Was an absolute success..5 of the Builders Club girls showed up right on time and helped me put out a tables so we could have
the candy on it, got the boxes of free books to give away...watched the library while I ran and got some sodie pop for us and any patrons that wanted anything to drink...M.S. dropped by a ton of candy and I thought it was going to be to much..but we only had 1/2 of a bag left at the end of the night..It was an unqualified success..we had over 100 kids and that's not counting the parents, granny's and assorted kin folk..I would NOT have been able to do it with out those girls..we would get 5-10 kids at a time..2 girls were handing out candy, one was giving out pencils with Star Reader on them and one handed out the Frisbees..I gave out the books...What was terrific is that once they the kids knew they were getting a book..they zipped right past the candy and went straight for the books...and the costumes were so adorable..being a small town with a lot of grannies around and full time moms...a lot of the little girls had home made costumes and they were just beautiful..There were tons of princess's but with home made dresses, with lace, frills,pink satin, huge bows..just incredible..one little girl about

3 was Little Bo Peep and her grandmother had made it..little pantaloons, knitted bonnet, tiers of ruffles and a little crooked staff
that grandpa made...one was Dorothy and her dress was made by her mother..blue and white checked dress with ruby red shoes, made by mom...I saw grim reapers, knights, ninjas,
ninja turtles,hill billies(one of my girls
had a mullet wig on),princess's,spider men,supermen, wonder women,Dorothy,a lion,
a tiger,a pimp in purple velvet with a
snappy hat with feather,a few 'Ho's(or at
least they looked like ho's),faries,angels,cowboys,
oh..my..just kids in all sorts of
I just knew about 6 kids would show
up and we would have candy for the rest of the year till next Halloween...I'm so proud of the
girls for helping me and proud of myself for getting it put together and making it so
much fun for all the kids..I are a *..
patting myself on the back.
Plus I got some new patrons and checked out
a few books...All the parents were so complimentary and made a point to thank
seen the kids..they LOVED getting
a book..sigh* I did good..!
It was supposed to go from 5:30
to 7pm...I didn't get out of
there till 7:45....and the carved pumpkins
were a hit too...had the innards hanging
out of the carved mouth..and the road kill
kitty was hanging out of the big pumpkin.
I have to go back tomorrow to finish cleaning
up and put up all the Halloween decorations.
I was just too tired to do it last night...
and now..I'm going to take off my gypsy
makeup, hang up all my tacky jewelry and
haul my ass to bed...trick or treat y'all...money or eats..