Annie is spending the night at the vet tonight. Her liver is failing. More will be known after blood work is done, but tonight she's resting and getting extra fluids.
Jackie is devastated and blaming herself for not knowing what was wrong with Annie. It's very hard to see jaundice in a cat.
Please send healing thoughts and prayers to Annie and Jackie.
Poor Annie..I'm sending out hopes for a speedy recovery.
Prayers for Annie. She is an important part of the blogosphere...
White light and healing energies coming your way
i'm firing up a stick of incense for annie right now.
OH, NOOOOOO!!!! How terrible!! Sweet little Annie is in my prayers. I hope everything turns out OK. Please keep us posted.
So sorry! I hope all ends well and will be thinking of you!
thanks so much..cried myself to sleep.just woke up..keep looking for her..
Oh Jackie! I'm so sorry that poor Miss Annie has to go through this. I wish her nothing but peace.
My warmest most healing thoughts are coming your way and to your darling Annie. Please take care. Big hugs...
Oh, I'm SO SO sorry! Sending up a prayer for her and a hug for you. xo
OMG I'm devastated for you! When my grumpy little Skreechy Cat, also known as Skreechy von Skreechenstein, got dehydrated and sick on me and I almost lost the little grumblebutt, it was all I could do to drive the little dude to the ER vet.
You know my deepest and best thoughts are with Annie and Jackie Sue.
Something woke me at this hour.
Jac - Annie knows you love her. Period.
Let me know what I can do. Prayers have been sent out into the universe and the goddess has been contacted.
Damn--I'm so sorry. My old cat P.E. had liver problems as a kitten and we got his liver working better again by feeding him extra food because he wasn't absorbing the nutrients from the normal amount. Feed her as much as she wants to eat and also give her some cat vitamin supplements and fish oil. My son and I prayed to Bast then and P.E. ended up living to 15. I'll ask Bast for help for Annie too.
Leon also sends his good wishes and commiseration to Annie. He was at the vet today getting a bunch of teeth pulled.
Thoughts for Annie and you. And an extra hug just to say we understand what you going through right now.
At the Australian Cattle Dog forum I am part of and find most of my foster dogs, there is a practice called lighting a bentley (the white stripe on most ACD's heads) So I am lighting all the bentleys I have here (5), candles, and keeping you both in my thoughts.
Good Luck Jackie.
Poor Annie. Hope she's better soon.
Get well soon Annie!!
*Hugs Jackie Sue*
update:the vet I normally take her to is going to be gone till monday and the one I had to take her to is a buttroy of the highest order..I called this morning and do one was there till after 8am and all the girl new was she did have liver 'trouble' and were going to keep her on iv feeding for a few days and then run more blood work...I'm going to go up and see her in a couple of hours when they have settled in some and if I don't like what they are doing or saying, I'm taking her out of there and to another vet..will let you all know.thanks so much for the good wishes and prayers, we need them all.I'm going to st. mary's and say some my ownself and light some more candles..
I hope Annie is doing better. I'm an animal lover too...it breaks my heart to see them hurt or ill. I'm praying for her and you. Best wishes,
ow oww.
okay. praying for little annie.
Oh Jackie i am thinking about you and Annie...big hug!
I'm sorry to hear the bad news! I am hoping that she is doing better...curious to know if you took her to a different vet or not. Don't blame yourself!!!!!! Kitties can communicate with us but they CAN'T TALK so it's not like Annie came up to you and said, "Hey Mom...mah liver's done gone bad!" You are both in my thoughts!
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