Blessings on you my children...and for all of you still hung over from the Super Bowl...Cheer up...you can do it again next year....
Some good questions..some not so good...some no questions at all...just wanting me to bless their team so they could win...The Goddess doesn't pick sides...and even
though you Christians pray to Jesus for a win..He doesn't pick sides either...He could care less about the Super Bowl, nor the Grammys, or the Oscars, or the Emmy's or The World Series. Neither of us can understand why it's called the World Series when it's only played by teams in America...Now to the questions.
Steve wants the Goddess to bless the marriage of MS and yahoo.The Goddess does not bless unholy unions.
Our good friend Babs wants to know if the Yellow Dog can kick Mercury's retrograde and sell tickets so everyone can see....But of course.
Sage wants to know if the Goddess has made it with a woman...The Goddess believes in finding love where ever you can..and thinks same sex is as natural as opposites having sex..But the Goddess is more interested in Pecs than boobs..
MoreCowbell wants to know why every one hates the New England Patriots...Because it's just so fucking easy.
Nitwit wants to know if it's wrong to get turned on by my semi-clothed mammary monuments? I'm the Goddess, your supposed to worship and adore me...
Kalibitch has a lot of questions for me..Yes,there is a plague of stupid running about..it's called human nature.
Woozie and Gaddy will make up but I'm not sure about the kissing part..and the reason why glue doesn't stick in the bottle is they are made to react with air..As long as they are in the bottle and sealed from air, they don't react..But once the bottle is open and the air gets to it..then it will adhere to things. Which is why after the bottle has been opened 2-3 times, the glue starts to film and firm over..Does that answer your question?
Billy wants to know why Hitler loves the Cowboys so much and if Adolph and Jerry Jones are long lost brothers..It's not the Cowboys that Hitler loves so much..it's T.O. and I do think they may have been brothers in a past life.
Lostinco wants to know what deja vu is and how does it work...Doctors will tell you that some people that have it are suffering small strokes. I say it's because you're brain has wandered over into a parallel universe and caught a glimpse of your life there.Anne wants to know why she was born a human and not a cat.Well, Anne what makes you think you haven't been a cat in another life?..Johnny-G wants the Goddess to allow the Patriots ass to be kicked by the Giants..That happened, but it was no doing of the Goddess.I do think Loki had a lot to do with that acrobatic catch and the score.Too bad Sling, your team lost.
Christi wishes the Goddess a happy and merry Embolc.The Goddess does't celebrate any religious or pagan holiday...I only celebrate the birth of the universe.
Goddess bless Tex.
Paul's message is to the Yellow Dog, she'll have to answer him.
Rox wants to know if the Goddess could sleep with any rock star dead or alive which one would it be...Jim Morrison...and the why should be evident.Snake Lizzard.
Allan thinks we should not celebrate Christmas or the Super Bowl...The Goddess agrees..The Christians stole the date for the birth of Jesus, when everyone knows he was born in August. Plus the Christians have taken the birth of a Prophet and turned it into a commercial business and all it is now is Santa Claus and gifts. Bad Christians...bad..
Off to Valhalla...lots of warriors to take home...Bless you my children...Be kind to each other..
Some good questions..some not so good...some no questions at all...just wanting me to bless their team so they could win...The Goddess doesn't pick sides...and even

Steve wants the Goddess to bless the marriage of MS and yahoo.The Goddess does not bless unholy unions.
Our good friend Babs wants to know if the Yellow Dog can kick Mercury's retrograde and sell tickets so everyone can see....But of course.
Sage wants to know if the Goddess has made it with a woman...The Goddess believes in finding love where ever you can..and thinks same sex is as natural as opposites having sex..But the Goddess is more interested in Pecs than boobs..
MoreCowbell wants to know why every one hates the New England Patriots...Because it's just so fucking easy.
Nitwit wants to know if it's wrong to get turned on by my semi-clothed mammary monuments? I'm the Goddess, your supposed to worship and adore me...
Kalibitch has a lot of questions for me..Yes,there is a plague of stupid running about..it's called human nature.
Woozie and Gaddy will make up but I'm not sure about the kissing part..and the reason why glue doesn't stick in the bottle is they are made to react with air..As long as they are in the bottle and sealed from air, they don't react..But once the bottle is open and the air gets to it..then it will adhere to things. Which is why after the bottle has been opened 2-3 times, the glue starts to film and firm over..Does that answer your question?
Billy wants to know why Hitler loves the Cowboys so much and if Adolph and Jerry Jones are long lost brothers..It's not the Cowboys that Hitler loves so much..it's T.O. and I do think they may have been brothers in a past life.
Lostinco wants to know what deja vu is and how does it work...Doctors will tell you that some people that have it are suffering small strokes. I say it's because you're brain has wandered over into a parallel universe and caught a glimpse of your life there.Anne wants to know why she was born a human and not a cat.Well, Anne what makes you think you haven't been a cat in another life?..Johnny-G wants the Goddess to allow the Patriots ass to be kicked by the Giants..That happened, but it was no doing of the Goddess.I do think Loki had a lot to do with that acrobatic catch and the score.Too bad Sling, your team lost.
Christi wishes the Goddess a happy and merry Embolc.The Goddess does't celebrate any religious or pagan holiday...I only celebrate the birth of the universe.
Goddess bless Tex.
Paul's message is to the Yellow Dog, she'll have to answer him.
Rox wants to know if the Goddess could sleep with any rock star dead or alive which one would it be...Jim Morrison...and the why should be evident.Snake Lizzard.
Allan thinks we should not celebrate Christmas or the Super Bowl...The Goddess agrees..The Christians stole the date for the birth of Jesus, when everyone knows he was born in August. Plus the Christians have taken the birth of a Prophet and turned it into a commercial business and all it is now is Santa Claus and gifts. Bad Christians...bad..
Off to Valhalla...lots of warriors to take home...Bless you my children...Be kind to each other..
You crack me the hell up! Lots of informative stuff you have given all of us. Oh you are good.
Now I know everything! Well, at least the glue thingy.
I wonder if the Goddess knows about these "Chocolate Massage" thingies?
I guess Ill worship and adore you one piece at a time.
I have a question (raising my hand high!):
"Why don't people know how to tip well for good service when they dine out?"
Just something I wonder nearly everyday.
No card yet. Maybe today.
Thanks for the wishes I always forget everyones birthday.
Gotta go to my Doc for checkup today.
Great birthday present. :)
excellent choice with dirty jim, a true poet of our time.
did shane mcgowan's teeth stop you from going irish?
That was the best! Great answers. Thank you for giving me a laugh today. :)
Jim Morrison! Perfect!
sage"bless you my child..
babs:actually this is jackie..the goddess has already gone to get her chocolate massage...
nitwit:the goddess loves to be worshiped and adored...
reg:I think there should be signs all over the resturuant telling people to tip..or 15% added to their check...
nitwit:it should be there today..it's from tut.com
hope your checkout checked out..
billy:yup ole bad jim...
that's one reason..
lostinco:we aim to please..
rox:yeah, he was pretty perfect in my eyes..now if it had been a female rocstar it would have been janis joplin..just to hear her sing..
I was sure the goddess would say Jerry Lee Lewis, he is out at the Indian casino this weekend the bonus is he is still alive, though in his early hundreds.
Well, I've been completely away from blogland for a little bit (I'm actually perishing in the IRS version of HELL) but stopping by your place gave me a much needed grin. Thanks - you are all right.
Goddess, your glue bottle explanation caused me to have a flashback to third grade! I use to let Elmer's glue dry, then chew on it. My teacher told me what it was made of and that was the end to my glue chewing days.
I still want to celebrate the Superbowl. After all, this year ... it's just so easy! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out that Santa Claus was the true savior of humankind?
christie:i think jerry lee likes his women to be closely related to him...
tsduff:you're alright too..welcome back..
tex:uhhh, another flash back..used to be a girl in my first grade in enid, oklahoma who ate her glue and her boogers..eeek!
cowbell:yeah, it was a good superbowl...
cheesemeister:would serve all them christians right..ha
Jim Morrison......
I don't know about my team,but the Patriot's loss was everyone's gain. ;)
Your wisdom is a blessing goddess!
da goddess.... so smart
JackieSue I have it on good authority that Jesus loves the Philadelphia Eagles! John the Baptist told me . :-)
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