Greetings and blessings on you my children...I came down to your waring planet to help celebrate the birth of your Prince of Peace...I'm sure he would be very proud of all the wars that are being fought in his name...While I am here I thought it would be a good time for question and answers again...and please..make them good...No football questions...no sports team questions..ask the Yellow Dog, she knows more about sports than I do...I'm still waiting for some pertinent questions..I will be here till Saturday to answer your questions, then it's back to the Heavens..watch out Loki is around, and he might answer some questions..Go with the Goddess my children..go with the Goddess...
I have a question. Why won't Jesus fix my sore knees? I've asked him more than 100 times. Please respond promptly.
How do I discourage these crazy ass squirrels from camping out on my fire escape?
Can I start Ragnarok.....you know....again??
The wolves and giants are getting antsy!!!!
Also...do you think its a coincidence that my mothers name is also the Germanic word for the old Viking sagas?
leo hit his head and woke up as billy pilgrim again. long story.
will ruby forget leo and bond with billy?
Will Americans ever wake up and demand Universal healthcare?
I watched MM's Sicko last night, and I was appalled at how your health care system really is across the border.
Sign me Crazy Canuck Girl :)
Goddess, will I get the world peace this Christmas that I keep asking for?
Anne, Jesus is now a doctor, go see one for your knees.
Sorry, I biffed that last comment. Let me try again.
Can you please send me some wacky individuals to participate in my story contest? Here is the horrible spam message I have been plaguing people with:
I hate to spam other people's blogs so I usually never do it. But I have been having zero luck getting participants for my first annual story contest. The topic is the horrors of fruitcake. Since anybody with even a modicum of talent should be able to beat the ridiculous example I wrote, y'all are missing out if you don't c'mon down and give it a shot! You will gain infamy, misfortune and disdain...oh wait. That's the last review for Death Cheese. I mean, you will gain fame, fortune and acclaim. That's right, click here and you too can join the ranks of the best! Or at least you can have fun and win priceless prizes.
Oh great goddess what is the point in it only be 13 degrees here in the daytime? Really what purpose does it serve? My heat is on 80 and we are still cold. Did you give a lil too much power to that punk J Frost?
Why don't we drug-test politicians?
Oh Dearest Great Goddess!
I humbly bow and ask that you help me to quit hating my husband if it be Thy Will.
Or should I just divorce the bastard?
Since you don't allow football questions, I' at a loss. Except for these two questions:
1. For 61 years I've been asking for a pony for Christmas. Will I ever get the gotdamn thing?
2. The question that is on everyone's minds: WTF?
Wow, the Goddess is doing pretty good for herself these days.
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