Yup, folks...........he's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! the comedian, musician, author and the former candidate
of the Independent party, old Kinky is at it again. At the South by Southwest he told a crowd that he's very serious about running for governor again. This time as a Democrat. "I can't afford to be a Republican, "he said.

He gave President Obama for 'greening the grass roots' and thinks he'd have a better chance running as a Democrat than an Independent. "There's a lot of young people, and no one I've ever met wants to grow up and be Rick Perry," he said.
When he ran for governor as an independent these were some of his policies. Like getting rid of the death penalty but giving convicted murderers a rope so they can hang themselves. And, of course, overturning smoking bans, while starting up his own brand of cigars..It didn't help his case by comparing the Dems to "a bad junior high debate team." He also got a lot of flack when he called Katrina refugees in Houston "crackheads and thugs." This pissed off a whole bunch of people..except the citizens of Houston maybe.
I will vote for him this time..even if he shows up butt nekkid wearing nothing but his black hat and circumcised dick. I can't stand "Good Hair" Perry and since ole Kay Bailey Hutchison is running against him, I figure might as well vote for Kinky..No other Dem's are running that have a snowball chance in hell of winning. This is Texas you know..We may be #2 in trees, but we're #1 in Buttroys.
Whatever happened to Sooner?
Politics could always use some humor.
He's also opposed to declawing and for prayer in school (or at least he was at one time - "lil prayer never hurt anyone") hopefully he's changed his mind on that.
You should volunteer for his campaign. I bet you could come up with some good ideas to help him get elected!
I almost forgot about Kinky!
Keep us posted on his new adventures as a Democrat.
As I heard it, his last campaign went okay until he hired Jesse Ventura's publicist and seemed to start taking the whole thing a bit too seriously. I'm happy to say the "Why Not Kinky" bumpersticker with the Star of David on the Texas flag is still securely on my Subaru up here in NYC.
He's got my vote, too!!
" Like getting rid of the death penalty but giving convicted murderers a rope so they can hang themselves. And, of course, overturning smoking bans, while starting up his own brand of cigars..It didn't help his case by comparing the Dems to "a bad junior high debate team." He also got a lot of flack when he called Katrina refugees in Houston "crackheads and thugs."
He's in solid, with a platform like that!! I like the rope to hang themselves with part. Now that's community improvement in action!
I like his album "Country Porn". With his policies it's hard to tell if he is serious or not. A Jew being for prayer in school is way tongue in cheek. There has always been prayer in school, it's just that the school can't organize it or start it.
Wow never heard of him..I need a good laugh today too.
I vote for him the last time.
ted:he's suffering from march madness..when it's over you'll hear from him again.
jan:oh kinky has plenty of humor..you should read some of his mystery books.
pom: he has a rescue ranch in the hill country of texas and makes salsa, etc and all the proceeds go to the farm...he's big on saving animals.
heidi:he probably remembers me from his last campaign when I told him 'it doesn't matter if your hearts in the right place if your head is up your ass.'
sling:i will keep you updated and will put his website on here so you can go read his latest ditty's..ha
pen:your right..that buttroy is the reason why no one took him seriously..well, that and his jerk off answers, to all questions.
jobsanger:gotta be better than good hair perry.
future:oh wait..there is plenty more for you to enjoy..ha..
kulkuri:i liked his "asshole from el paso.'
sage:glad to help.
travis:i didn't..he was too silly and didn't take anything serious..and we ended up with more good hair..
He can do at least as well as the bums they have in all the state houses. I like that Congress woman who wants to start a revolution. If you join in perhaps Texas can be its own republic again.
i heard of him way up here in Ideeho...he is colorful that's for sure.
Hell, I'd vote for him just 'cuz his name is "Kinky".
I love that guy, would love to have the honor of voting for him, too.
I've seen some coverage of him. Send him to Illinois we need a new Governor.
How's his band doing? Jew boys or something?
Would Dubya live in a state with a Dem governor?
OH one more - that colorful character woman that was your gov. die. right?
he should have won last time. he was robbed.
i think he should feature the dogs more prominently this time. campaign for dogs in charge of the treasury and the fed.
rosemary:he's everywhere..he writes mystery/humor books and his ownself is the hero...
big pissy:he has a band:Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys.
daisy:he's ok...if he'd be more serious and give more serious answers i'd be more impressed..
lisleman:the Texas Jewboys, singing..they don't make Jews like Jesus anymore.
Ole george will live anywhere that will take him...and sad to say..that's dallas...
Ann Richards..yes she died of cancer..broke my heart..I love her..My cat Annie is named after her.
billy;yeah, maybe he should just travel with an old blue healer all over texas.
Hey, well it's good to be #1 in something! Maybe you need to get a tee-shirt that says,
#1 in Buttroys
and proud of it!"
Can't fkn stand "March madness".
Basketball is bigger than Roman Catholicism for religion in Indiana, it's all the hell anyone ever talks about.
Looks like your other election choices boil down to "the rack" and "the water-board" so WTF you got to lose?
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