I found this article in a Gay and Lesbian Insert in my DAM News and thought it was too interesting not to include it in a post and talk about it..I think the Don't Ask Don't Tell program sucks, bites and blows..I don't think it should be an issue. I think they should be allowed to serve and not be questioned or made to account for their sexual orientation. What someone does in their bedroom is no-ones fucking business, including the Military. But then I've always thought some one's sexual orientation was nobodies business. What goes on between two consenting adults should be between them...
click on each one and they will get really big so you can read them...jackie
What can I say other than...I concur!
I admire this guy so much...He needs to get a medal just for going through what he goes through every day after what he sacrificed during the war.
I was in the military pre Dont ask dont was horrible. I had to be so careful in my whoreyness. DADT was a step in the right direction..but we need to go all the way. It is ridiculous. Other countries are far more advanced than us.
I see all indications that the country is becoming more understanding. I'm sure the military will follow.
Undermine trust, unit cohesion? No more than a man and a woman!
I left the Air Force in Sept. of 92. I also worked in jobs that required very high security clearances. There was an institutional system in place that went into action any time there was even a hint through demeanor or actions that someone was gay. The person would find themselves shuffled off to jobs with no responsibility and be watched all the time. Then they would find themselves the target of people finding fault with everything they did to the point that they would be disciplined and lose their clearance. I watched this happen to a coworker the same rank as me. When I left he was working as a janitor cleaning the offices that were outside the areas requiring a clearance instead of doing the job of a Communications/Computer Operations Supervisor that he was trained for at great expense.
This was very like the things that were done to the new female members that were joining when we first had a volunteer military after the Vietnam War ended.
Though I didn't see Don't Ask Don't Tell in operation I suspect that the same tactics were employed. Many senior commanders have openly said they don't want Gays in their units and all it takes is a rumor to put the attack machine in motion.
Anything short of a ban on any discrimination due to sex or sexual orientation with strict penalties will never work.
They are hate crimes and n different than what has been done to other minorities. The only difference is that they are condoned by many powerful religions.
I’m done now…
I'm convinced that people and their opinions change gradually over time and by experience, not by government mandate or religious fanaticism.
I've come from the holy-roller bents where you were supposed to hate everyone who didn't walk and talk like Jimmy Swaggart to realizing life is too short for me to waste it trying to control other people. I - pardon the pun - don't give a fuck if you "put from the ruff" and think that demonizing someone because they do is basically the equivalent of kicking the crutches out from under a disabled person, or hating someone for picking their nose...Not only cruel, but stupid, as well as a waste of time and effort. Lots of these folks "come out" because their sick of everyone's stupid questioning about it, and I'd laugh my ass off if the next celeb that did, did so by saying:
"Yeah, I got sugar in my shorts - not that that's any of your business, but since you won't shut TF up about it, there you go - Happy now!?"
and that's why I love my friends..
A dear friend of mine from college suddenly enlisted in the Navy in an effort to leave the small town where he was born.
He went so far as to GET MARRIED while stationed in Hawaii so that he had a 'cover' of sorts.
He met his life partner while serving there and is now divorced from the idiot chick he married and has been living with his retired Naval officer boyfriend for almost 10 years. And THAT is what makes me happy.
Don't ask don't tell is as stupid as ever. As long as someone isn't screwing children or raping someone, their sexual activities are no-one's business.
Having worked with a number of ex-military and talked about a wide varity of things, one of the things I don't understand is the almost universal statement that they wouldn't like having to take showers with gays. How egotisticle are they that not only are they Goddess' gift to women, gays will lust after them too!! Also some of the retarded military were all for cutting taxes even tho after sucking the government tit all their lives and all their income came from the government, their retirement and working on a defense contract!!
I wonder if Obama will end DADT. He's said that he would listen to the generals' recommendation on the subject matter, and all signs seem to be pointing to increased tolerance by military personnel. So who knows?
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