West is planning another SHOEBOXES FOR SOLDIERS DRIVE FROM 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M.
It's called the SPC. Jeffery Shaffer Memorial Shoeboxes for Soldiers Drive, in memory of Melissa Adams son who was killed in Iraq on September 13, 2006. She also had another son Pfc. Stephen Watkins who is currently fighting in Afghanistan. They will be collecting toiletry items, mosquito and flea repellents, lip balm, baby and foot powder and shaving cream along with various food snacks, powdered drink mix, beef jerky, puzzles, magazines and any music or games. You might check locally in your city as it's not just West that does this, they do it all over the country. I'm going to go this Friday and buy a bunch of stuff and send it. I did it last year too.
The West VFW Post 4819 is having a Veterans Outreach from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on November 6 at the post in West. The Veterans Administration along with veterans organizations such as the Texas Veteran Commission, American Legion and Disabled Veterans of America are to be at West. Local education institutions of higher learning are scheduled to be there also.
These representatives will be there to assist veterans of all eras in filing for and obtaining the benefits they have earned through the service they gave the United States.
Hamburger meals

There is a new 'fest' here. It's called a MUDQUEST and was held at Rogers Hill which is between Gholson and Tokio and they had over 900 runners. The money earned will go to two organizations..Children of Fallen Soldiers and The Talitha Koum. This is a medieval themed Adventure Run offering various length courses incorporating mud and various obstacles for competitors. From the pictures it sure looks like a lot of fun. Who doesn't like to run and play in mud.???
The West Over 40 Halloween Dance will be from 7-10 on Oct. 15th at West Fraternal Auditorium. There will be a $25 prize for best male and female costume. Cost $6 to get in and there is no smoking and your asked to bring finger food. Since it's Halloween, I wonder if anyone thinks to bring real fingers?..
The Fourth Annual West Station Big Buck Contest is currently accepting entrants. The contest has a rifle and archery division and a youth division. $20 entry fee for each division and there will be a 80 percent payout and the other 20 percent will go to the West Volunteer Fire Department.
A Rosary Rally is scheduled for noon on Oct. 16 at the Gazebo on the West City Hall lawn. The rally is open to the public and is to commemorate the apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Fatima, Portugal.
Which reminds me..Inky is leaving tomorrow for a 4 day Catholic Retreat. I've been ribbing him about it, but like I told him, if it brings you some inner peace and you get something out of it, I'm all for it. I think he's been looking for some spiritual guidance lately and hope this helps.
Tokio Store has band playing Saturday night called CeCean Ballou and Dirty Crawfish. They play country rock and blues.
Nors Sausage and Burger House has $1.75 big o's during the Aggie game this Saturday.
Leona Hykel Pustejouvsky Taylor will be celebrating her 90th birthday Oct. 8 at VFW. I wonder if she'll have a beer?
People are advertising their family reunions too. The Holacka, the Urban's, and the Podsednik's. My granddaughters from David and Cecilia used to go to them all the time. They're grandmother on Cecilla's side was a Podsednik and also Scotty the World Series Hero is of course a Podsednik too.
70 years ago Ed Mashek celebrated his birthday with a whale of a party at the Chicken House and everyone had gobs of fun. A direct quote.
West Food Mart has Boston Butt Pork Roast on sale for .99c a pound. Community Grocery has apples and pears on sale. Have to check that out. oh ohohooh, they also have a 3pound box of Wrights bacon pieces and ends for sale for $3.69. I love that stuff..great for making soups and green beans.
West Trojans haven't won a game yet. They are playing this Friday against a team that is winless too. So some body's going to go home happy..Hope it's us.
Big ole house for sale. 6 bd/3.5 bath 2-story for $235,900
Candice B. is giving Zumba lessons for $5 a lesson or get a 10 class punch card for $35. I wish someone would have Tai Chi classes.
Well getting more news about the apts. and none of it good. Supposedly we'll be getting dish washers, which will take up more fucking space in a kitchen that already doesn't have space to begin with ...and to top it off, to fit the new stoves I will lose a cupboard and about 8 inches of counter top which I have jackshit already..fuckity fuck fuck. If I can swing it I'm going to try and get another apt. over in Babs in. They have huge kitchens. What I lose in bedroom and living room space will be made up by the bigger kitchen. I can't cook in this damn thing as it is. I'm always dropping stuff, knocking crap in the floor, and when I'm baking I have bowls all over the damn place...arggh.
I'm still doing my lap every night..if I skip one it's usually because I was shopping at big store and usually go at least 3 miles in them joints. Tonight I did 2 laps. Think I will keep up the 2 laps for a week and then go to 3 and keep upping it till I'm doing 5 miles or better. I plan on being in the Kolache 5,000 next Westfest. I hope.
Well, have to go pack some books..sonofabitch..I have books books books...My bathroom is packed, the kitchen is almost packed and going to start on the dining room next. Leave the bedroom and closet and outdoor shed till last. Oh fuck..the shed...It's like Fibber McGee's closet. sigh*
fuck me I'll never buy another book..
Bull, you'll buy one before you finish packing the ones you have.
nitty..your right..It's a sickness..ha
a lot of good cause , wish you guys much success
Teeny tiny kitchens are getting to be the norm in apartments these days. I don't like them either -- no room to swing a cat -- oops, don't tell Dexter I said that!
At last, someone else who remembers Fibber McGee.
Shit.....I'm tired just reading and it's not me packing. :0(
THX for the West News. :0)
Who the hell was Fibber McGee?
*ducks and takes cover*
While I have nothing but the deepest respect for the men and women that serve our country honorably - and those that help them when far from home, like you - I just wish I knew what the hell they were doing over there and wonder why they haven't been brought home yet.
Good luck with move - how much you wanna bet with Murphy's Law and all that - you move back into the old place only to learn an apartment has opened up on Bab's side just for you - which would entail repacking everything?
Is there a 12 step program for book buyers? I'll join.
one of the things I love about West is all the benefits we have to help people out with hospital bills, needs for family's that have lost a provider, a home, what ever..we have bake sales, silent auctions, and all the business's of West donate stuff all the time..I love West, by Goddess, Texas.
ole Fibber Mcgee...great radio show.
Hello, my name is Jackie, I'm addicted to books.
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