It has been a few weeks since I have posted a West,Texas update..mainly because there is not much going on...most of the folks are on vacation, or staying inside to keep cool..I venture out once in awhile to make a grocery store or library run...
Right now I am listening to the Little Willies...and damn I like them..they do covers of songs and their own works...I guess, they kind of remind me of Asleep at the Wheel...lots of fiddles, haunting chick singer and two step mode...yehaw...
Ok, down to the West news, the whole news and nothing but the news...so help me Goddess.
The West Chamber of Commerce is finalizing the plans for the 4th of July celebration at the West Fair/Rodeo grounds..and adjacent Westfest grounds.there will be no admission charge for the event which will feature a children's area, food booths, arts and crafts area, bingo, West Business area, along with music provided by two bands.the event will go forward...rain or shine...The children's area, which is to feature three inflatables, a train ride, dunking booth and stagecoach ride,is to be open from 4-8:45pm. Children will be able to p

There will be 5 food booths along with snowcones, soft drinks, tea and water.Those interesting in having a arts and crafts booth are to call the Chamber of Commerce. This is the kicker which will limit the number of people who attend..there will be no alcoholic beverages for sale and can't bring in coolers with beer or alcoholic drinks....boy howdy...yeah, that will bring 'em out in droves...this is the biggest beer drinking town I have ever lived in...so I want to see how that works for them...
Bingo, will be 10 cents a game,a kolache walk is planned for 25 cents and a raffle drawing at 25 cents a ticket or 5 for $1.00.
There will be a horseshoe pitching tournament and dance music will be provided by Charles Nemec and friends along with Betty and the Country Echoes..
A fireworks display has been planned and unless a burn ban is in effect at that time, it will start at 9pm and last approximately 30 minutes...People are incouraged to bring thier own chairs for seating and to please use all the trash cans that are provided. The advice is to dress cool and there will be 'water misters' in one of the tents.So we got that going for us...
There is also going to be an accordian squeeze off this Saturday at the West Community Center....I just love saying that...'squeeze off'....don't know why, but makes me think of Sooner.
My nekked ass rain dance brought us 2.9 inches of rain.But I flooded Houston...got to get my ass in gear before I wipe out South Texas.
Johnathan Wyne Weverka celebrated his 1st birthday and Raymond Nemecek celebrated his 95th...
We have some great news about our West High School Football team ...First of all we have been moved up to District12-AAA in Region II. The Dave Campbell's Texas Football magazine has picked the Trojans to finish 2nd in our district and picked to be in the playoffs...from their mouth to the Goddess's ears...
Lindsey Erin McAdams wed Joseph Frank Pustejovsky on June 3rd. in West at St.Mary's Catholic Church of the Assumption, with Father Ed officiating.
The Manginos, Helen and James celebrated their 50th anniversary and Betty and Don celebrated their 40th.(no last names published)..and babies..we have babies..
Addyson Blaire Nors weighing in at 7lbs. 5ozs. was born on May 22.
On June 9th, Hannah Marie Ivy at 8lbs. 2 ozs. was born and on May 30th Julia Estelle Hykel arrived at 6 lbs.12ozs. Wow, Estelle. You don't hear that name anymore...I have an aunt Estelle, so that's cool...
We had two deaths Johnnie C. Hanak was 17 and wasn't from West, but had grandparents and cousins here..that's sad..Plus Thomas C. Lyster, 56 died on Father's Day..that sucks..
Did I tell you that West has an Auction Barn?..yupper we do...Every Thursday they sell cattle, pigs, goats, horses, etc. This week they will be closed because of something called a order buyers holiday..and the Stockyards Cafe will be closed over the 4th of July holiday also...yes, there is a huge resturant right in front of the stockyards...used to be called the barn...now it is the Stockyards Cafe....ya..that's a big selling point..
The price of Dr.Pepper has gone up in West...Im so pissed my teeth hurt...hell, they make the stuff just right up the road..and I garantee that no one drinks more Dr. Pepper than the citizens of Waco, West, Bellmead, Hewitt, Tours, Tokio, Leroy, etc...all the towns around Waco...so why they don't cut us a break on the prices I will never know..fuckers..
So that is the news from West...Wish you all were here, we would go to the Community Grocery Store, buy a couple of Dublin, Dr.Peppers, and go toss some horseshoes at the West Swimming Pool

What? Sparky was a puppet? Naw, he was as real as me. What a let down. You are the first person I have ever met that remembers Big John and Sparky. No one ever knows who I am talking about. Yea.
Sounds like July 4th fun in your town. Ours there is nothing, but if we want to celebrate we have several neighboring towns with food, booths, fun and fire works. I usually stay home to keep out of the crowds and traffic. Besides I can watch the fireworks from my sunroom. Ha.
Sounds like there's plenty to do down there around the Fourth!
No alcohol? They're screwed.
PS. only a sprinkle of rain here this am.
Ohhh...Kolaches...I miss kolaches. That and Shipleys donuts...and whataburger...and bluebell icecream....
*cries piteously* Now I'm homesick!
She's Backkkkkkkkkkkk! Told you I'd recover!
i actually do kind of know joshua... he pops in every once in a while, chimes in on a few things, and i pop over to his blog every now and again...
i am just lazy, so it took me until now to add him to my links...
Damn, your lil' old town has more going on for the holiday than we do. Damn I wish I could come to West..but ah..that whole no booze thing would seriously kick it down a few notches heh.
hey cool...we also have these on a bigger scale in some of our parks...used to be where bands would come and play.
thumb up yer bum grannie!
We have what they call Boomarama on the 4th but I almost always miss it. I am usally at work on the night of the holiday. this year really sucks, I work starting Sunday night. Work one, off one, work one, off one work two, off one.
More births than deaths now that's the way it should be.
Your aim must really be off, we had bad storms in Ohio thursday afternoon and night but way up north. That's where the two bigest bakeries are that supply my bread. One in lima lost power for 32 hours. I got my last shipment at 6:15AM more than 8 hours late. Down where I live
we didn,t get much.
Way past my bedtime.
If I can't move home I'm moving to Texas. How much does the rent run there where you live? I could start stalking Willie in a good way. :)
I can't wait to visit.....small towns are becoming very attractive to me lately.
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