Sorry couldn't resist the chance to whine like forest gump...Ok, here's the deal...I am trying to do a really good job on the music of the sixties..so each post will be for each year...will put in some personal stuff about me and the life I was living during the 60's..as much of it as I can remember...it actually doesn't get fuzzy until about 66-67-68-....er, there was a 1969 wasn't there?..I mean I have read about a 1969..but not sure about how much I remember about it...ohhhhh purple is such a pretty color in pills...so's the orange...and oh..yellowsunshine....you are my sunshine...my only..oh wait..where was I..oh, yeah ..the 60's...so anyhow this is just a note to let you know it may take me the rest of the day to do justice to the 60's..or at least the way I want to do it...sorry opos, you will have to read some of my old posts...like the one where I went nuts at the yard sale...that will keep you busy until I finish 1960...that will be a fun year...I got married to asshole #1 in 1960...damn...what a flash back THAT was...shudder...gag...(fuck..no wonder I took drugs)
fuckme like you did last summer....oh no..that was the twist...
I got news from west Texas today. It made my freaking day. You should be getting Willie tomorrow.
The last of the 69, I mean the 60's is a blur. :)
Looking forward to your take on it.
This is gonna be good! ;-)
yeah no worries grannie anyway you wanna give it to us ;)
There must have been a 1969 I have a report card from that year. I also think I heard some people talking about the Moon and some rocks.
If you do it a year at a time maybe I'll start to remember what I did that decade. Then again maybe there is a reason I don't remember it clearly.
I hope that scorpion doesn't sting me.
I'm having trouble remembering 1989!
I think I was born that year. *runs away before I get biped"
I was five in 1969. It holds no real significance to me.
Some of my first memories were in the early 1960's. I would hide when boarder patrol planes would fly over. The people that owned the ranch that we live on hired an illegal alien, I think his name was Ventura. He would hide from planes so I did too. That was in Madina Tx, know where that is?
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