Life is good here in West, By Goddess, Texas....I would bitch about the cold and our 'snow flurries' but Ol Lady in Canada, BYG and Nit Wit In Ohio, Carina and Lauren in Michigan keep besting my weather bitching...It got down to 18 degrees here and Ol Lady topped it by it being 18 below there..fuck...So I will tell you that it is in the 60's and a little breezy..The birds are about to eat me out of house and home...I went through a 20 lb bag of birdseed in less than 4 days...I have more birds to feed here and will stop feeding them on the porch as it is now covered with bird crap...Plus the wind is blowing the seed in the house every time I open the door...
Friday I got a lovely package from Alabama...a t-shirt dyed in Alabama dirt...a 'DIRT T-SHIRT'...how cool is that? It was of course sent to

My daughter Maryjo Is going to Europe..She is leaving the 22nd and coming back March 18th...Going to England, Ireland, Paris, and Amsterdam...good for her...Hope she has a wonderful trip...
I received 2 phone calls from kinfolk this morning...my second cousin Frank is coming down next weekend with wife and 3 kids and wanted to know about a motel to stay in, I told him about the Czech Inn, but told him, my couch makes into a queen size and we can take the pillows off and they the kids can bunk on the floor..They had all been down for our cousins wedding (he and wife are going to Paris for honeymoon, how cool is that..)and everyone missed me not being there..of course my son and his wife were there, which confused the kinfolk...why would Thom come and not bring his mother..?...ask Thom I said..Just when I think things are kinda sorta getting back to normal, I realize it was being done with smoke and mirrors..Anyhow, they are coming down and it really will be great to see them...Then I talked to my pistol packing Aunt Leola...oh, you would love my Aunt..if it wasn't for her I don't think I would be around here doing what I do...she rescued me when I was about 6 months old and took me from Oklahoma where my sister and I had been left in a motel while our mother was out entertaining the troops on leave..My sister was sent to live with our mother's family and Aunt Leola took me to Houston, where I lived till I was 4 years old...So I am very close to my 'Wowo.'..Which is what we called her when we were little as we couldn't say Leola..She and I want to have the reunion again here in West...I had it here one year and it was more fun...had a great time and they also got to enjoy Westfest...So hopefully we will have it here this year...if so ...........man......will I have a great post then..ha..
What e

My neighbor(can't remember her name..the 75 year old walker)..came over yesterday morning, the postman put my mail in her box...I invited her in and we had a nice talk...She's a sweety...she goes to Church at the First Baptist Church every Sunday and prays to God out loud...I was tempted to tell her I pray out loud to the Goddess, but figured..why rock the boat, I have plenty of time to shock her out of her drawers...besides she will be someone to walk with and don't need to run her off first thing..She is a reader too, so gave her a stack of books to read..she was so excited..I had put out a bunch of books in the laundry room with a note saying read and bring back so others can read them too, and they are doing that..She said she read 3 of them and is waiting for the others to make the rounds..
She and several others from the apartments go to the Senior Cen

Brawhahahahahahahahahahah! Yeah, fucking right...Like I said, until one of the 6 people that are supposed to carry my ass to the grave croaks, I see no need for making new friends..plus I have you guys to pick from...right?..
I have to go now...NASCAR is on...I have to watch and root for Matt for Babs...oh cool, Nicolas Cage just told them to 'Start Your Engines.'....I would love to see Babs be able to do that..How cool would that be...
fuckme till my engine purrs....
Hi Yellow Granny, you still seem very green to me!!!! I didn't come see you for a long time... I still have to go to work... Well, keep up the good work and the good words... and continue to pray the Godess, I am sure she hears you. Only good things to you.
I gotta be honest: I can't stomach NASCAR. I'm sure there's a black mark next to my name now. Hope you enjoyed the race.
BTW, Buddha and I like sleeping on pull-out couches! Ha!
I bet you anything that she already does do that in her own living room. But having her do it in a Bikini and Pumps, now THAT would have me watching NASCAR!
Yep, those pictures up on the top there look pretty appropriate for what we had here all week. Another four or five inches came down last night and early this morning. There's a light at the end of the tunnel though...we are supposed to rise above freezing for the first time in almost a month tomorrow! keeping fingers crossed....
martine: nice to see you again...don't work to hard...
buddha:I just started watching it last year old of loyalty to Babs...so we would have something to bullshit about..ha todays race was pretty good, lots of wrecks but no injuries...
byg:you know I can see her bikini clad and in high heels waving her flag...ha...I can't believe the snow everyone is getting,and can you imagine how bad it would be if we didn't have global warming..???
I will ask the Goddess to intervene for you with the weather...maybe that will help...
I'm a tee shirt collector too. In New York they dye them with blood instead of dirt!
Watch that bird poop. If they're pigeons they can carry up to 60 different diseases in that stuff!
I'm really trying to get into NASCAR. I like that the drivers respect and appreciate their fans and don't act like a-holes like so many celebrities do. Is that a stupid reason for trying to find a new pastime?
I'm really trying to get into NASCAR. I like that the drivers respect and appreciate their fans and don't act like a-holes like so many celebrities do. Is that a stupid reason for trying to find a new pastime?
Ah, Dirt Shirts. you should see some of the ones you can get in Hawaii. I have a Blue Curacao dyed tee and they have their red-dirt shirt, but also have lava rock shirt, wine-dyed, etc, even chocolate and hemp as well - check out Crazy Shirts mag outta Hawaii. Pricey but neat to see the types of shirts they make.
I vote to see Babs doing a little flagging of her own! I don't get into NASCar unless I'm there in person, don't care much for it on TV but the crowd vibes are wonderful when you're track side.
Glad you like the shirt, we've got one of the processing plants here in 'Bama and I got to go in and pick out the shirt in person.
Yeah, I always figure it's best to keep my Buddhist/Pagan beliefs to myself around most of my relatives so I don't have to have them praying for my salvation and disrupting my heathen energies.
Out here we dye them with kangaroo poo.
Sounds like you are in for a full house next weekend. Good stuff. Boo to Thom and the missus.
Okay I was only kidding about the roo poo dye. Just in case I get asked for a teeshirt, don't fancy going out collecting it, let alone making the crap into a dye. But yer know, that's a thought hmmm.
My shirts get dyed in dirt at work. You wouldn't beleive how dirty I get throwing bread.The lace is full of soot from trucks and dirt from the roads they travel.
Now you just have to hope the walking lady doesn't become a pest. She might not be able to stand up to your real personality, but if she finds out who you pray to she will have to try to convert your poor misguided soul.
A house full of people always gives me the urge to be somewhere else.
Was Nicolas Cage's Skull on fire when he said it? I want to go see his new movie but I spent all my money on food and lectricity this payday. Oh well.
A 75 year old shocked out of her drawers is not a visual that you see everyday.
Just stopped by to check on you. :) Now I need to go take a nap. Keep on keepin on...
cyber: I think I'm glad you told me that about the pigeons, but it's mostly grackles, wrens, tits, and doves..some blue jays and cardinals..
Jan: i have only been watching for about 1/2 a year..I still think they should carry guns and be able to shoot each others tires out..
tina: I checked them out...and yup, they are pricey..but beautiful.especially the lavernder one..
Juney: yup..they make them in Moulon(sp?) which I think is really close to you..I want a dirt t-shirt from every state, but so far only a few states make them...we have gooder dirt then them..
Cheesy:I like the idea of them praying for me...every little bit counts, and the Goddess says..."a prayer is a prayer, doesn't matter who it's going to"
apos:yes, I'm a tad up happy with the son too, but like I always say:"Fuckem"...ha...hey, you may have stumbled on something with the roo dyed shirts...you've got enough of them to generate enough poo to do the job...'ROO POO DYED T-SHIRTS'
hell, I would buy one..
nitwit: if the 75 year old messes with me, I at least know I can take her in a fight..she may be able to out run me..but when she tires and I catch her..her old wrinkled ass is mine...nope...cage's head wasn't on fire..but a couple of wrecked cars were...
fuzzy:she kinda looks like that cartoon character Marge....picture her naked...that should give you a visual that will blind ya..
nancy: for a chubby old lady, I don't sweat much....
$1.50 for lunch is a great deal.
an even better deal if they save your soul too. i usually have to pay over $4.00 to get my soul straightened out and they won't even give me a receipt.
dat figures
u r from the cheesemeister crowd (rabble)
do u no VEST too?
He is 80 and talks like a 10 yo
Jim: a person that reinforces the expression...hire the handicapped..their fun to watch....
Ahhh... you're making nice with the neighbors. Wait till it gets out that you're a heathen! They might burn a Nicolas Cage idol outside your front door. I still don't tell my family about my pagan ways. They'd try to save my fucking soul or worse- try to get me to go to church every damn Sunday when NASCAR is on.
Dirt shirt! I used to have one of the reddish ones, loved it too.
Mmmm. Nicholas Cage. Prrrrrrr.
I have a 'dirt shirt' from P.E.I. it is so old and has holes in it and paint on it...I just love to wear it at the camp :)
Nicholas Cage...can start my engine anytime ;p
My first trip to the USA, was to Wilmington , NC , I bought a fab T-shit with a pic of a fish pooping it reads Bass-Turd !
No wonder I love Americans :)
i am a nut
i fell madly in love with a lady (2 years older than me)
just by the way she jokes
and i saw her soul before seeing her body
i am 56 by the way
i dont feel old
and will never feel old
remember the song
u will never grow old as long as u have love in your heart
Yes, Jim, some people recognize a good thing when they see it and try not to behave like a TROLL around it. Unfortunately I don't catch on as quick as Granny, but that is because I don't yet have as much wisdom. But I have been inspired and I assure you that I shall no longer put up with your abuse. The number of blogs or blog posts I have made to please you is exactly none. And so it shall remain. And the comments are about to become less and less pleasant as well.
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