We're still getting conflicting news regarding our moving. I think they are starting with our section first. We're the retirement apts and Babs is called something else..I can never remember. So it's supposed to start the 18th of this month. But will start with the roofs, siding first and other than being noisy, we won't have to move. So I'm finally getting ready to think about getting ready to pack. I may just go stay with Jenny and Jason for the week instead of making Dexter suffer in the motel room. Which means if he's unhappy, I'm going to be very unhappy. Plus they won't have computer hookup and I'm not sure I can survive without my computer for a week..sigh*...To top off my bout with allergies, Kandis little pitty bull dog has ring worms and wasn't until I'd been petting her that Kandis remembered to tell me that she was infected..So now I have a dime size ringworm on my arm which itches like a motherfucker. If it's not one thing it's your mother. I went to H.E.B. today to get monthly supplies and when I left West my blood sugar was 107..which was normal and good..after about an hours worth of shopping it started dropping again..fuck fuck..fuck..so grabbed a candy bar and ate it in line and went home before I was finished..which means I am finished shopping in Wackko. Damn if I'll go back twice. eeek!
I have the 2nd to last disc of Deadwood and I don't want it to end..Wish they would make a Deadwood movie and tie up all the loose ends I'm sure they were left with when they just shut them down with out an ending. I have been walking every evening..skipped last night as I am only going to do it 5 nights a week and since I went to big store in wakko I figure I walked at least 2 miles today, so will start back up tomorrow and then start up Monday all over again. I have lost 3 pounds so far..only 90 to go..hahah. The weather has been pretty fecking terrific. High 80's low 50's nights..Haven't ran the a/c in over a week. I am expecting the part for my truck by Monday or Tuesday..Better be the right one, or heads will roll. Cowboys have a by this Sunday so it's a no strain Sunday. Will spend it packing and cussing. I feel bad that I'm only doing 2 posts a week, the Monday and Friday stumbles. But I spend so much time on Facebook. With my 450 new friends that I don't have time to post. Least I'm not playing the games like Nitty and Babs are. OK..heading to my fucking flowers book..see ya.

Sounds like you're having a hell of a time there, YDG. Hope things calm down soon. Disruption is a pain in the ass.
Love Obama fighting the zombie Reagans! And all those Kurt Vonnegut ones!
I hate packing and moving.
I hate low blood sugar. I hate high blood sugar. I hate having to think about what I'm doing having an impact on both! My dream of running away form home is probably not a good idea.
The weather as been similar to yours this past week; low 50's and high 70's even 80. Nice. I wish I could find a place in the country that has weather like that 365 days a year.
Hate to be a Noob but who is the dude in all the posters?
Hope the move gets all ironed out as effortlessly as possible. I think a week with Dexter unhappy in a motel would be worth a book or two.
i enjoyed all those pictures of kurt. but at the same time i'm sad he's gone.
For the record, I'm NO Palin fan, either.
I object. I don't play those FB games. Tried the island one and they have been on their own for a long time now. I don't even play Texas Holdem as much as before.
A bunch of good ones again. I loved the Noah and the chickens one.
Ah ... Kurt Vonnegut. And my fave Granny in blogdom. Great combo.
Be well xoxo
This shit, too, shall pass ...
heart it's Kurt Vonnegut, my hero.
*giggles at the one with the legless chickens scowlding Noah*
Sounds like this renovation thingy needs a facebook page by the management to keep you all posted with WTF is going on...
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