I'm still packing...I'll be packing the day they start putting shit in the moving trucks..sigh*...books books books..I'm taking a shit load of them to Houston for the kinfolk. After I get back into the apt. I'm going to go through them as I take them out and get serious about selling all these 'collectibles' that I bought for the purpose of selling them and then couldn't do it. I can't take the fuckers with me when I die..and none of the kids want them..so might as well do something with them. Besides, we all know I'll just buy something else to replace them.
well, have to run..need to pack some more boxes and get ready to take the stuff to West Rest Haven. will take pictures.

I want one of those beware of dog and the cat isn't trustworthy either signs.
That Republicans & the Tow Truck button is absolutely right on! And Richard Pryor rocks!
Hey Lady, hope everything is going well...Love the funny Friday post!..
If I'm ever in a rest home...hope they have angels like yourself there. :0)
Happy Friday, Granny.
I like the dinosaur explanation.
Happy Happy Friday Jackiesue!
wow..I had a great great time at old farts home.
we rocked out ..
suzanne was my helper and she was so much help and everyone loved her. she's easy on the eyes so the guys were very fond of her..
I like the cat with the hat on his head.
Hey, it just hit me...Cat in the Hat, that cat.
The poop one was for me, wasn't it?
of course the poop one was for you..soon as I saw it I said to myself...'self, this ones for Rox'.
I forgot about the Richard Pryor one. It was great. Along with the FB one of course.
I had a real laugh at the one about the bats explaining Edward...
I'm begining to think the only politician I like doesn't have a pulse...
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