At five am I got a phone call from Nancy..yes, you read that right...5 fucking am ...ha...I'm not sure who was more out of it..her on duladid or me half asleep...But the reports are good..she had no cancer in the muscles of her chest so that means no chemo or radiation..and she is getting breast reconstruction, so she will have brand spanking new boobies...I want to thank all my readers who went over and gave her you blessings and prayers..your a fine bunch of peoples and I'm proud to call you my friends...Goddess bless you...
so good to hear. Yippee.
Glad to hear no more cancer. Also glad I didn't have to hear it at 5am. Will be keeping her in my thoughts and checking in on her blog as well.
sage and rainbowwolf:thanks to you both for dropping by and saying howdy to her..she told me it meant so much...have you two met?
Great news!
I'm surprised she could find the phone That duladid is some evil stuff. Might not kill the pain but you really don't care and it makes you such a quite patent.
What's wrong with 5 AM? I was off work for an hour then.
Great news!
hah! great news! my friend cathy had a double mastectomy. When she had reconstructive surgery, she had to have nipples tattooed on. She wanted them to be in the shape of stars. Her medical professionals refused.
Some people have no sense of humor.
Glad to hear all is going well for your friend !!!
Pleased to hear that she is cancer free!..
Bonus points for the new boobies. :)
Alright! (sigh of relief)
nitwit:yeah, i told her that stuff was some bad shit..she was still in a lot of pain..
im glad that it's you that has to get up that early in the am and not me..i never was much of a early morning person...that's ususally when im going to sleep..
janis:yup...terrific news
kath:hmm, wonder if nancy knows she will get tat's for her nipple..?????
sling:yeah, keep a look out on her blog, as she has promised to show pictures of her new ones..ha
tex:no kidding...such a wonderful thing to hear from her..even at 5am..
That is such GREAT news!
AND new boobs?!?!?
BONUS! ;-)
Kiss the Ass of Cancer and get new boobs! Cannot be bad, well done.
excellent news!
if i was still drinking, i'd pour a stiff drink of scotch to toast nancy's good news.
i'll have to fire up a reefer and some more incense tonight in celebration.
Never heard of a better hour for such great news...usually those calls that awaken us from the comfort of slumber result in shocks and tears. So glad to hear they are tears of joy this time!
Thank you for that ray of sunshine today. We need to have the good news, too.
Be well, Granny.
Awesome!!! Hey, there is no hour that is too early for really good news like that!
I don't know Nancy, but here's a big w00t from WV!
That was a GOOD early morning call. Thanks so much for the update. Not an easy time to go through
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