and see if I can't sell them at the Czech bakeries on I-35..people come in and buy kolaches, drinks and stuff from West and we have a little fire hydrant on a patch of grass for them to pee their dogs..so maybe they would like to buy some treats for their doggies..hell, who knows...might work..and I might be eating doggie treats and salsa for the Super Bowl too..
Library is closed on Friday and only open for 3 hours Sat and then closed Sunday..so if the weather is still crappy, I might not be heard from till Monday..so if not..hope your team wins..please Goddess..let the Cowboys beat the Giants and Buddha Girl not be mad at me and her husband for rooting against her team...
sigh*fuckme till I wear pompoms and holler'go team'..
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Here's all you need to know about God....It ain't you.
Since I have been off line I have been collecting little articles that I think are worth bringing to your attention and also gives me something to bitch about..don't want you to think I have slacked off or gotten soft on bitching...
This one is perfect and a sign of what the bushies have been up to..
'Low food security'tag makes it easier to ignore issue..
Paula Lavigne staff writer for the Dallas Am News.
It's 11:45a.m.
Breakfast was a cup of coffee and a breath mint.Your stomach starts to rumble.....You're hungry,right?
Nope.According to the federal government, you are merely "food insecure."
This year, the term 'hunger' disappeared from the government's annual report on the availability of food in American households.
The phrase 'very low food security' was used instead to categorize households in which people skipped meals at times because they couldn't afford food, according to the report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Officals with advocacy groups said replacing the word hunger with obscure bureaucratic jargon makes it easier for politicians and the public to ignore hungry people in the world's most prosperous nation.
"It felt like a feel-good move, like they're saying,"let's just change what we say and then we fixed it," said Jan Pruitt, CEO of the North Texas Food Bank.
USDA officials say they were following the recommendation of the Committee on National Statistics of the National Academies, which determinded that hunger wasn't an appropriate category in the survey.
It said that hunger 'should refer to a potential consequence of food insecurity that, because of prolonged, involuntary lack of food, results in discomfort, illness, weakness, or pain that goes beyond the usual uneasy sensation."
Mrk Nord, a USDA sociologist, tried to interpret that long-winded definition by saying that the survey addresses whether there is enough food in a household,whereas the term hunger applies to the personal, physical condition of a person.
So, therefore, a person who skips a meal one day because he can't afford food and gets hungry doesn't equate to a household suffering from hunger.
Tell that to a mother who forgoes dinner so her child can eat, Ms. Pruitt said. She said that she understands the scientists' concerns about the exact definition but that their precision escapes common sense.
"If you're asking the general public to respond to 'low food security,' I don't think they're going to do it.I don't think the general public understands what that means,"she said."But they do understand what a hungry child means."
so....your not starving any more...you are suffering from 'low food security'..........fuckme ..first people are finacially challenged...now they are suffering low food security...
Another bit of good news...a suspected terrorist who spent years in a secret CIA prison is not allowed to speak to a civilian attorney until an appeals court decides what rights military detainees have, a federal judge said...
The Justice Department argues that under a new anti-terrorism law, detainees have no right to challenge their imprisonment in civilian courts. Human rights groups say that's unconstitutional. Until the U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals for the Distric of Columbia settles the question, legal challenges brought by detainees remain in limbo...
which means...the next time you don't hear from me for 4-5 days..don't assume it's computer problems..I am probably in a prison some place.. a guest of the CIA.
something to stew on:
The Bush administration, to the consternation of its critics,has picked the medical director of an organization that opposes premarital sex, contraception and abortion to lead the office that oversees federally funded teen pregnancy, family planning and abstinence programs.
Eric Keroack, a Marblehead,Mass., obstetrician and gynecologist, was picked to oversee
the federal Office of Population Affairs and its $283 million annual budget.
This has angered family-planning advocates.
Dr. keroack is medical director of A Woman's Concern, a Christian nonprofit organization based in Dorchester, Mass. It runs 6 centers in the state that offer free pregnancy testing, ultra-sounds and counseling.It also works to "help women escapte the temptation and violence of abortion," according to its statement of faith.And it opposes contraception, saying its use increases out-of-wedlock pregnancy and abortion rates.
"A Woman's Concern is presuaded that the crass commercialization and distribution of birth control is demeaning to women,degrading of human sexuality and adverse to human health and happiness," its contraception policy reads in part.
Critics pounced on the appointment, which does not require Senate confirmation.
There is more to the article..but if your interested ..google it...it just pisses me off so bad I want to find forest gump and this Eric Keroack and bip them both upside the head..or worse..sigh*
But it's not all bad news...the good news is: Toys for Tots turned down donations of the Bible-quoting Jesus dolls...the company that makes and sells them was disappointed when the Marines Reserves' Toys for Tots program turned down its offer to donate 4,000 of the talking dolls."I believe as a churchgoing person, anyone can benefit from hearing the words of the Bible," said Michael La Roe,director of business development for Valencia-based Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co. and its one2BElieve division, which makes the line of Bible character dolls.Bill Grein, vice president of Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, in Quantico, Va.,said the offer was turned down because Toys for Tots doesn't know anything about the religious affliations of the children who receive its gifts..
Ahhh, I feel so much better now..I needed that...a good ole bitch always makes me good...
Ok, I'm off to read some blogs...it's hard to catch up with all of you..but don't give up on me..slowly but surely..I will make the rounds...damn...it's good to be back...
Since I have been off line I have been collecting little articles that I think are worth bringing to your attention and also gives me something to bitch about..don't want you to think I have slacked off or gotten soft on bitching...
This one is perfect and a sign of what the bushies have been up to..
'Low food security'tag makes it easier to ignore issue..
Paula Lavigne staff writer for the Dallas Am News.
It's 11:45a.m.
Breakfast was a cup of coffee and a breath mint.Your stomach starts to rumble.....You're hungry,right?
Nope.According to the federal government, you are merely "food insecure."
This year, the term 'hunger' disappeared from the government's annual report on the availability of food in American households.
The phrase 'very low food security' was used instead to categorize households in which people skipped meals at times because they couldn't afford food, according to the report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Officals with advocacy groups said replacing the word hunger with obscure bureaucratic jargon makes it easier for politicians and the public to ignore hungry people in the world's most prosperous nation.
"It felt like a feel-good move, like they're saying,"let's just change what we say and then we fixed it," said Jan Pruitt, CEO of the North Texas Food Bank.
USDA officials say they were following the recommendation of the Committee on National Statistics of the National Academies, which determinded that hunger wasn't an appropriate category in the survey.
It said that hunger 'should refer to a potential consequence of food insecurity that, because of prolonged, involuntary lack of food, results in discomfort, illness, weakness, or pain that goes beyond the usual uneasy sensation."
Mrk Nord, a USDA sociologist, tried to interpret that long-winded definition by saying that the survey addresses whether there is enough food in a household,whereas the term hunger applies to the personal, physical condition of a person.
So, therefore, a person who skips a meal one day because he can't afford food and gets hungry doesn't equate to a household suffering from hunger.
Tell that to a mother who forgoes dinner so her child can eat, Ms. Pruitt said. She said that she understands the scientists' concerns about the exact definition but that their precision escapes common sense.
"If you're asking the general public to respond to 'low food security,' I don't think they're going to do it.I don't think the general public understands what that means,"she said."But they do understand what a hungry child means."
so....your not starving any more...you are suffering from 'low food security'..........fuckme ..first people are finacially challenged...now they are suffering low food security...
Another bit of good news...a suspected terrorist who spent years in a secret CIA prison is not allowed to speak to a civilian attorney until an appeals court decides what rights military detainees have, a federal judge said...
The Justice Department argues that under a new anti-terrorism law, detainees have no right to challenge their imprisonment in civilian courts. Human rights groups say that's unconstitutional. Until the U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals for the Distric of Columbia settles the question, legal challenges brought by detainees remain in limbo...
which means...the next time you don't hear from me for 4-5 days..don't assume it's computer problems..I am probably in a prison some place.. a guest of the CIA.
something to stew on:
The Bush administration, to the consternation of its critics,has picked the medical director of an organization that opposes premarital sex, contraception and abortion to lead the office that oversees federally funded teen pregnancy, family planning and abstinence programs.
Eric Keroack, a Marblehead,Mass., obstetrician and gynecologist, was picked to oversee
the federal Office of Population Affairs and its $283 million annual budget.
This has angered family-planning advocates.
Dr. keroack is medical director of A Woman's Concern, a Christian nonprofit organization based in Dorchester, Mass. It runs 6 centers in the state that offer free pregnancy testing, ultra-sounds and counseling.It also works to "help women escapte the temptation and violence of abortion," according to its statement of faith.And it opposes contraception, saying its use increases out-of-wedlock pregnancy and abortion rates.
"A Woman's Concern is presuaded that the crass commercialization and distribution of birth control is demeaning to women,degrading of human sexuality and adverse to human health and happiness," its contraception policy reads in part.
Critics pounced on the appointment, which does not require Senate confirmation.
There is more to the article..but if your interested ..google it...it just pisses me off so bad I want to find forest gump and this Eric Keroack and bip them both upside the head..or worse..sigh*
But it's not all bad news...the good news is: Toys for Tots turned down donations of the Bible-quoting Jesus dolls...the company that makes and sells them was disappointed when the Marines Reserves' Toys for Tots program turned down its offer to donate 4,000 of the talking dolls."I believe as a churchgoing person, anyone can benefit from hearing the words of the Bible," said Michael La Roe,director of business development for Valencia-based Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co. and its one2BElieve division, which makes the line of Bible character dolls.Bill Grein, vice president of Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, in Quantico, Va.,said the offer was turned down because Toys for Tots doesn't know anything about the religious affliations of the children who receive its gifts..
Ahhh, I feel so much better now..I needed that...a good ole bitch always makes me good...
Ok, I'm off to read some blogs...it's hard to catch up with all of you..but don't give up on me..slowly but surely..I will make the rounds...damn...it's good to be back...
Monday, November 27, 2006
.......I AM WOMAN...HERE I ROAR.......
Holy shit! I came waltzing in and checked my emails and had 121 emails...so uh....guys? until I get a computer at the house...can we hold off on the jokes, cute pictures, and silly stories ..other wise my tits will really be dragging trying to keep up with my comments and the forwards..
I am a happy fucking camper...the cowboys won on turkey day which made my thanksgiving a wonderful day...the dinner at Kathy's was super..first thing I did out of the chute was burn myself on the electric oven...I hate electric ovens...big ole ass ugly burn too..have been soaking it in aloe vera from my plant..it helps, but still looks ugly...Kathy out did her self..she had a turkey, one of those spiral hams, rolls, pea salad, mac/cheese,green beans with those onions casseroles(ick), potato salad, mashed potatoes,(kids all like different potatoes), vegetable platter with dips, and assorted pies, cookies, cheese cake, and brownies...I made 3 pumpkin' tarts, 3 chcocolate cream tarts, 2 pecan pies and the mac/cheese..was up all night baking..eveything was terrific..they had yellow tail wine(austrailian) and Jenny brought a bottle of sparking non-alcoholic grape something..which would have been great but the carbs were as much as a plate of mac/cheese..but didn't want to tell Jenny as she was so pleased with herself for thinking of me..so I keep watering it down till it was grape water..ha...they were going to see happy feet right after dinner and I opted out as I had to run back to West and watch the cowboys kick the shit out of Tampa Bay...oh the Goddess is on a roll and so is Tony Romo...hot damn...so all and all it was a wonderful day...I took the back roads to Waco so I wouldn't have to fade all the traffic..only took me 20 minutes up and 15 back..
I have been missing phone calls all over the place...and Nancy finally got in touch with me and is going to clear her lap top and have windows put back on and send it to me in a few weeks..which is so wonderful..I don't know if I will be able to afford a new computer or one at all..,but hopefully I will be able to come up with the $50 that it will take for them to clear her laptop..she says not to worry about it..but I have to..it's part of my job..
This saturday the water heater went out and I got my utilities from the leaks and the faulty water heater problems...water bill doubled...and the gas bill quadtrippled..went from $20 to $111.00...and the water heater went out this past Saturday and have to get a new one..so things are going to hell in a handbasket..fuckity fuck fuck fuck...plus need tags on the truck...as my sweet dear departed mother would say..."I don't know if I should shit or go blind."...
Thanks to all of you for the thanksgiving wishes, pats on the ass and good wishes..but one good thing has happened..thanks to the government...I am not poor ..I am finacially challanged..
I am looking into to getting into one of those government rental places.. they have one here in West and it is really very nice..mostly old farts like me on limited incomes...I could get a one-bedroom for about $145.00 and only pay the electric bill..plus phone. which means I would have electric stove..arg.....fug...!
plus it is only about 300 yards to the library..could walk to it every day..great excercise..
and would not be so poor at the end of the month..having to give up my home after 13 years is hard to swallow..but so is having a $719 check and rent and utilites coming to over $500...am going to pick up a application for apt..and talk to E.and J...explain to her that it is an uphill climb and too fucking old to pull my fat ass up that hill every month...would like to go to bed at night and not suffer panic attacks the first 3-5 hours...it has been hard to keep my shitty grin from sliding off my face...
well, I am going to try and catch up on some of your blogs...I have missed you all sooo much...I was going through major withdrawl since wed...man..I kept getting up and booting up the computer and then going 'fuck..it's broke..damn..I forgot.' I don't think I had any idea just how much I depended on you all to make my day...there is a huge fucking hole where my heart is...and you all filled it ..each and every day...may the Goddess bless and keep you safe..or if not safe..least see that you have beer money...
I am a happy fucking camper...the cowboys won on turkey day which made my thanksgiving a wonderful day...the dinner at Kathy's was super..first thing I did out of the chute was burn myself on the electric oven...I hate electric ovens...big ole ass ugly burn too..have been soaking it in aloe vera from my plant..it helps, but still looks ugly...Kathy out did her self..she had a turkey, one of those spiral hams, rolls, pea salad, mac/cheese,green beans with those onions casseroles(ick), potato salad, mashed potatoes,(kids all like different potatoes), vegetable platter with dips, and assorted pies, cookies, cheese cake, and brownies...I made 3 pumpkin' tarts, 3 chcocolate cream tarts, 2 pecan pies and the mac/cheese..was up all night baking..eveything was terrific..they had yellow tail wine(austrailian) and Jenny brought a bottle of sparking non-alcoholic grape something..which would have been great but the carbs were as much as a plate of mac/cheese..but didn't want to tell Jenny as she was so pleased with herself for thinking of me..so I keep watering it down till it was grape water..ha...they were going to see happy feet right after dinner and I opted out as I had to run back to West and watch the cowboys kick the shit out of Tampa Bay...oh the Goddess is on a roll and so is Tony Romo...hot damn...so all and all it was a wonderful day...I took the back roads to Waco so I wouldn't have to fade all the traffic..only took me 20 minutes up and 15 back..
I have been missing phone calls all over the place...and Nancy finally got in touch with me and is going to clear her lap top and have windows put back on and send it to me in a few weeks..which is so wonderful..I don't know if I will be able to afford a new computer or one at all..,but hopefully I will be able to come up with the $50 that it will take for them to clear her laptop..she says not to worry about it..but I have to..it's part of my job..
This saturday the water heater went out and I got my utilities from the leaks and the faulty water heater problems...water bill doubled...and the gas bill quadtrippled..went from $20 to $111.00...and the water heater went out this past Saturday and have to get a new one..so things are going to hell in a handbasket..fuckity fuck fuck fuck...plus need tags on the truck...as my sweet dear departed mother would say..."I don't know if I should shit or go blind."...
Thanks to all of you for the thanksgiving wishes, pats on the ass and good wishes..but one good thing has happened..thanks to the government...I am not poor ..I am finacially challanged..
I am looking into to getting into one of those government rental places.. they have one here in West and it is really very nice..mostly old farts like me on limited incomes...I could get a one-bedroom for about $145.00 and only pay the electric bill..plus phone. which means I would have electric stove..arg.....fug...!
plus it is only about 300 yards to the library..could walk to it every day..great excercise..
and would not be so poor at the end of the month..having to give up my home after 13 years is hard to swallow..but so is having a $719 check and rent and utilites coming to over $500...am going to pick up a application for apt..and talk to E.and J...explain to her that it is an uphill climb and too fucking old to pull my fat ass up that hill every month...would like to go to bed at night and not suffer panic attacks the first 3-5 hours...it has been hard to keep my shitty grin from sliding off my face...
well, I am going to try and catch up on some of your blogs...I have missed you all sooo much...I was going through major withdrawl since wed...man..I kept getting up and booting up the computer and then going 'fuck..it's broke..damn..I forgot.' I don't think I had any idea just how much I depended on you all to make my day...there is a huge fucking hole where my heart is...and you all filled it ..each and every day...may the Goddess bless and keep you safe..or if not safe..least see that you have beer money...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
..............HAPPY THANKSGIVING..............
Happy turkey day to all of you....from all of me..
I'm at the library and since they upgraded the computers it is not as sloooooow as it used to be..and beats that piece of crap at home...thanks so much for all the words of encouragement..life sucks and then you die..or as my son Thom says..'Life's a bitch and then you marry one."..
Babs thanks so much for alerting Sooner, he called last night and we talked for a long time..he and I both agreed that the pieceofshitcomputer is not worth what it would take to fix it..it's ancient...so thinking about Dell, thinking about the one from Wal-mart..but you know how I feel about the house of satan...argh!
Also got a phone call from Nancy but had ran to the store..well, actually I drove the truck...there was sooo much traffic..I had to wait for 9 cars to go by before I could cross the street..damn..where did all those people come from..the parking lots in front of both little stores are cram packed full of suv's and pickup's..plus a few 1950's models that takes up 2 parking spots. The coumunity center is full ..all the volunteers are over there making dinner for tomorrow..they will feed 50+ and they do a great job..I usually bake a pecan pie and take it to them..I am going to the x-daughter-in-laws house..the girls mom...she just bought a new home and is all excited to have thanksgiving in her new home..I will make chocolate cream pie for Jenny, pumpkin pie for Jamie and also make from scratch macaroni and cheese as Jenny is crazy about my mac & cheese..I combine two recipes and it's pretty good..another thing I won't be able to eat..rats..but I am stopping by community grocery and getting me a Dublin Dr.Pepper for thanksgiving..my gift to me..
well follks..have a great and happy thanksgiving...the cowboys are playing so my happy thanksgiving hangs on their win....ha...
by the way..sorry I was out of sorts last post..not my nature..must have had high blood sugar..or something fucked up...cause that is not my style...
happy thanksgiving to you from yellowdog granny...
fuckme till I gobble..
I'm at the library and since they upgraded the computers it is not as sloooooow as it used to be..and beats that piece of crap at home...thanks so much for all the words of encouragement..life sucks and then you die..or as my son Thom says..'Life's a bitch and then you marry one."..
Babs thanks so much for alerting Sooner, he called last night and we talked for a long time..he and I both agreed that the pieceofshitcomputer is not worth what it would take to fix it..it's ancient...so thinking about Dell, thinking about the one from Wal-mart..but you know how I feel about the house of satan...argh!
Also got a phone call from Nancy but had ran to the store..well, actually I drove the truck...there was sooo much traffic..I had to wait for 9 cars to go by before I could cross the street..damn..where did all those people come from..the parking lots in front of both little stores are cram packed full of suv's and pickup's..plus a few 1950's models that takes up 2 parking spots. The coumunity center is full ..all the volunteers are over there making dinner for tomorrow..they will feed 50+ and they do a great job..I usually bake a pecan pie and take it to them..I am going to the x-daughter-in-laws house..the girls mom...she just bought a new home and is all excited to have thanksgiving in her new home..I will make chocolate cream pie for Jenny, pumpkin pie for Jamie and also make from scratch macaroni and cheese as Jenny is crazy about my mac & cheese..I combine two recipes and it's pretty good..another thing I won't be able to eat..rats..but I am stopping by community grocery and getting me a Dublin Dr.Pepper for thanksgiving..my gift to me..
well follks..have a great and happy thanksgiving...the cowboys are playing so my happy thanksgiving hangs on their win....ha...
by the way..sorry I was out of sorts last post..not my nature..must have had high blood sugar..or something fucked up...cause that is not my style...
happy thanksgiving to you from yellowdog granny...
fuckme till I gobble..
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
.......ZOMBIE 1-------JACKIESUE 0.......
Well, got on computer this am to check email and nada..it's crashed..so the zombie won..never could figure out how to get rid of it..and it crashed my computer..I am almost near tears..except I am at the library using the computer and refuse to let Henrietta see me cry...cuss and scream yes, cry no..Plus it is the holidays and library will be closed till next monday...so this will be my last post..I can do this from the library but not sure I want to.It is such a pain in the ass. It is getting harder and harder to make do and have a semi-normal life with what I have to live on..I don't talk about this sort of thing,because it is so personal..not that I haven't shared everything in my entire life with you all, but money problems are things I don't discuss, but to be as honest as I know how..I just don't think I can keep on keeping on..The expense of having a phone and paying for internet is getting to be a luxury I can't afford..along with my Dallas Newspaper...ah fuck it..see ya...
Monday, November 20, 2006

Save the cheerleader....save the world....
Oh man..do I love this show or what? I love the ideas of super heroes...real people with super powers..this show has it all..the cheerleader can't die...

I am very fon

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
.......DID YA MISS ME.......
I have been bummed...out! Not sure what the cause of the bumming but I was in a funk...like I told the 'lady with two pussies'...If I didn't know better, I would think I was depressed...but I don't get depressed...so as close as I can figure it out..I was bummed...not sure that is a medical term, but it works for me...
Have been doing a lot of reading..My true first and best love..Bought a book from used shit store called..'Hominids' by Robert J. Sawyer..he's a Canadian author and never heard of him before but I sure do like this book..it's the first in a series called the "Neanderthal Parallax." It's about parallel universe's where in one world the Neanderthals survive and the homo-sapiens don't and during an experiment one of the scientist gets sucked into our universe..It is so cool...and I like the Neanderthals better than the homo-sapiens ..Henrietta ordered the other two from the series for me and will get them this coming Thursday..I can't wait..Also reading Mockingbird(A portrait of Harper Lee) by Charles J. Shields and it is excellent..I had stowed away the information and then forgotten that Harper Lee only wrote the one book, "To Kill A Mockingbird."She has been in the news and on peoples mind because of the two movies about Truman Capote..I had also forgot that he took her with him as a research assistant when he wrote "In Cold Blood." and the swarmy little bastid never gave her full credit for what she did..
Someone donated 2 boxes of books for the library sale and since I help her out occasionally at the library she said I could pick through them and take the one's I wanted...hoo boy..so I got a bunch of books on herbs, vegetarian cooking, 2 books by Susanne Summers on cooking,dieting and losing weight.(I have a feeling this is going to be very boring unless you are into books..so you can check out now if you would like as it's not going to get any more exciting that this)
Found a book by Bill Bryson and it's about Australia called 'Sunburned Country"...and one that I'm really looking forward to reading 'A Piece of My Heart'(the stories of 26 American women who served in Vietnam)by Keith Walker.Bought some computer books pretty cheap:Faster Smarter Microsoft windows 98 and Dos for Dummies..don't even know if they are relevant but at .25 each I thought what the hell..Found Miracle Medicine Foods by Rex Adams,The Self Health Handbook,and Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists.I am trying to figure out a way that I can control my diabetes without using pills...of course until I do I will continue with them but there has to be another way out..eat right and exercise..take vitamins...yadda yadda..but it's true..just pisses me off.. in none of the books does it say and don't forget to drink one Dublin Dr. Pepper a day...fuckers..
I also just finished reading Damnation Street by Andrew Klavan who is the author of True Crime...a great book and almost a great movie with Clint Eastwood..This is a author I highly recommend..
I also watched 'Closer' last night...now that was a really good movie...just the 4 actors...and Julia Roberts didn't play her normal Julia Roberts role...
going to watch 'Snatch' tonight...
Finally got my Vanity Fair magazine and what a waste of dead trees..really disappointed..had some light weight white washing article on Rowe...ick! a bunch of articles on rich white people and some pictures of good looking young white people thrown in for good measure...puuuuulease...spare me..
I have been on a trail mix kick...make my own and it's so good and cheaper this way...put mixed nuts, sunflower seeds(hulled), coconut, dried cranberries or raisins..less than $7 and makes a ton of trail mix..thanks to the $store..(I'm having a de ja vu feeling here..like maybe I have already mentioned this before...)
I am going to open up a online bookstore..kind of a no book over $5 store..trying to think of a name for it...any ideas?
Well that's all folks...sorry this was so boring..but since the democrats haven't fucked up yet, things are a little dull...soon as they figure out they are in a position to do good and make a difference they will panic and fuck up and then it will be business as usual..other than forest going to nam...(insert draft dodging joke here)...not much is going on..hope to have something worth writing about soon...
fuckme till I'm forced to think...
Have been doing a lot of reading..My true first and best love..Bought a book from used shit store called..'Hominids' by Robert J. Sawyer..he's a Canadian author and never heard of him before but I sure do like this book..it's the first in a series called the "Neanderthal Parallax." It's about parallel universe's where in one world the Neanderthals survive and the homo-sapiens don't and during an experiment one of the scientist gets sucked into our universe..It is so cool...and I like the Neanderthals better than the homo-sapiens ..Henrietta ordered the other two from the series for me and will get them this coming Thursday..I can't wait..Also reading Mockingbird(A portrait of Harper Lee) by Charles J. Shields and it is excellent..I had stowed away the information and then forgotten that Harper Lee only wrote the one book, "To Kill A Mockingbird."She has been in the news and on peoples mind because of the two movies about Truman Capote..I had also forgot that he took her with him as a research assistant when he wrote "In Cold Blood." and the swarmy little bastid never gave her full credit for what she did..
Someone donated 2 boxes of books for the library sale and since I help her out occasionally at the library she said I could pick through them and take the one's I wanted...hoo boy..so I got a bunch of books on herbs, vegetarian cooking, 2 books by Susanne Summers on cooking,dieting and losing weight.(I have a feeling this is going to be very boring unless you are into books..so you can check out now if you would like as it's not going to get any more exciting that this)
Found a book by Bill Bryson and it's about Australia called 'Sunburned Country"...and one that I'm really looking forward to reading 'A Piece of My Heart'(the stories of 26 American women who served in Vietnam)by Keith Walker.Bought some computer books pretty cheap:Faster Smarter Microsoft windows 98 and Dos for Dummies..don't even know if they are relevant but at .25 each I thought what the hell..Found Miracle Medicine Foods by Rex Adams,The Self Health Handbook,and Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists.I am trying to figure out a way that I can control my diabetes without using pills...of course until I do I will continue with them but there has to be another way out..eat right and exercise..take vitamins...yadda yadda..but it's true..just pisses me off.. in none of the books does it say and don't forget to drink one Dublin Dr. Pepper a day...fuckers..
I also just finished reading Damnation Street by Andrew Klavan who is the author of True Crime...a great book and almost a great movie with Clint Eastwood..This is a author I highly recommend..
I also watched 'Closer' last night...now that was a really good movie...just the 4 actors...and Julia Roberts didn't play her normal Julia Roberts role...
going to watch 'Snatch' tonight...
Finally got my Vanity Fair magazine and what a waste of dead trees..really disappointed..had some light weight white washing article on Rowe...ick! a bunch of articles on rich white people and some pictures of good looking young white people thrown in for good measure...puuuuulease...spare me..
I have been on a trail mix kick...make my own and it's so good and cheaper this way...put mixed nuts, sunflower seeds(hulled), coconut, dried cranberries or raisins..less than $7 and makes a ton of trail mix..thanks to the $store..(I'm having a de ja vu feeling here..like maybe I have already mentioned this before...)
I am going to open up a online bookstore..kind of a no book over $5 store..trying to think of a name for it...any ideas?
Well that's all folks...sorry this was so boring..but since the democrats haven't fucked up yet, things are a little dull...soon as they figure out they are in a position to do good and make a difference they will panic and fuck up and then it will be business as usual..other than forest going to nam...(insert draft dodging joke here)...not much is going on..hope to have something worth writing about soon...
fuckme till I'm forced to think...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I am so upset with myself..
I let family problems and the stress of being a diabetic become an obstacle I couldn't over come..I was so proud of myself for not giving in and allowing problems push me into something I had been avoiding for so long..I can't tell you how hard it has been, especially in a town like West where it's almost on every corner...Every time I would go to the stores there would be either advertisement or the product themselves...every where..I would wake up in middle of night wanting a drink and couldn't go back to sleep thinking about it..My birthday came and went and I just wanted to drink all that much more..till finally I was so beat down I couldn't stop myself..and just said fuck it...I got in the truck..drove down to Community Grocery...didn't make a stop and say howdy to anyone, just went and got it and took it to the register and bought it..I took it out to the truck and in shame I opened the bottle and drank it ..right then and there...damn...I'm so sorry...but if I had to do it all over again I would...that was the best fucking Dr. Pepper I have ever had..
I let family problems and the stress of being a diabetic become an obstacle I couldn't over come..I was so proud of myself for not giving in and allowing problems push me into something I had been avoiding for so long..I can't tell you how hard it has been, especially in a town like West where it's almost on every corner...Every time I would go to the stores there would be either advertisement or the product themselves...every where..I would wake up in middle of night wanting a drink and couldn't go back to sleep thinking about it..My birthday came and went and I just wanted to drink all that much more..till finally I was so beat down I couldn't stop myself..and just said fuck it...I got in the truck..drove down to Community Grocery...didn't make a stop and say howdy to anyone, just went and got it and took it to the register and bought it..I took it out to the truck and in shame I opened the bottle and drank it ..right then and there...damn...I'm so sorry...but if I had to do it all over again I would...that was the best fucking Dr. Pepper I have ever had..
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I am so full!..soon as I got home I took off my bra, my converse,my jeans and tested my blood sugar...183...not as bad as I thought it would be, but it was well worth it...
Jenny picked me up and took me to Red Lobster where we met Jamie and her boyfriend Harrison who is a sweet, funny kid and he adores Jamie and treats her like a princess.Jenny's fella had to work..
..I had shrimp scampi and fried shrimp..with salad, and vegetables..had 2 of the herb biscuits and they were so good I could have wept..I made them laugh and embarrassed them all at the same time...Jenny told Jamie.."we can't take her anywhere."....The waiter who was great by the way...was going to put my platter down and of course my tits are laying right on the table and he was at a loss as to what he was supposed to do..finally I said I would move my tits but they are kinda attached but can arrange them differently..and kind of shoved them under the table..when we were through he asked if we wanted dessert and I said no it would probably put me into a sugar coma, but if he would promise to do mouth to mouth on me, I might consider it..ahh, I love embarrassing the girls...
Besides the terrific time and the wonderful dinner they gave me a huge box of Starbucks assorted teas, a box of Whitman's sugar free sampler of chocolates...(taste terrific)and a little copper buddha wind chime and a buddha for Joy...and 3 great cards...one says your birthday is the perfect time to offer you the traditional hawaiian wish:'may your coconuts never hang lower than your grass skirt.'...(told them my coconuts look more like papaya's)...Then one with an old couple standing by this lake and he is pointing out and says 'and that land mass over there is called a 'stick out' because of the way it sticks out of the water..inside it says another year older, another year closer to making up crap.'
but my favorite is the one with two old gray haired broads in a pink convertible with their arms up in the air and big ole grins on their faces...inside it says:'Pearl looked around for the flag, then realized with horror that the sound was coming from her arm-dangle..'I cracked up...so it was a great day....I loved spending the time with the girls...and I like Jamie's new fella...he's a big step up from the last little prick...
The best part of the evening...was my telling them about my adventure at the $1 store and my Snatch story...I'll telling them, and they are looking at me like 'what the fuck?' and I finish the story and nothing...they are looking at me like I have lost my ever loving mind...and then it dawns on me..I said, do any of you 3 know what the word Snatch means besides to grab something....? all three little heads go 'no'....I leaned forward and said it's a slang word for vagina..
OH MY GODDESS...they were shocked and awed..Harrison laughed when he finally figured it out..but Jenny and Jamie are like..'we could go for the rest of our life and not have had to learn that.'...and a lot of 'oh grandma's...and gross.'...once I knew I had them going I said I was going to start a blog with Annie the little kitty and call it 'big snatch and little snatch'...thought they were going to make me go sit in the car...I laughed so hard...told them I felt like I had failed them by not teaching them the finer things of life..like the word snatch...we were walking to our table and Jenny said..'Well, go snatch yourself a seat.'...is she not a true smartass?....made my night..
I don't even know who won the cowboy game...how about that for contentment..
There is a down side..but there is a upside to the downside..
yesterday son Thom called...(first time he has called since right after Christmas)and said they were going to be out of town on Thanksgiving and were having their Thanksgiving today and did I want to come...? I said,'No..I don't think so'...and he was all er, ah..'well, the girls are going to be there and we just wanted you to know that if you want to come you are invited..' said 'nope, but thanks for asking..bye..'...he said bye and that was in..then the minute Jenny came home he said "guess what, I asked grandma to come and she said 'no'....she doesn't want to come over here..'..so Jenny explained that Grandma doesn't want to go where she's not wanted and she knows you're just asking her as an obligation and you're little kodak moment and why should she come over her for one day..then Christmas and then not hear from you for another year...?'...he said well, I was trying to be nice and do the right thing and if she doesn't want to come..well, fuck her..'...hee hee...and then when he found out I was going to dinner with them, Jenny said she thought he was going to have a fit...'too good to come to my house, but will go eat with you and your sister..well, fuck her.'...ahh, life is good...anytime I can piss off one of my kids..it's ok, with me..then .....oh man...then I get an email from Maryjo...says happy birthday..don't respond to this, but just wanted you to know I was thinking of you on this day...MO..
(hahahah..what a little brat)..which is not what I called her in my email to Babs...ha.
but I had a great time, a great dinner and enough tea to last me through the winter..especially since Junebugg send me a green tea starter kit, with a book on green tea, and a brewer to make the tea with ...sigh*..there is not only a burp and a fart here...there was also a scratch or two to the nether regions...I'm thinking another piece of non sugar chocolate with a cup of white tea with hibiscus ....
So ladies and gentle men...thanks for all the happy birthday's...21 on line and 8 emails..and also thanks for the congrats on my 15 years...now if I could just kick the Dr.Pepper monkey I would be a-ok..nah, right now....I am just perfect....
Jenny picked me up and took me to Red Lobster where we met Jamie and her boyfriend Harrison who is a sweet, funny kid and he adores Jamie and treats her like a princess.Jenny's fella had to work..
..I had shrimp scampi and fried shrimp..with salad, and vegetables..had 2 of the herb biscuits and they were so good I could have wept..I made them laugh and embarrassed them all at the same time...Jenny told Jamie.."we can't take her anywhere."....The waiter who was great by the way...was going to put my platter down and of course my tits are laying right on the table and he was at a loss as to what he was supposed to do..finally I said I would move my tits but they are kinda attached but can arrange them differently..and kind of shoved them under the table..when we were through he asked if we wanted dessert and I said no it would probably put me into a sugar coma, but if he would promise to do mouth to mouth on me, I might consider it..ahh, I love embarrassing the girls...
Besides the terrific time and the wonderful dinner they gave me a huge box of Starbucks assorted teas, a box of Whitman's sugar free sampler of chocolates...(taste terrific)and a little copper buddha wind chime and a buddha for Joy...and 3 great cards...one says your birthday is the perfect time to offer you the traditional hawaiian wish:'may your coconuts never hang lower than your grass skirt.'...(told them my coconuts look more like papaya's)...Then one with an old couple standing by this lake and he is pointing out and says 'and that land mass over there is called a 'stick out' because of the way it sticks out of the water..inside it says another year older, another year closer to making up crap.'
but my favorite is the one with two old gray haired broads in a pink convertible with their arms up in the air and big ole grins on their faces...inside it says:'Pearl looked around for the flag, then realized with horror that the sound was coming from her arm-dangle..'I cracked up...so it was a great day....I loved spending the time with the girls...and I like Jamie's new fella...he's a big step up from the last little prick...
The best part of the evening...was my telling them about my adventure at the $1 store and my Snatch story...I'll telling them, and they are looking at me like 'what the fuck?' and I finish the story and nothing...they are looking at me like I have lost my ever loving mind...and then it dawns on me..I said, do any of you 3 know what the word Snatch means besides to grab something....? all three little heads go 'no'....I leaned forward and said it's a slang word for vagina..
OH MY GODDESS...they were shocked and awed..Harrison laughed when he finally figured it out..but Jenny and Jamie are like..'we could go for the rest of our life and not have had to learn that.'...and a lot of 'oh grandma's...and gross.'...once I knew I had them going I said I was going to start a blog with Annie the little kitty and call it 'big snatch and little snatch'...thought they were going to make me go sit in the car...I laughed so hard...told them I felt like I had failed them by not teaching them the finer things of life..like the word snatch...we were walking to our table and Jenny said..'Well, go snatch yourself a seat.'...is she not a true smartass?....made my night..
I don't even know who won the cowboy game...how about that for contentment..
There is a down side..but there is a upside to the downside..
yesterday son Thom called...(first time he has called since right after Christmas)and said they were going to be out of town on Thanksgiving and were having their Thanksgiving today and did I want to come...? I said,'No..I don't think so'...and he was all er, ah..'well, the girls are going to be there and we just wanted you to know that if you want to come you are invited..' said 'nope, but thanks for asking..bye..'...he said bye and that was in..then the minute Jenny came home he said "guess what, I asked grandma to come and she said 'no'....she doesn't want to come over here..'..so Jenny explained that Grandma doesn't want to go where she's not wanted and she knows you're just asking her as an obligation and you're little kodak moment and why should she come over her for one day..then Christmas and then not hear from you for another year...?'...he said well, I was trying to be nice and do the right thing and if she doesn't want to come..well, fuck her..'...hee hee...and then when he found out I was going to dinner with them, Jenny said she thought he was going to have a fit...'too good to come to my house, but will go eat with you and your sister..well, fuck her.'...ahh, life is good...anytime I can piss off one of my kids..it's ok, with me..then .....oh man...then I get an email from Maryjo...says happy birthday..don't respond to this, but just wanted you to know I was thinking of you on this day...MO..
(hahahah..what a little brat)..which is not what I called her in my email to Babs...ha.
but I had a great time, a great dinner and enough tea to last me through the winter..especially since Junebugg send me a green tea starter kit, with a book on green tea, and a brewer to make the tea with ...sigh*..there is not only a burp and a fart here...there was also a scratch or two to the nether regions...I'm thinking another piece of non sugar chocolate with a cup of white tea with hibiscus ....
So ladies and gentle men...thanks for all the happy birthday's...21 on line and 8 emails..and also thanks for the congrats on my 15 years...now if I could just kick the Dr.Pepper monkey I would be a-ok..nah, right now....I am just perfect....
It's my birthday!!!
This is Babs posting. Leave Jackiesue some birthday wishes or perhaps a song. Happy Birthday JS!!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I decided to run to the $1 store to get cat food for Annie and when I got there I saw they had some videos on sale, 2 for $5..so I'm looking through them and found two that I had not seen before and thought what the hell..so I put them in my basket, got Annie's food and went to the register, saying howdy to all the people I knew and shot the bull with a few..I get to the register and the girl starts to check me out...and all of a sudden she says"I have to have your date of birth."..what the fuck? "Why do you need my date of birth?"..she said:"The register says before we can sell you this video you have to prove you're over 18."...I look down at the videos and say.."So before I can buy Snatch I have to prove how old I am?" and she giggles and I snort...and she says:"Yes, before you can buy Snatch ..you have to prove your old enough.".."Well, I'm plenty old enough, I was born 11-12-43..so can I have my Snatch now?" by then she and I are starting to lose it and the crowd is getting into it.."I can't believe if your under 18 you can't have Snatch," I say..."I bet the republicans are behind this..having to be 18 to buy Snatch, now that the Democrats are in power I bet you won't have to be 18 to buy Snatch."...this is when we all lost it..eight adults laughing like little kids saying poopoo...we were leaning on each other and wiping tears from our eyes...I finally gave her my birth date and assured everyone I was going to run home and watch Snatch for 18 year olds...
fuckme till they check my ID ..
fuckme till they check my ID ..
sooooo Republicans ..here's your fucking wake up call... 
I have been trying to post since yesterday..the zombie is taking over my computer and think it's 'fixing' to crash..if it does..I will be foreced to work from the library and as slow as they are, I may not be able to...so it looks like my blogging days are coming to an end...but on the good side..we whupped some republican ass...and got rid of Rumsfeld in the process. I'm not so sure about this Gates guy...he's been the president of A&M...the Aggies...in Texas one of this longest running and best jokes are Aggie jokes..
Today in the paper thre was an article about a student-produced video(by Texas A&M students) that showed a man playing the role of slavemaster whipping another man in blackface.Tuesday Dr. Gates said the video was removed from a public website at the request of school officials.He called the video "moronic," and "so utterly disgusting that, regardless of race, religion, or back-ground, I believer virtually any member of our Aggie family would be outraged and ashamed if they viewed it." The video was produced by three Aggie A&M students.Officials also held a forum on the incident Tuesday night, and some who attended the standing-room-only gathering demanded that whoever made the video be expelled.Others complained about a hostile climate for minorities at the school, where Dr. Gates struggled in his tenure to diversify the student body.The latest incident inflamed tensions.
"Students-all students-should be outraged,"the Battalion(A&M's student newspaper)editorial said."Three of our own were comfortable making this video and displaying it on the Interenet.That says a lot about the campus climate of this university.We passively tolerate hate.The students who made the video did not fear a backlash from the Aggie community.Our apathy is our acceptance.When will we start standing up for one another?The poser to change this University is in our hand. But only we,the students, can make it happen."
Aggies have a long standing reputation of being brawn and no brain. They have harrassed women students plus any and all minorities..I'm not sure that a guy that couldn't effectively change policy with a bunch of college kids, can do anything with fueding Iraqui's...but he still has to make it past the dem's...
So we just have to wait and see what the Democrat's will do with their power..I would like to see them impeach the bastid and his "Dick"..Cheney..
On an different matter..I am having a small celebration today...it's my 15th anniversary of no drinking...pretty cool...If my diabetes was a little bit more under control I would celebrate by having a Dr.Pepper, but instead I will have a iced tea with sweet and low...wheeeee...maybe by the 12th when I turn 63 I will be able to have a Dublin Dr. Pepper.
fuckme till I pop a wheelie.

I have been trying to post since yesterday..the zombie is taking over my computer and think it's 'fixing' to crash..if it does..I will be foreced to work from the library and as slow as they are, I may not be able to...so it looks like my blogging days are coming to an end...but on the good side..we whupped some republican ass...and got rid of Rumsfeld in the process. I'm not so sure about this Gates guy...he's been the president of A&M...the Aggies...in Texas one of this longest running and best jokes are Aggie jokes..
Today in the paper thre was an article about a student-produced video(by Texas A&M students) that showed a man playing the role of slavemaster whipping another man in blackface.Tuesday Dr. Gates said the video was removed from a public website at the request of school officials.He called the video "moronic," and "so utterly disgusting that, regardless of race, religion, or back-ground, I believer virtually any member of our Aggie family would be outraged and ashamed if they viewed it." The video was produced by three Aggie A&M students.Officials also held a forum on the incident Tuesday night, and some who attended the standing-room-only gathering demanded that whoever made the video be expelled.Others complained about a hostile climate for minorities at the school, where Dr. Gates struggled in his tenure to diversify the student body.The latest incident inflamed tensions.
"Students-all students-should be outraged,"the Battalion(A&M's student newspaper)editorial said."Three of our own were comfortable making this video and displaying it on the Interenet.That says a lot about the campus climate of this university.We passively tolerate hate.The students who made the video did not fear a backlash from the Aggie community.Our apathy is our acceptance.When will we start standing up for one another?The poser to change this University is in our hand. But only we,the students, can make it happen."
Aggies have a long standing reputation of being brawn and no brain. They have harrassed women students plus any and all minorities..I'm not sure that a guy that couldn't effectively change policy with a bunch of college kids, can do anything with fueding Iraqui's...but he still has to make it past the dem's...
So we just have to wait and see what the Democrat's will do with their power..I would like to see them impeach the bastid and his "Dick"..Cheney..
On an different matter..I am having a small celebration today...it's my 15th anniversary of no drinking...pretty cool...If my diabetes was a little bit more under control I would celebrate by having a Dr.Pepper, but instead I will have a iced tea with sweet and low...wheeeee...maybe by the 12th when I turn 63 I will be able to have a Dublin Dr. Pepper.
fuckme till I pop a wheelie.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying.
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool's gold mouthpiece
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.
Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.
So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing.
As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don't hate nothing at all
Except hatred.
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.
While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have
To stand naked.
An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it.
Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you.
You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks
They really found you.
A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy
Insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not fergit
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to.
Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to.
For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something
They invest in.
While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him.
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he's in.
But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it's alright, Ma, if I can't please him.
Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn't talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony.
While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer's pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death's honesty
Won't fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes
Must get lonely.
My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
False gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough
What else can you show me?
And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only.
Copyright © 1965; renewed 1993 Special Rider Music
Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying.
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool's gold mouthpiece
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.
Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.
So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing.
As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don't hate nothing at all
Except hatred.
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.
While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have
To stand naked.
An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it.
Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you.
You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks
They really found you.
A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy
Insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not fergit
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to.
Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to.
For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something
They invest in.
While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him.
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he's in.
But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it's alright, Ma, if I can't please him.
Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn't talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony.
While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer's pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death's honesty
Won't fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes
Must get lonely.
My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
False gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough
What else can you show me?
And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only.
Copyright © 1965; renewed 1993 Special Rider Music
Friday, November 03, 2006

Ok, everyone turn on Letterman tonight, as the Kinkster will be on...I'm still not voting for him, but he is good for a laugh and Letterman will give him plenty of room to do so..
This was in the Dallas Morning news the other day..by Associated Press and staff reports...I laughed my ass off...and I have lots of ass, thank you very much..
Independent governor candidate Kinky Friedman celebrated his 62nd birthday Wednesday with a nosh and some salty comments about his oponents.
Was that a shot? At lunch with reporters at a Jewish deli, Mr. Friedman counted down what he will do next WEdnesday if he is not the governor-elect of Texas after a race among Republican Gov.Rick(good hair..(my input))Perry, Democrat Chris Bell(I'm soooo fucking boring.(my input)) and independent Carole Keeton Strayhorn(I never met a party I didn't want to join..until another one comes along(my input)):"If Perry wins, I retire in a petulant snit on a goat farm. If Bell wins, I move to France with Barbara Streisand.
If Strayhorn wins,I blow my(expletive)(.....I'm thinking fucking)head off.:
A retort:Bell spokesman Jason Stanford had these reassuring words for Mr. Friedman and anyone who fears for is head:"I thinkk his expletive head is safe.Carole Strayhorn doesn't have a prayer."
Don't yall wish you had these yoyo's running for Governor in your state? Other than being a buncha dipshits..at least there are no pediphiles in the bunch..although I do think there is something to that retiring on a goat farm that is a little telling, if you ask me..wink wink nudge nudge..
Thursday, November 02, 2006
.......MY TOWN SMELLS.......
Like kolaches baking, sausages simmering,cabbage with paprika boiling,and all sorts of delicious aromas....A resturant that had been closed for a few years reopened and when I went to town today and parked down the street I could smell all those dishes wafting through the air..it smelled so good it made me want to hug someone..
I just got off the phone with the new owner Jerry Mazanec(damn I hope I spelled that right)and he said they bake pies, kolaches and bread fresh every day..they make their own soups and dressings for salads..they make the cutest little individual breads and I can vouch that they are good, very good...The resturant is called Sulak's..it's been in the same place since 1923 and Jerry is only the 4th person that has the orginal recipes..I have eaten there many times but not since Jerry bought it..he's the guy that had the Chicken Shack that I used to go to all the time..he sold that and bought Sulak's..so a familiy tradition of West is being passed on.I wish that you could be here and just stand on the sidewalk and smell what I smelled..it will make you smile and giggle..what was funny was when I called some woman answered the phone and when I said is Jerry there? she said I knew that was you...Melissa is a friend(kinda sorta kinfolk..she was married to one of my cousins by marriage)and recognized my voice right off..most people that know me..can always recognize my voice..even after 20-30 years..I just have one of those voices...sort of like a cross between Lauren Bacall and Harvey Firestein, with less smokes and more whiskey.
We are taking up a collection of wood for a bonfire for the last high school home game.We have a winning record so far, so we should have a nice turnout..I love bonfires,and just hope the kids don't jump the gun and set it on fire the night before..Holloween was a huge success this year, with the West Chamber of Commerce Holloween Alley. We really go all out for Holloween and Christmas here..
The West Volunteer Fire Dept has a new fire truck.It was made right here in West by Wextex Welding.The total cost of the truck was $158,331. The truck chassis was purchased through a grant from the Texas Forest Service while it was equipped with money from the City of West and proceeds from the West VFW annual Barbecue cookoffs. Yes, folks we paid for it...My little town rocks..The West Volunteer Fire Dept. also has 5 fire fighting trucks:first response truck,Jaws of Life truck,a 1972 pumper truck and 1952 pumper truck. In addition, they have a 2,000 tanker truck.
We welcomed Michael Eric Slovak into the world,weighing in at 8 lbs.15 oz.and 21.5 inches long..wow, that's a long kid.
Makayla Leanne Watson was born on October 12th and weighed 6lbs.4 oz.and was 19.5 inches long.Ashley McCoy turned 18,Mary Jo Slovak turned 2,Brett had a birthday, no age and some old fart celebrated his 88th birthday and a lovely lady named Shirley had a birthday too..Deanra Ellison and Mattew Stubblefield exchanged vows in Waco,and Noelle Chmielewski and Rider Barnes were married at the Beaumont Ranch in Grandview, Texas...Elera Vrba,Johnnie A. Ward,and Benjamin Upmore are no longer with us.Which means 3 out 2 in...Picture of my x-daughter-in-law Kathy(j&j's mom) in the paper along with Rose Ann Morris and David Pareya for the pancake supper for Kiwanis..I can't see how pancakes would be a big draw, but I guess they are..We have pancake suppers all the time..She pricked my finger for me this morning and it was 129...so that's a good thing..to celebrate I went to community Grocery and snuck a long neck Dr.Pepper. Not the Dublin,Texas kind, as they were all hot and I couldn't wait for it to get cold..I have been nursing it for 34 minutes..I swear to the Goddess I have never had any thing taste so good in my life.Dang! Nectar of the Goddess..
The West High School cross country runners won first place in all divisions...West High School football team beat Kennedale 13-10, which I guess is an upset as they were underdogs..The Lady Trojans Volleyball team is going to the playoffs, and the West Middle School 7th graders beat Venus and Hillsboro.
In the articles about what happened over 50 years ago, they mention that in 1955,38,300 people died on American Highways.
You can buy a 2-bedroom, 1 bath home in the country, 2 miles west of West, on 1/2 acre.Owner financing available for $52,500.I keep checking out the help wanted ads, but so far can't find anyone that is willing to hire an old lady to sit on her ass and be funny.Jeanette Karlik mentioned in her little weekly article that it was nothing unusal to have weddings in West with over 800 guests.. considering they are all related by marrige one or two generations removed, they have to invite that many..ha..Well, that is all the news that is fit to print from West, By Goddess, Texas.
I had a great day today..my gluclose is down, I had a Dr.Pepper, i talked to one of my grandaughters who is doing terrific,saw an old friend I haven't seen in years and years and she was in shock when I told her I hadn't drank in 15 years. Jaw hit the concrete..She is one of those ol'drinking buddies of mine, we would hold Church Services in the Capital bar on Sunday mornings before the bar opened and drink red beers and shoot pool, trying to drink ourselves sober so we could start all over again when the cowboys game started..
ahh, the good ole days..When if you squeezed me hard enough my liver would produce Lone Star.
I just got off the phone with the new owner Jerry Mazanec(damn I hope I spelled that right)and he said they bake pies, kolaches and bread fresh every day..they make their own soups and dressings for salads..they make the cutest little individual breads and I can vouch that they are good, very good...The resturant is called Sulak's..it's been in the same place since 1923 and Jerry is only the 4th person that has the orginal recipes..I have eaten there many times but not since Jerry bought it..he's the guy that had the Chicken Shack that I used to go to all the time..he sold that and bought Sulak's..so a familiy tradition of West is being passed on.I wish that you could be here and just stand on the sidewalk and smell what I smelled..it will make you smile and giggle..what was funny was when I called some woman answered the phone and when I said is Jerry there? she said I knew that was you...Melissa is a friend(kinda sorta kinfolk..she was married to one of my cousins by marriage)and recognized my voice right off..most people that know me..can always recognize my voice..even after 20-30 years..I just have one of those voices...sort of like a cross between Lauren Bacall and Harvey Firestein, with less smokes and more whiskey.
We are taking up a collection of wood for a bonfire for the last high school home game.We have a winning record so far, so we should have a nice turnout..I love bonfires,and just hope the kids don't jump the gun and set it on fire the night before..Holloween was a huge success this year, with the West Chamber of Commerce Holloween Alley. We really go all out for Holloween and Christmas here..
The West Volunteer Fire Dept has a new fire truck.It was made right here in West by Wextex Welding.The total cost of the truck was $158,331. The truck chassis was purchased through a grant from the Texas Forest Service while it was equipped with money from the City of West and proceeds from the West VFW annual Barbecue cookoffs. Yes, folks we paid for it...My little town rocks..The West Volunteer Fire Dept. also has 5 fire fighting trucks:first response truck,Jaws of Life truck,a 1972 pumper truck and 1952 pumper truck. In addition, they have a 2,000 tanker truck.
We welcomed Michael Eric Slovak into the world,weighing in at 8 lbs.15 oz.and 21.5 inches long..wow, that's a long kid.
Makayla Leanne Watson was born on October 12th and weighed 6lbs.4 oz.and was 19.5 inches long.Ashley McCoy turned 18,Mary Jo Slovak turned 2,Brett had a birthday, no age and some old fart celebrated his 88th birthday and a lovely lady named Shirley had a birthday too..Deanra Ellison and Mattew Stubblefield exchanged vows in Waco,and Noelle Chmielewski and Rider Barnes were married at the Beaumont Ranch in Grandview, Texas...Elera Vrba,Johnnie A. Ward,and Benjamin Upmore are no longer with us.Which means 3 out 2 in...Picture of my x-daughter-in-law Kathy(j&j's mom) in the paper along with Rose Ann Morris and David Pareya for the pancake supper for Kiwanis..I can't see how pancakes would be a big draw, but I guess they are..We have pancake suppers all the time..She pricked my finger for me this morning and it was 129...so that's a good thing..to celebrate I went to community Grocery and snuck a long neck Dr.Pepper. Not the Dublin,Texas kind, as they were all hot and I couldn't wait for it to get cold..I have been nursing it for 34 minutes..I swear to the Goddess I have never had any thing taste so good in my life.Dang! Nectar of the Goddess..
The West High School cross country runners won first place in all divisions...West High School football team beat Kennedale 13-10, which I guess is an upset as they were underdogs..The Lady Trojans Volleyball team is going to the playoffs, and the West Middle School 7th graders beat Venus and Hillsboro.
In the articles about what happened over 50 years ago, they mention that in 1955,38,300 people died on American Highways.
You can buy a 2-bedroom, 1 bath home in the country, 2 miles west of West, on 1/2 acre.Owner financing available for $52,500.I keep checking out the help wanted ads, but so far can't find anyone that is willing to hire an old lady to sit on her ass and be funny.Jeanette Karlik mentioned in her little weekly article that it was nothing unusal to have weddings in West with over 800 guests.. considering they are all related by marrige one or two generations removed, they have to invite that many..ha..Well, that is all the news that is fit to print from West, By Goddess, Texas.
I had a great day today..my gluclose is down, I had a Dr.Pepper, i talked to one of my grandaughters who is doing terrific,saw an old friend I haven't seen in years and years and she was in shock when I told her I hadn't drank in 15 years. Jaw hit the concrete..She is one of those ol'drinking buddies of mine, we would hold Church Services in the Capital bar on Sunday mornings before the bar opened and drink red beers and shoot pool, trying to drink ourselves sober so we could start all over again when the cowboys game started..
ahh, the good ole days..When if you squeezed me hard enough my liver would produce Lone Star.
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