But the Cowboys won yet again(37-27)...and we beat a great team...actually next to the Cowboys, the Packers are my favorite team...I have always been a huge Packer fan..even when they kic
ked out ass in the Ice Bowl...If we'd won that game, the Super Bowl trophy would probably be called the Landry Trophy instead of the Lombardi Trophy..The only bad part of the game is that Farve got hurt..I really really hated to see that..He's such a great
competitor and he's having the season of his life and I hope won't be out long..He deserves a shot at the playoffs , just as long as they don't beat us to get there..But this win will probably keep us out of Lambeau Stadium for
the playoffs..We will have home field advantage...rather play where it's maybe 50 degrees out instead of 50 below..

It was a very interesting night..As the game was on NFL Channel and my crappy cable company doesn't have it, I met my friends Inky and Anessa at Wolf's Sports Bar in West..It's not a big place but it's really nice and have 7 screens and one of them was the size of my living room...I was only in there about 20 minutes before the smoke started to get to me..I told Inky I couldn't believe how I could stand all that smoke when I used to drink in bars for so many years..then we both looked at each other and said "cause you were(I) was drunk."...What they say about "the girls are prettier at closing time"...is true...by 10:15 I had 3 different guys come on to me...One guy did his little spiel and I just laughed and said:"I don't think so, I wouldn't have fucked you even when I was a drunk."....So then he introduced me to his friend 'Randy'..who he said was the most illegible bachelor in West. I looked at Randy and said:"I think I'm too old for Randy."...Randy said, "nah, your probably about my age, maybe a little older."..I said "how old are you Randy?"
he said "48"...I laughed like a maniac..and told him...I just turned 64 Randy..No thanks..they still had their mouths open when I walked off..still laughing..(Wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I bleached my hair back blond?...it's sort of strawberry blond, like mojo's)Then good ole Pat. A. who put his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear:"you know ..you still got it Jackie"....and I whispered back:"and you still ain't getting any of it Pat."...Told Inky if I stayed till closing I could actually get lucky..I'd be drop dead gorgeous by then...
I had to come home and take a shower and wash my hair to get all the smoke off me..icky poo...But it was pretty fun...I am so used to being at home screaming and yelling anything I want to at the TV screen that I forgot and screamed at Wade Phillips(coach for cowboys)...'throw the fucking flag you asshole'...the table right by us cracked up and one guy high fived me..I said I was sorry I was just used to saying what ever I wanted at home without worrying about offending anyone..they assured me that I only said what they were thinking so after that I just screamed and yelled to my hearts content and getting high fives..They especially liked it when I threatened to put my Baby Phat in the ass of some jerk who always roots against the Cowboys just to be obnoxious..He thinks he's being funny and no one ever calls him on it..except no one told me that..and I said if he cheered for the Packers one more time he was going to be spending the rest of the night at Hillcrest Emergency Room getting my Baby Phats removed from his ass...he got his feathers ruffled and went to Coyote Bob's...I got a round of high fives and 2 bottles of water(which is what I was drinking....boy that was weird)It still feels strange to be in a bar and especially in a bar and drinking water...One of my old friends that I hadn't seen in forever sent over a Lone Star Lite...and when I went and thanked him and told him I didn't drink anymore..he almost fell off his stool..He asked me how long it had been and I said 17 years..He
freaked out..then drank my Lone Star..guess he didn't want it to go to waste..It makes my old drinking friends nervous to be around me now that I've quit drinking...they look at me and know that I drank them under the table every night and now..I'm sober 17 years..and their still drinking and getting drunk every night..So I never stay and chat long..they look so uncomfortable..like I have cancer and they might get it..I just like the look on their face when I say "17 years"....ahh, life is good...
fuckme till everyone's sober...