Monday was an official state holiday marking the adoption of the Republic of Texas' Declaration of Independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836 by delegates meeting at Washington-on-the -Brazos. The Convention of 1836 assembled with 44 delegates present on March 1 as the Mexican army besieged the Alamo at San Antonio. Delegates-eventually there were 59- adopted the declaration the following day and began signing it the next.
The convention also wrote the Constitution of the new repu
blic, elected interim officers and named Sam Houston the commander in chief of its army. On March 17, it hastily adjourned as the Mexican army approached. Washington was a growing town on the Brazos less than 100 miles northwest of what is now Houston.

The convention within weeks would adopt a constitution amid a swift series of events. While they were meeting, William Barret Travis, Davey Crocket, Bowie, and
the other men were killed at the Alamo.(them sonsabitches...Buttorys)And just over another month later, General Sam Houston's army would defeat the Mexicans in the famous Battle of San Jacinto. The rallying cry being "Remember the Alamo"...With out the declaration there would never have been a nation of Texas. Yes, you Yankees...see why we are so arrogant? We were a fucking country, a nation..and then we gave it all up to be a state..See why we're always pissed with y'all.? The men that signed the declaration disposed of their copies almost immediately as the last thing they wanted was to be caught by any of the Mexicans with
a copy of a piece of paper saying they were leaving and taking Texas with them..

More Texas history...
March 19, 1687. Along the Trinity River, two years after the first landing in Texas to establish a French colony, Rene Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle is going for help.
The colony is starving, and close to rebellion. Seeking aid, La Salle and his group head north.
Just east of the river, a scouting party including La Salle's nephew fails to return. Fearing foul play, he questions his men.
Suddenly a shot rings out from the tall grass. La Salle is dead, murdered by two followers who fear he's gotten them lost.
Later, both men are killed by other conspirators. The French invasion of Texas fails. (what makes me laugh is in Waco there is a La Salle circle..one of those things where there is a huge round circle in the center and a road goes all around it and there are 4 roads coming into the traffic going around the circle..and if you don't know what your doing or which road you want to take....you can get lost...just like La Salle.
Mo history about Texas.
March 15, 1861. Austin, Texas. Aflame with passion, Texas has voted to secede. Legendary governor and hero of the fucking battle of San Jacinto, Sam Houston, who opposed secession, must now swear loyalty to the confederacy or be replaced.
In the mansion, the 70-year old Houston finishes dinner and retires. Through the night, his wife hears him pace the wooden floors, pondering his fate. By morning he decides.
Later at the capitol, his name is called but Houston refuses to take the oath. The hero of San Jacinto is thrown out of office and branded a traitor. Two years later he is dead.
Sam Houston fought his last battle 147 years ago, this month.
I love my state of Texas...not so crazy about most of the Buttroys that live here. They may be Buttroys...but they're my Buttroys..
I can see why Texans are so proud of their state. I'm just wondering what you think the best tourist attraction is in Texas,.
my favorite is the alamo followed up by a trip to the zoo..which was always my favorite thing to do...my daddy used to take me all the time...and still remember the excitement i felt when i got to ride the elephants...
but if you can stand the fucking yuppy's in traffic..austin is the greatest place to go...there is everything..the capital, barton springs, can zip over to lukenbach,can see any type of music in the world, can go see lane doing her african drum dance classes...2 beautiful lakes...i really love austin, but the traffic after west, texas makes me nuts..
I ain't worried about the traffic since I've learned to drive like a damn yankee. Buttroys to the left of me; buttroys to the right - here I am stuck in the middle with you, Yellowdog. I may even take Lane's dance class as soon as I get my lily white ass down there.
ps: I'm coming to Austin for a bluebonnet fix the first week of April.
Sooner here,
Been to Lukenbach, loved the country around Fredericksburg, and I been to West Bygawd Texas, and I met Henrietta, THANKS TO YOU! Texas is cool...(clenched teeth) LOL ...a Lot more to see than Oklahoma...we are but a StepState
pen:you have to come visit..I'll be coming to austin to visit with lane pretty soon as we're going to go to marble falls and have a garage sale at her folks house.plus west, texas is only about 120 miles from austin..and here thats just down the road a piece..I'll take you to all my old haunts(including all the bakery's) and to pizza house and let you have a skunk egg...take you to family dollar and you can meet inky, community grocery and meet patsy..ha..get to meet all the usual suspects..send me your email address and i'll send you my phone number and address...
in west,when you come to a 4-way stop you will be there for ever..as no one wants to be rude and be the first one to go...ha
Too freaking bad Texas did not remain an independent state. It would probably be better off.
Folks I know from Tennessee and Kentucky have been called "damn Yankees" by Texans and were totally confused by it (heh-heh!).
I KNEW there was a reason I liked Sam Houston!
From Texas joining the Confederacy to marriage of any kind, to the North American Union, it's in-fucking-credible how eager people are to trade liberty for slavery!
I was talking to my mom about West and the first thing she remembered was a kolache bakery. I'll be spending Tues April 7 wandering from Houston to Austin.
And if anybody else emails me, they better have something nice to say.
Happy Birthday Texas.
Someday I hope to see the Alamo but unfortunately to date, all I've ever seen is the Alamo Car rental counter.
I've see the top part of the Texas... Amarillo at about 1:00 AM in the morning. I was asleep in the backseat of my car which was being driven by a college acquaintance who drove through the "main and broad street" in the center of twon doing about 80 mph. I awoke to see the sparks flying out the back of the car when we returned to the road after taking off at the crown of the cross road.
I think my Texas memories would help me fit right in don't you? :)
TED:I wish we had stayed a country too...we could't be any worse off than we are now...maybe we wouldnt' have good hair perry.sigh*
Pen:tell your mom if she went to the bakery on I-35 she didn't get the good Kolaches...she got the tourist Kolaches..have to go into town and get the good ones..and especially the charlottes..oh man..they are so good they will make you weep.I'm not sure when I'll be going to Austin to see Shady, but once you get settled and are serious about the dance class I'll give you her phone number ..I think the classes are on monday..but be forewarned..those classes aren't for the faint hearted...they are hard...really hard...she's the oldest one there at 62 and she keeps up..don't know how..I watched the entire thing and was about to have a stroke just watching..told them after 30 minutes of just the exercises I'd be on the floor screaming call 911...call 911..but she has a ball and loves the people.they are like an extended family like my blogger family is to me..plus you couldn't have a better person to tell you where all the great stores are. she has a black belt in shopping and knows all the best places to go to get bargains.
intenseguy:we have a saying about the pan handle part of texas..if God was going to give the world an enema, he'd shove it in Amarillo...dust dirt and oil rigs..come on down to west, texas I'll show you some purty country.plus i know you'd fit in...your a friend of mine..that's all it takes.
I have been to Texas a few times (Houston area). Love it there! The people are so friendly and I always felt so welcome. We did Mardi Gras in Glaveston a few years back...what a party! I want to get to Austin one day and check out the music scene...
The nearest Ive been to Texas is a 'Texas BBQ Pizza with extra cheese' from our pizza take-away :)
zen:there are a lot of great places to have fun in texas..austin being the best.but I'm partial to West,Texas since my partying days are pretty much over..ha
toasty:I'll have to send you a bag of pigskins or as we call them "cracklins' or pork rinds."...you'll love them.
nan:yeah, but you did it any way...or tried..
name me one state that has nothing to be ashamed of...in over 200 years they all had blood on their hands in one way or another..if it wasn't 'darkies' it was killing indians for the land..sorry to say you pissed me off...
I like that big, huge, Texas sized white statue of Sam Houston that is located in the bend of the HWY when going from Houston to Dallas. I always wonder why no one has hit it yet? Perhaps they have?
Except Im very higher allergic to pork or any pork related edibles LMFAO.......
what ya trying to do dog? kill me ;)
Does that traffic circle in Waco have an auto body shop nearby?? A lot of traffic circles I've seen have a body shop close to it. I think every one on Cape Cod has a body shop within a block or so.
You make me want to visit Texas. I will have to come out there someday. Probably just to West Texas..I want to meet all the buttroys
Oh, I agree - it's a rare state (or country) that doesn't have a whole lot of nasty shit in its background. Texas isn't exactly unique in having skeletons in its closet. Of course, the good stuff tends to get passed over, too, if it doesn't match up with the dominant paradigm. Quick example from another Southern state: How often does anyone ever bother mentioning that Helen Keller was a socialist?
Well I'm half Texan,and I love my Texas heritage!..I also love my historic 'Bohemian Bomb Squad' T-shirt that I wear to bed every night.
..I should probably wash it sometime.
Steve loves Texas....he stays at a hotel right by the Alamo and always brings me back a t-shirt.
I use to look at Texas history books when I was a kid.
It built up my arms.
Makes me think of that great Lyle Lovett song, "That's right, you're not from Texas."
tex:should have picked them up with something.....
besides your hands..you'd be alot happier..hehehehe
elizabeth:oh i fecking love that song..it's terrific..if any of you haven't heard it yafta listen to it..
Texas is America in Microchasm: I hated Amarillo because 90% of it was from Californication, 5% from Mexico and the rest were too goddamned confused to figure out what they were.
Never got to see Texas til I moved to Memphis for a couple months, and worked in Claude.
I'll bet West is "da bomb" and "all dat" too, especially during Fest.
Texas has much to recommend it. I loved San Antonio and intend on visiting Houston and Austin someday. I'd probably do well to steer clear of the small towns though...
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