November 2, 2010
Three Things to Remember on Election Day
Special Borowitz Report Voter's Guide
1) Don’t be intimidated by electronic voting machines. There are simple instructions in English, Spanish, and Tea Party.
2) Your vote is precious. Politicians have spent billions trying to buy it.
3) Please vote because every vote is counted. (Offer not available in Florida.)
It's okay Andy: There are enough dead people voting in Illinois to make up for Florida...
I'm sure you've already been down to the polling station to cast your vote for Truth, Justice and the American Way, YDG!
I went and got Margaret and took her to vote and I voted..then brought her home got Mary and took her to I'm responsible for 3 votes today..ha
YDG, Right arm, Farm out or something like that, I forget.
The scary thing about elections is still the electronic voting machines with no paper trail. The same companies that make the voting machines make ATM's that give you a printed receipt, DOH!!
is the green party running any candidates?
I'm amazed to find it's usually those with the loudest complaints against their government, who can't be bothered to cast a vote over it.
It's so true, our right to vote is is a precious thing, so many people are denied this freedom - shame on those who waste it!
I want a vote option labeled "leave the office empty"...
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