Sort of good news/bad news..The numbers are down..but not enough to make the vet happy...one set of numbers was 9 on the 17th and today they are 5..the ALT numbers the 17th were 622 and today they are 406...good, but not as good as he wanted..he wanted to see the numbers go down by more than 1/2 and they didn't. They had to sedate her to give her the blood work and when I saw her she was loopy and it was breaking my heart..I asked about bringing her home and he said everything that had been done for her in 4 days would be undone if she didn't continue to get the IV's and he would do more blood work Monday morning and see how she was doing. Monday come hell or high water I'm taking her out of there, if only to take her to Dr. Tom's. From everything I have read on line he's doing everything he's supposed to be doing, but I'm not convinced his heart is in it. So I had to leave her and if not for Babs I would still be sitting in the middle of the vets floor crying. She just shuffled me off and we went grocery shopping. Just to keep my mind off her..She looked so sad and sick.
I also want to tell you I am just knocked back on my heels from all the love, well wishes, prayers and the donations. I can't even express my emotions to you right now, as every time I start I tear up and my heart hurts.I have always said I felt like you were closer to me than my own family and that has never been more truer than now...Goddess bless you from the bottom of my heart..You have always been in my prayers, but I'm doubling up on them now for sure. I will never be able to repay you for what your doing for my little Queen, but I'll be grateful for ever...Bless you bless you bless you.
You are in my thoughts, my heart and most especially, my prayers. Much love to you.
Most of us know what it is like to have a pet as a member of the family, a very helpless member when something is wrong with them and we have the total responsibility. Prayers can move mountains.
I'm so sorry for your grief. I have been absent lately. I will be more attentive in the future. Please forgive me. I didn't know this was happening. My old dog is not long for this world. I understand this grief.
I'm just kind of chiming in with the other comments. Pets are like a member of the family. I had to have a good old dog put down (not Bob) not long ago, it's rough on your heart. Sorry I missed most of this, I've been feeling a little under the weather. Good old Babs, there for a friend in need.
Babs is the Best!
Gran, send me your home address ... again. Prayers offered to Fairie Aine, queen of the waters of Ireland!
Still here. Never know what to say.
stephen:thanks so much sweety..the prayers are most welcomed.
jan:if all the prayers work, annie will not only be up and at them by monday, she'll be speaking chinese.
utah:no need...your well wishes and prayers now is what counts..welcome back.
tex:I know you've been sick and want you to know that even though I've had my hands full, your still in my prayers and hoping for better news for you...I'm always here for you.
mrs perkins:betcha ass.
anne:it's sent..thanks for the prayers..
nitty:your here. that's what counts...
As a person who has a pet, I know how hard of all this can be. You are in my thoughts. As a person who works with animals, I know things can end badly but I have also seen things turn out differently than expected. Don't lose hope. You have a ton of people here for you in your difficult time.
I'm here from Mrs. Anita Perkins' blog. Today's post is dedicated to you and Annie.
I am sorry your poor dear Annie is ailing. I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
I know what its like to want to save a pet and not be able to afford to do so. I hope my little donation helps you bring Annie back home.
Blessings and white light winging your way
Mama Kelly
You and Annie are both in my prayers, lighting a candle for you both. My heart is just breaking, I know how much you two mean to each other
I vividly remember losing my last dog - and wish there was a way to avoid the pain of knowing one's pet is sick - but there doesn't seem to be. Love can be brutal sometimes.
yankeegirl:after each pet i lose i swear i will never get another one, but they sneak in and steal your heart before you even know they're there.I refuse to give up hope..I have to believe she'll make it..
java:thanks so much for coming by from kev's..he's just the best...one of my favorites ever..
mamakelly:the prayers and white healing light are more important than the donation...bless you..
junebugg:you have to come back to westfest again, hopefully annie will be sitting on the front porch waiting for her tummy rub from you.
intenseguy:it's breaking my heart..but i have to believe she's going to get better..
I've been thinking about you and Annie all day. I keep checking to see if there are any updates on her.
Please know that I'm praying with everything I've got, that your baby will be ok.
Love to you both!
Wish I was there so I could hug on you!
Ditto to all of the other comments - it's been so heavy on my mind that even my hubby's gotten concerned and keeps asking for updates. *puts an X thru Saturday* Monday's coming...
Glad to hear the baby kitty [what I call them all] is fighting hard, that can make the difference.
This makes me so sad JackieSue! Big hugs and prayers for you and Annie.
god bless annie
thank all of you for your prayers and good wishes for me and the Queen..news tomorrow...js
Big kickage of ass prayers going up for you and Annie. I'm calling my Mom - you know she's the Catholic praying fool. I say that with all kindness. You know what I mean.
She just got back from Jerusalem and Bethlehem. She's in a serious prayer groove and loves when I ask her to pray for my friends. Consider yourself and Annie thrown in with the Catholic crowd as well.
Hang in there...I'm still praying for Queen Anne (and you too). :)
hugz, novenas, positive deadhead vibes and all my very best wishes!!!! ((kisses)))
jac, vets have their place, but so do instincts... follow you heart~ okay? good things happen.. hugs k
still have my thoughts and prayers with you. hugs.
Just dropped in to say I was thinking about you -
John and I have been worrying about Annie ever since you posted that she was sick. We'll be sending the little sweetie something by snail mail.
John and I have been worrying about Annie ever since you posted that she was sick. We'll be sending the little sweetie something by snail mail.
Oh Jackie Sue - you really are so loved and its so well deserved. My prayers are with you too.
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