Babs and I took her to see Dr. Tom this morning and he said he couldn't connect anything with the liver disease to the weakness in her back legs so thinks it's just from being caged up for 5 days with no food/water, only IV's...Because she is still eating like a horse..she's not up to 2 cans a day, but she's working on it..and what was so funny...I got her all bundled up in her blanket this morning and was sitting on the porch holding her waiting for Babs and she was very alert and enjoyed looking around and seeing what was going on..but her hind legs were tucked under her..When we got into Babs SUV and started out to the vets, she stood up on her hind legs and it was was meowing...It was like she was saying "Look Ma, I can stand, no need to take me to Dr. Tom's...look........I can dance."
It was pretty funny...So I'm feeling much better..and both vet offices' are on the look out and ordering the LD Feline for her. They both were calling around and no one in Waco had any..Jeez...Then we brought her home and fed her and went out to do some shopping..I had to get quarters to wash all the blankets as every thing smells like cat pee. We stopped by hardware store and got birdseed, plus Babs hadn't eaten so we went to Gerek's and got kolaches..I got a blueberry cream twist..OH MY GODDESS...they are fecking fantastic. Babs had one of the big rolls...Carmel nut/coconut. they are the size of softballs. They are so good they will make you weep. I cannot stress enough to you that if you live any where within 500-1000 miles of West, Texas you have to make the trip for the Old Czech Bakery. They can be frozen...I wonder if they let you send frozen food through the mail?....
I have to run...need to spend some huggy time with Annie, plus I'm going to start massaging and exercising her back legs. Help build up the muscles..
Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes and the donations. It gave me such a great feeling to know I could walk in there and pay for her treatment and not have to be freaked out as to where I was going to get the money. I told Dr. Tom he was a hero on the Internet and I swear he did one of those 'foot shuffle, shrug and ahh shucks' like Andy Griffin..haha
Now that I'm not freaking out over Annie I can get back to doing some regular posting..and reading of your blogs..I R happy...
What great news!! My dogs and cats often make great recoveries on the way to the vet or in the waiting room.
I can feel your relief in your words! I'm just giddy with relief for both of you!! :o) SO SO SO wonderful!!!
Great news! Hopefully she'll be running around in a couple of days. She's lucky to have you in her life, and thankful for your love I'm sure. Keep us posted.
...and yeah, your relief shines through this entry...and is matched by that of your reader friends. Whew!
Oh I am soooo happy for you and Annie. It feels good to read this post!
I'm SO glad she's doing better!
Thanks for letting us know and for posting that picture. She's such a cutie! :)
YEA for Annie...you mean blankets are not supposed to smell like cat potty?
That is great news! I'll keep her in my prayers. I don't know what I'd do without my cats.
Yes yes you can send frozen food through the mail...my mom sent me new england clam dip last year.
Course you could also just overnight baked goods...or send them priority. I would send D cookies and things all the time when he was stationed in Norfuck, VA
I wonder if a heating pad would help her hind legs...increasing blood flow and the like? I'm sure she'd sleep on it nicely anyhow.
I keep a cloth bag of dried pinto beans for just such occasions, you can freeze it or microwave it (if you nuke it, it does smell like wet beans though) and then use it as a compress.
wonderful news, my friend~
Hooray!!! I am so relieved to hear she is going to be OK. John and I have been so worried and just hoping for the best. Hugs for you and Annie.
I'm so glad to hear that the Queen is doing better, I've been really worried about you both
Go see Dr. Tom tomorrow and give him a big hug and sloppy kiss from me, ok?
Oh I am so glad to hear that Annie is doing so well. Hugs and kitty cuddles from all of us here
jan:babs and i were cracking up laughing..'look ma.i can danz'...ha..
pom:giddy is the right word too...went to bank and every one was 'boy your really chipper' and told the 'look ma i can danz' story every where i went..haha
bridget:she has really gotten some spoiling in today...it's 10:30 and this is the first i have been able to get up and put her down, she's been in my lap all night.
intenseguy:im so amazed and grateful at all the love that has come from all my friends...
sage:it felt good to write it..believe me..
bigpissy:that's an old picture..will take some pictures of her dragging her ass around..she looks a lot different..
rosemary:everything in the house has that eau de pee.
mrsb:i thing the heavens were loaded with prayers for the queen...and i believe it really helped.
wendy:im going to have to figure out a way to send everyone a kolache..ha
oh yea, she's always had her heating pad..during the winter, and even now..i figured it would be good for her..
kath:thanks my friend.
heidiand john:thanks for the concern and caring..you two are so sweet.
juney:oh man...your card got here today and i sat down in the middle of the floor and cryed like a baby..annie crawled over and sat in my lap mewing..will email you a long letter later..goddess bless you my friend..
buddha:he'd rather have my pecan pie..ha...plus mrs. dr tom will kick both our asses.
mamakelly:she's getting plenty of love and huggs from me for everyone ..thanks..
Nice to know you have friends isn't it.
She will milk the care and attention cause I'm sick for at least a year. Cats are smarter than us.
I don't know if I would trust the Post Office with West Kolaches. They anouced the other day that they would soon be broke and might start selling them to make up their budget shortfall. It would cause them to actually make a profit.
It's nice to hear some good news about Annie.
you can't keep a good cat down.
long may she run.
I am so very happy that things are going well. My cat Roscoe has a pin in his hip, so I know that recovery time can be awhile. I'm just so freaking happy for you and Annie!!
yippee! yippee!! Happy Dance! Happy Dance!
It was like she was saying "Look Ma, I can stand, no need to take me to Dr. Tom's...look........I can dance."
Peace Cat, my little cat, used to bite my late kitty Grand Old Man's ears... and when he got sick, PC instead started licking GOM's ears in earnest, as if to say, "I'm sorry for biting your ears, if you get well, I'll never do it again!"
Cats communicate in very real ways! :)
(((hugz)) soo glad things are looking up for you!
Yay, Dancing Annie!!!
Check Amazon. There are several pet stores (like pet food direct) that have Amazon shops. They usually get Big Dog's only treat he can eat without having his asshole turn into the Bellagio fountains to me within the week I order it.
What fantastic news! Glad she's doing so much better. And as to the other matter, dry ice, just remember that, dry ice...
Great news. :D I'm happy she's getting back up to speed.
Oh Jackie, I'm so glad Annie is on the mend, even if she is shitting and pissing all over the place!
Holy cats, Jackie! I am catching up on blogs/posting this weekend -- still no computer, still using the son's -- and am just now finding out about Annie's saga! So glad to read she's going to be OK. We recently had a scare with Batman (he's fine) but one of the possible complications was liver damage, so I'd just been researching that in pets. Definitely a difficult situation. Again, I'm just really happy that Annie's OK. Pets are our hearts. I'll email you.
Fingers crossed for you sweet Annie - with all the love you are handing down to her, she can't help but get better.
It sounds like I need to get me one of those blueberry twists.
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