Because I think I'm having a fucking heart attack.
Them Cowboys are going to be the death of me yet!
holy shit!....Annie is now convinced that I am a lunatic.

I spent the last 3 minutes of the game standing up and running around the living room, screaming and yelling..by the time the clock said 2 seconds left I was hysterical
and a sweating flopping heap on the floor..

My heart is still beating like a voodoo drum. I knew it
was going to be ugly...Every single solitary sports writer and sports pundit said the boys were going to win..I knew we
were fucked, as that's like the biggest jinx there is...But I still took the boys and gave up 10 1/2 points..which so far is the only game I've lost today..I was going to brag about that..but the season's not over with yet..Still have time to pick some loosers..but so far I'm 115-74-10 in picks...

OK...that's it..going to go watch the rest of the games and finish making my chicken stew...It's cold out..which means it's 42 degrees and windy...I don't know how y'all stand all that really cold weather..13 degrees, snow, ice, sleet...brrrrrr....Just for the record and in case anyone wants to know???????????????
I'm a happy ole fat broad...
You crack me up! lol
p.s. It's 80 degrees here! ;-)
It's about 32 degrees here with freezing rain. So far the electricity is still on though. Parts of okc and tulsa have power outages.
It got down to 36 over night. The warmest night we've had in a while. We have been in the teens already this year. Seems like all around us their getting freezing rain. I don't mind snow but some people still think they can drive on ice. Nobody can.
It's supposed to stay above freezing for a few days now but they never get it right for this town. Two major interstate highways meet here and they screw up the weather a lot.
So what was the score?
All right I finally found out the score. They make it so hard to find these things out. I'm surprised you survived the end of the game.
I just have one question. Why is Dallas in the NFC East? Hasn't anyone in the NFL ever looked at a map?
It's like the old days in baseball when the Reds were in the National League West with L.A. and S.F. and all those other teams on the left coast.
big pissy:its so weird here..had record 84 degrees one day and the next it's 38 degrees...it started raining finally..but just showers..tommorrow we're supposed to get read rain...sigh*
tex:man. I saw in the paper and on the news that you guys woke up to an ice storm this am...you guys ok?? that sucks the big one..
nitwit:that's texas too..they never get sleet or ice and when they do they are all so f***ing macho they all drive like it's 82 out and they leave wrecks all over the place...the score was 28-27...and detroit lead all the way till the final touchdown..it was a show of sheer guts and determination and skill by romo and witten..like to have kilt me..
I never have figured out why we are in nfl east..it makes no sense at all...we are in league with giants, philly, washington and used to be the cards when they were in st. louis..so how does dallas fit into that map?...werido's
What difference a year makes.TO is the man again !!!!
I'm thinking that Depends would make a heck of a lot more money if they stopped marketing towards incontinent seniors and started focusing on football fans. hehe
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fargin AWESOME post! i love reading about how you watch your games!!!
I thought of you when they flashed the score. The 49ers continue to suck big time. Is the season about over?
anyone who used to be called leo had to be rooting for the lions.
and what about alex karris? i gotta cheer for mongo's old team.
42 degrees? piece of cake.
it's -1 here (celcius)
You and my brother both were excited about the 'Boys pulling that one out. Tony Romo sure is something special. I am enjoying a balmy 28 degree day here in Boise. And I am thankful that you still find me amusing. Have a good one.
angel:I do get carried away with them...
Jan:I thought of you when I saw the 9ers score too...sigh* sorry..
billy pilgrim:i loved alex karras..he says one of the reasons he was so ferocious on the field was he couldn't see with out his glasses and he never played with them on and he would go for anything in the opposite teams uniform and try to kill them..sorry I beat your lions..
mongo wow..one of the best hemen in movie history in blazing saddles..
mrshife:it got down to 38 degrees and I actually turned the heat on..
Ahhhh, I knew you would still be funny....if you got it....ya got it
They pulled it out Jackie...the damned Lions chocked...:-)
"Annie is now convinced that I am a lunatic."
She was kind of slow figuring that out... LOL
35 degrees here. Not bad, it will freeze at night here but always gets above freezing during the day so winters here are bearable.
Paul:oh no..I don't think they choked at all...I think they found like Lions to win, just think we have a more talented qb and recivers...
BBC:yeh, she knows I'm nuts just not that nuts...
it's back in the 40s with rain..which we need...yeah!
Cowboys...football...grumble, gripe...I wish we had drafted Romo instead of trading our team away for magic beans.
disgruntled dolphin fan..oh man...your team sucks this year..I have made more money on them..I pick who ever they play and take the points...I win every time..well, I can remember when we had a 1-15 year...so cheer up..better days are coming..
You crackghead! My kid cheering for the Boys again?
Here's one for ya:
HG is always trying to get Buddha to say, "GO COWBOYS!"
Buddha almost always responds, "GO GIANTS!" I don't even prep him. Good times!
Glad ya didn't die running around like a maniac.
buddhagirl:I can't help myself...it just looks like he is saying Yea!!!! touchdown...?!!! ha..'My Jackie" will have to call him and teach him to say
cowboys....hb will love me for it...
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