I'm a liberal pagan living in West, Texas. Yes. That West, Texas.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

.......MUSIC ON YOUR BLOGS.......

Now I am going to piss off my friends..and I do not mean to piss you off, but it is only fair as when I come to your blog you piss me off. I do not care if you are playing my favorite song "Harlem Nocturn", I don't want to hear it...I like to have solitude when I read your blogs...yes, I can turn the sound off..but that is only part of the problem..your music also fucks up your blog for me as it makes it hard to comment..I will just start to add a comment and the music comes on and it will jerk and start and stop and start and the whole time it is doing that...I can't comment..It may be my shoddy little computer, I don't know...all I know is that it fucks with me commenting and so I leave pissed...Plus it causes my computer to shut down and end the program...fuck I hate that..so for all you people out there that have your little video of songs playing...it sucks...blows and bites...yes your music is cool, and I know it makes you happy..but it fucks me and my computer up...please stop...am I the only one that has this problem????
fuckme till music comes out my ass...


Carina said...

I am SO with you on this!
I often have my own music, or NPR news or something playing on my computer and it's utterly obnoxious when I get a sudden blast of someone else's music, or animal sounds or whatever.
If I surf through via blogmad, auto-noise blogs get a thumbs-down vote. Content might be great but I don't read it.
(PS don't buy Coulter's new book, even for toilet paper. That nasty harpy doesn't need a penny of your money.) :~)

male said...

how about my blog baby ?

BriteYellowGun said...

You don't have to worry about encountering that on mine because I don't even know how to do it!

And maybe we did have sex......

Anonymous said...

I hate this too, It would be alright if there was a play button so you could choose to listen if you wanted to, but it gets annoying.

Anonymous said...

oops, meant to link to my site. I suck at this.

Unknown said...

I'm with briteyellowgun. I've been teaching myself this coding business and music hasn't been very high on my list of things to do.
Besides, if I'm sneaking around in Blogland while at work, the sudden music swell tells on you every time!

Unknown said...

I'm with briteyellowgun. I've been teaching myself this coding business and music hasn't been very high on my list of things to do.
Besides, if I'm sneaking around in Blogland while at work, the sudden music swell tells on you every time!

Mama Kelly said...

i hate music on blogs too!!

i leave my puter on mute because of it and even then it causes my system to jerk and freeze and its totally annoying

Nit Wit said...

I think it should be voluntary with the play button. Not all bloggers have high speed connections and it sounds like your having to do too much through that little tiny phone line. I don't miss the old dial-up at all.

Cassandra said...

Yep, I'm with you. It's annoying and slows down computers. People can set the html code on those videos to autostart=false and that causes it so people can choose to click on play if they want to.

Anonymous said...

I removed the music off my blog quite awhile back. Lots of people have problems loading the page with music, let alone the photos.

Thanks. Lova ya sweetie.

Nancy said...

I stopped the music after the voting on the Turn The Page song.

I lost. I still think Metallica does it better!

apositivepessimist said...

I feel yer pain...it happens to me and not just because of the music

Fucking blogger. Will have to save my commenting til it works for me.

Which now turns out to be the next day.

apositivepessimist said...

thats the main problem Leo...we can't leave because it "hangs" us up :)

I'm so glad I learned the three finger exit...eventually that works, usually not without a lot of cursing tho.

guppyman said...

Auto-play should get a person banned from the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post..I thought it was just me who didn't pages with music, so I've never said anything. Now I see I'm not the only one who doesn't like it. I mute sounds when I read them but that is a pain because my husband listens to stuff on the computer so when he gets on he can't figure out why there is no sound, then turns it on and I turn it off and he turns it on..Get the idea..so people LISTEN TO YOUR RADIO AND DON'T DROWN US WITH MUSIC ON YOUR PAGE...

texlahoma said...

If Blogger worked the was "the bad place" worked, I'd put a music video right here on my comment, one that you were sure to hate!

:) I probably would but just as a joke. Point well taken, no more auto-play on my blog. Well mabey once in a while, just to piss you off.

Donna said...

Autoplay music is the devil...f'ing hell sometimes when I come across a blog that has autoplay music or videos I really wish I could hunt that person down and wring their scrawny little necks.

Anonymous said...

And it makes everything so *expletive deleted* slow to load! Hate, hate, hate music on blogs. And we won't even start talking about those *expletive deleted* photo albums!

Damn, woman, I really like you!

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