Hmm..where to start..have worked at the library all week, Henrietta is back home as of Thursday evening...Her cancer is back...she's handling it like she does everything...chin up...tits out..!
She's a tough ole bird and I expect her to beat this battle just like she did 8 years ago..She's got her blood sugar down to 82..which is great..and will start doing her chemo this coming week..I don't know what she is going to do, or what the Library Board is going to do...
but told them I would work it as long as they needed me and they decided what to do..
Gee...what else...oh..! I know...Babs is here..She called Wed and told me she had been in the hospital again..I kinda figured that out on my own when she didn't post and hadn't got an email from her...So I told her to 'come on down'..(now all we need is Sooner to come on down too...and by the way Sooner and Texlahoma..congrats on your win over Texas.)
West has magical healing powers..The first night she was going out on porch to smoke her nasty fucking cigarettes(sorry Babs).she committed on how she could see the stars..I said,'go get in the truck'..so took her through town to show her how cute West looks at night with all the lights.(they have the clear ones on most all of the buildings)..and she was amazed and how many houses were decorated for Halloween..wait till Christmas..about every other house is decorated..and I mean really really decorated..
Then took her to the country..as we were driving down the road..I turned the truck lights out..she freaked out..it was pitch black..couldn't see a thing..ha.It was like the entire world disappeared..then I stopped and we got out and you could see every star..plus the milky way was just beautiful..this is where I used to take my granddaughter Jamie when there would be meteor showers...normally there wouldn't be any traffic out there..but I forgot it was Friday night and the kids all go out to the country and have keg parties..and then I got lost...I used to drive out there all the time when I drank but it was hard to find my way around while sober..Then yesterday I drove her around town at day time so she could see my little hamlet..
She maybe able to rent an apt here...Not the ones I am in the ones next to me..the 2 story ones, where you can have kids..They are only $295 a month plus electricity..here they go by your income ..but these are just options for her..Least she knows she has someone and a place to go..It's been great..I get to cook for someone again..ha...Green enchilada's for dinner last night..and eggs and sausage for breakfast today..I bought some Dublin Dr.Pepper for her and some Nemecek's ring Bologna...You just can't believe how good it is..it's $4.00 a lb. but is like no bologna you have ever eaten..ring bologna, rat cheese and crackers..Czech lunch..
I have to figure out if the Library is going to be open tomorrow..as it is Columbus Day..but think they are open as we close on Texas Independence Day...We're more apt to honor fighting Texans then lost Italians..
Annie is most happy to have another adoring cat lover..she is running up and down the hall way playing with Babs...She doesn't miss little Asshole AT ALL....What else..? We got some rain..and expecting more..I knew it was going to rain..I left the window down in the truck..so had wet ass for 1/2 a day...
I am pissed at blogger..I did a great post on Freegans..(and it ate it)about people who scrounge around in garbage/dump cans for food..not because they are poor or homeless..but because they want to minimize the support of corporations and there impact on the planet, and to distance themselves from what they see as an out-of-control consumerism...
some of the stats were interesting..
29.4 million tons of food thrown away by Americans each year.That's about 12 percent of the solid waste produced in the U.S. annually.
6.1 pounds of solid waste produced by the average New Yorker each day.The average American is 4.5 lbs..
But I think if individuals would use less and eat more left overs(my son and his wife will not eat leftovers...didn't learn that from me..that was Friday dinner..leftovers) and compost it would be better then hanging upside down in dumpsters getting your dinner..I think those people are a 5-ball short of a rack...
OK..that's all the news from West, by Goddess, Texas...Babs and I have managed to stay out of trouble..but she doesn't leave till at least Monday..so we have plenty of time to mess with the Christian's...We did find out some interesting information about one of the check out girls at Community Grocery..her and her boyfriends legs are too long for her back seat...
West does sound magical to me. Like you are back in time somewhere..
It might be the saving grace of that state!
I am so sad about the other kitty...
jac.. you sound like the best kind of gramma and the best kind of friend.
glad I metcha!
sorry that I have been an absentee blogger. I was thinking of calling, but since you have company, I will wait. Meantime take good care of you and throw out Babs cigs.
Their legs were too long huh? Sex in a car...not my cup of tea.
I'm so glad Babs is with you in West. I say tear up the main street while you can! I'd love to hear that she's moving to West so you have a regular co-hort to mess around with. Good times!
My heart's with both Babs and Henrietta. I hope they both kick the ass of whatever's trying to kick theirs.
Both of those chicks are so lucky to have you in their lives, Jac! *hard hugs*
I saw an interesting story on 20/20 about Freegans once (yes, I'm a loser who sits at home most Fridays watching 20/20.)
While I'm all about conserving and not being wasteful, I was repulsed by them digging through the garbage for food. All I could think was...GERMS...BACTERIA...SPOILED!
Anyway, to each his own. We hardly throw any food away in our house anymore. What we don't use, I freeze to bring home to my parents' cats because they go through food like there's no tomorrow.
Not eat leftovers? A lot of food taste better left over.
Some like it in the pot nine days old.
Thanks for the congrats on OU's win, there's always next year for Texas.
Hey, at least your Cowboys are kickin ass and takin names.
Wow! Another pilgrimage to wonderful West.
Glad to hear Henrietta is out of the Hospital, but sorry she has to go through chemo again.
I hope no Freegans try to get a meal from my trash. Our leftovers stay in the refrigerator until I can't tell what it is anymore or can't stand the smell anymore. I don't want to be responsible for the deaths of people with a screw loose.
Now you know why Americans keep insisting on buying giant cars.
you can't go wrong with a viking.
babs is in good hands.
I'm curious how anyone can measure the amount of food Americans throw away. I use the garbage disposal for stuff like potato peels and fuzzy things that grow in forgotten refrigerator dishes after a few weeks.
My garbage can is used mostly for non-recyclables like the mounds of packaging that comes with everything we buy. But how do they measure thrown away food? I'm guessing this is one of those made up statistics that we are not supposed to question.
If you would like to watch the space station fly over copy and paste the link. Choose country, state and city for times and dates.
KATH:WELCOME BACK..yeah, I think West really is magical sometimes..but it is 1957 here, so that might make a difference..
babs and her cigs went back to Big D this afternoon..smelly cigarettes and all..I miss her...
Buddha_girl..:well, she is about 19, and I'm sure we did as bad at that age..Henrietta not only has cancer in her liver and lungs, she also has it in her stomach...but she's going to start chemo again..and Babs knows that she has me and west to fall back on...
HMHH:eeeew..the idea of digging in a dumpster for dinner gags me..them peoples nuts..
Tex:I root for Okla in the ou/texas game..Texas U don't mean jackshit to me...
I had leftovers for dinner last night and thought it was better then it was fresh..right now the boys are getting their asses handed to them by the bills..fuckity fuck fuck fuck..!
nitwit;i think there is somehting wrong with them folks..really..there are better ways to save and conserve..
so..when are you coming to west?
Babs:vikings take care of their own..and ole babs is my own friend..
Jan:the info came from Environmental Protection Agency and the Sanitation Dept for nycity..
Dave:will check it out...I think i would like that...js
We used to call that 'dumpster-diving'- it's best to do it from restaurants, not homes. Not that I'd know.
Freegans, while doing a good service, are still pretty gross. Bless their unhygienic hearts though.
Your time with Babs sounds like fun... sorry I couldn't make it out that way, they kept me on a short leash for the trip and what free time I had was not enough to venture out of San Antonio. I did have a favorable impression of Texas overall, though. Them people love them some Davy Crockett...
"We're more apt to honor fighting Texans then lost Italians.." Love that quote. :)
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