They had specially made Czech sausages for their hot dogs, with chili, onions, cheese, relish and onions. Bag of chips and a bag of mothers cookies. They had a great time. Some dude played guitar and sang and was really good. He did a lot of Willie, Hank, Bob, and all the oldies country style..This all started at 5 p.m. and then at 6:30 p.m. the Shriners put on a gun fight with 6 shooters. When they shot all 6 of them guns off at once I bolted out of my chair. I knew they were going to do it, and it still scared the shit out of me. When I went up to them while they were getting ready I was videoing them and I told them I was looking for my 4th husband, they wanted to know what he looked like and I said I hadn't found him yet. One guy said does that work for you? Nope says I...sigh*...
and opening up their bags of chips and cookies and their mustard packets. Then taking them back inside and to their room. One ole dude said he wanted some water, so I got him some water and then he pointed at his pee bottle and said "I need to use that." I said that was above my pay grade and ran for a nurse. I wasn't allowed to get them into bed either. If I dropped one we'd all be screwed.
In the second picture both of the old dudes were flirting with me. I kept trying to get them to dance with me, but they wouldn't do it. I know the wife of Eddie, the one in the green shirt and said I flirted with him all the time. She said if it was ok with him it was ok with her.
Fourth and fifth pictures are of the Gunslingers. 3 were bad guys who were cattle rustlers and 3 were the sheriff and the rancher who got rustled and a deputy. When they shot 'Jack Nance' the bad guy I said 'oh no, they shot my fourth husband.'...
I had a great time, and the old farts had a blast. The aides, nurses and helpers are wonderful with them. Kathy my x-daughter-in-law does a wonderful job as the Activity Director. I'm so proud of what she has accomplished.
So...this afternoon I'm walking to the office to check my mail and one of the tenants was waving her mail at me and when I got up to her she said:"Are you yellowdoggranny?"...In my head I heard...Oh fuck!...I'm figuring she's going to start waving her finger and me and tell me 'how dare you, who do you think you are.'...but nooo...she's a fan. She said her son and been reading me(likes the cartoons about Palin..see I'm not the only Dem in town)and had told her about it and she had been reading it and then after a while she realized it was someone that lived in the apt. and she was thinking who could that be...and came up with me. She and her son really enjoy the blog and didn't scare her off with my military language. She likes me ...she really likes me...ha.
I have this scary feeling that more people here in West read my blog than I'm comfortable with.(maybe that explains why C.W. is pissed at me. I've drug his ass over the coals more than once about Westfest.(hes on the board)..Plus it re-posts over on Facebook and everyone I know in West can read it now..
So Mrs. Y. in #22..howdy...leave a comment so everyone can meet you...
ok..It's almost 11 and my ass is dragging. The old farts wore me out. Had a great time, but I'm ready for a nap..see ya later gators...
Oh sorry about the change in the just changes on it's own.
fecking blogspot.
That weenie roast sounds like it was fun! Good music, good eats, good people! And how funny is it that you've got a fan in your own building! I'm sure many people in West read your blog but you just keep on writing whatever the hell you want. Feck 'em if they don't want to hear your version of the truth!!
Boy they look like they had fun. Sometimes I miss some things about my time in the old farts home. Then I remember the rehab and count my blessings.
Love reading about these events at West Rest - its important to treasure our older folk.
love a good weenie roast
How's it feel to be discovered?
aka biggestheartintexas
Are you feeling exposed now? Ahhh, I don't think you have anything to worry about. You're West's biggest supporter!
With the things that you post it's not too bad for folks to know who you are. The things I post would have people in this town pointing and whispering "There's that crazy guy!"
The weenie roast looks like fun, the weather's been great for that kind of thing huh?
Can I just say that I love that there were gunslingers and rustlers! My mother lives in a snooty retirement community and they would all faint if a gunslinger (or even a weenie roast!) came anywhere near them. Can't stand the place.
When I'm old my kids better not put me anywhere snooty or I'll scandalize the whole place.
I can't wait to visit West!!!!
Those old farts look like they had a blast - even if they had to put up with the grumpy weiner miester.
Those old farts have some magazines coming - I got 'em boxed and mailing addressed.. just need to pop on down to the Post Office...
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