I really thought when I took her to the vet today I wasn't bringing her home..All I did this morning was hold her and tell her good-bye...Take her to Dr. Tom and he does some sort of kitty massage on her spine and she stood up and took 3 steps..I looked at him and said "What are you? Oral Roberts?"....I also told him what Will said about the impacted anal canal..He took a poop scoop(technical name) and dug in there and got 3 inches of very hard packed poop out of her butt. Gave me some stuff to loosen up her bowels some and sent us home. That was a great idea Will and she is no longer full of shit.
Saturday I baked them a pecan pie and it was a hit, so that made me feel good. When we got home he said she would want to rest as she was pretty wore out..Did some walking in the grass out side while he showed me how to drain her bladder. So I took her home and Babs and I went and had Chinese food..We had 3 plates each of food...one of deserts...Granted they were small plates, but still. All I had since breakfast at 8A.M. was an apple about noon so we were hungry. All that and 2 drinks a piece and it was under $14.00...worth the trip to Wakko..We came home and we did some in town shopping..I got some puppy pads at Family Dollar..and when I walked in the door....get this..She stood up and took about 4 steps till she flopped on her butt..but she's walking..and she hasn't done that since I brought her home the first day. I couldn't stand her smell any more so I ran some warm bath water and gave her a bath..boy was she pissed..but she's so much cleaner and smells so good. After I had dried her up and I put her on her pad, she got up and walked the 3 feet to me..crawled up in my lap and nestled under my chin. I wept. I think she's going to make it folks..I have been faking it all this time. I really didn't think she was going to get better and thought I was going to have to put her down. But now? I think she's going to make it..I called the asshole vet this morning and asked him why he sent her home without telling me that she was almost paralyzed. He said she was weak but she could walk when she left here.I said yeah, but you didn't even warn me of that. Now she can't walk at all. He said 'well, you can bring her in and I'll x-ray her..I said no you won't, I don't ever want you to touch another one of my animals again..............ever...and hung up..Bastid..I knew if I went up there I was going to drag his fat no bedside manner ass out into the parking lot and kick it across the tarmac to the Auction Barn. So.....I take Annie back Wed. but he said if she acts like she's getting worse to call him. But the good news is..she's getting better. And you should see how he is with her(not just her either...all his patients) pets her, hugs her calls her Annie and talks to her. The Vet Buttroy called her ''it'' or 'kiddo'...or 'the cat'....and never petted her or touched her other than to handle her like she was dead weight..I don't know how to say this in any other way...but I'm one fucking happy old lady..Thank you all for your healing light and many prayers..I believe that you were as much a part of Annie's healing as Dr. Tom was...Goddess bless each and every one of you...jackie