7 words you can't say on tv
These are the 7 Words you can't say on regular television until Jane Fonda said 'cunt' on the Today Show. When asked about her
reaction to being asked to do the play The Vagina Monologue, she said "I was asked about doing a play about cunts and I said I don't think so."...Since this was in New York it went right by but they had the 10 second delay for the west coast..
When I heard about it I almost hurt myself from laughing so hard...Cause unless your an old watcher of the late Johnny Carson's Tonight Show you"ll know that when she was on with Johnny(her first time I think)she said she wanted to know if a story she had heard was true, and Carson said what was it..and she said "I heard that Zsa Zsa Gabor was on the show and she brought her cat with her and she asked you if you wanted to pet her pussy, and you said I can't t
he damn cat's in the way."....much laughing..and Carson said no it wasn't true..but damn....I wish it had been...
Being a child of the military, dirty words were an every day occurrence for me..I hung around the parade ground, mess hall, motor pools from the time I was 4 years o
ld...I learned all the good ones...and the true story is, I was 17 before I found out that cocksucer wasn't another word for civilian, and those funny little hats were called overseas caps and not cunt caps. I didn't know that those words weren't to be spoken in polite company until I got smacked and sent to my room for referring to the airplanes flying over head as a bunch of noisy motherfuckers...Sonsabitches was my preferred expression.....everything was you sonsabitch..I supposed the gi's got an extra thrill out of teaching a 6 year old the names of the tools as fucking wrench, fucking screwdriver, fucking socket...Not to say that I didn't learn anything from the WAF's...which is where I heard the expression, "I want to hear you're pussy's suck air."..But my favorites where the cadences the soldiers called out when they marched..."I know a girl who lives on a hill, she won't do it but her sister will.."..."I know a girl from New Orleans, she's got a mustache in her jeans."....I don't know but I've been told, Eskimo pussy is mighty cold."....
Well, like normal...I have gotten way off the track of the purpose of this post...Jane Fonda said cunt on national TV at 8am...Every one had a stroke..The thing I don't understand is....why it's ok to show people being shot, bombed and killed every day on the evening news, but it's not ok to say cunt...the loveliest part of a woman...
fuckme till I holler tits....
I think Jane was a great actress. I liked her in Barbaraella, a little light in the tits department, but doable.
Actually since my mother passed away, you may well be the best cusser that I know.
I remember watching the tonight show when a golfers wife said that she kissed her husband's balls for good luck. Carson said "I bet that makes his putter flutter!"
I think our whole attitude about dirty words is too weird. Adults teach children to use them and then adults punish children for using them. They're just sounds. Why can't we all grow up?
Not that i'm immune to the hypocrisy...
The Gump and his gang and all the NEOCON talk radio psychos have said many things that offend and disgust me a lot more than a little plain talk.
Fuck the censors and the FCC.
Barbaraella, ohhh, the first R rated movie I ever saw.
Ahh Granny..
We are cut from the same cloth it seems..
Go Jane!
I laughed my ass off when I heard she said that too. You know the prudes secretly giggled behind their OMG faces.
bbc:yup barbarella was a great flic
christi:that's what i said after my mother died..im the best cusser..ha
tex:no one did it better than carson..and he never said a cuss word..
jan:cuss words are only as important as you make them..the dirtiest word i know is incest..
sage:yea, what you said..
nitwit:yup, lying about wmd and having 4,000 soldiers die for the lie and 100's of thousands of iraqi's is a lot nastier than cunts..all guys love barbarella..ha.
windrider:why thank you!
joy:yeah, jane rocks...
rev:i miss ole carson..i love my david letterman..but even he will be the first to admit..he's no carson..there never will be one like him...and i miss him more and more..wouldn't you love to hear what he would have had to say about bush and all that has gone on?
rainwolf: yup...made my day..
HA, NOW I know why BG likes you! hehe It's your tremendous vocabulary!
I think people in general are just too prudish. I mean, get real... in a world where whether or not Paris & Nicole & Britney wear panties on any given night is BIG NEWS, why the hell can't we say fuck or cunt if we want?
I totally despise ANYTHING politically correct as a matter of principle!
And when my kids exhibit a colorful vocabulary, I just raise my eyebrows a little, then smirk. My little way of saying, "I don't care what you say, but someone else might so you need to learn to watch it."
Your post title reminded me of a list of words I wrote on the bathroom wall when I was in first grade. Boy did I get in trouble!
Actually I think vaginas are pretty dang ugly--but I guess that's what makes me straight. Penises are funny looking but vaginas are ugly--I'll go for the funny looking one!
Two old ladies layin' in bed,
One rolled over to other and said,
Gee I wish I had a man,
She said, Roll on over do the best you can.
(left right, oh left right, oh leeefft!)
lara:im with you..being politically correct is so wrong..everyones so afraid to be offensive..i live to be offensive..and bg loves me cause im so in love with 'obert..ha
cheese:yah, pussy's on the whole are like a slab of liver, but im glad i have mine..even if it hasn't been used in 23 years.ha
billy;oh that cracked me up..maybe i should send her an email and ask her..i forgot she's a born again..now she's back to being an asshole..ha
morecowbell:oh man...never heard that one..but i like it..
I've never really understood why some people get their panties all in a bunch over certain words,especially when it's their own actions that are truly obscene.
You've been awarded the You Make My Day Award, cause you do. Please come by and check it out. (I hope you aren't as cranky about awards as you are about being tagged.)
I laughed, too, but a friend of mine who works in broadcasting brought up an interesting point. All the stations on the East Coast that broadcast the un-bleeped footage of her dropping the "C" bomb could get hellacious fines from the FCC, not her. She knew better than to say that, but they're the ones who will have to pay the fines, if the FCC chooses to charge them. That's not right.
Other than that, I'm not really offended. It's not my favorite word, but I don't get offended by words as much as I do by the intent behind them. I see her intent as basically trying to shock people and stir up drama, which is annoying, yet non-offensive to me.
The thing of it is, the essay is called "Cunt" and it is all about women taking the power back of what society has made that word to be.
Anyone who has a vagina, likes vaginas, or has come out of a vagina should see the Vagina Monologues. It's the most empowering thing ever.
I love Jane Fonda even more now.
tina:yeah, they do get away with a lot..i just watched nip and tuck...i saw the one where the woman crapped in the hottub.. said ...'no thanks'..and haven't watched since.
sling:yup actions of crueltry are a lot more harmful with nasty words..
christie:thanks so very much...I will pick out 5 on my blog roll and give them the you make my day award..
winston:what can i tell you...who knew 23 years could go by so fast..ha
bebecca:yah, like abc had to pay the big fine for janet jackson showing her tit..which was absolutely silly...only about 6 people saw anything..
rox:yeah, people act like she showed a picture of a cunt instead of saying it..ha
Oh hell - I shouldn't be looking at your blog while I'm at work - the server-screen is going to catch me for sure - but I LAUGHED! Oh boy did I laugh - at your comments too!! You are one hiliarious gal - 23 years sinced you used yours? HA!!! I'm still laughing here at work, and people are wondering what is wrong with me!
tsdufff:i like the idea of you giggling and laughing at work....
Being a child dirty words are an everyday occurrence for me. Sometimes hyperconservatism in the media frustrates me to no end, especially when they turn around from beeping "hell" to show Paris Hilton rubbing herself all over a car right before getting back to a show about shooting people. The hypocrisy!
And you also can't say god damn. Curiously enough, they censor the "god" and not the "damn".
Am I gonna have to start watching daytime TV?
Apparently, I've been living under a rock these past few days because I never heard a peep about this. I've never used the C word (I've never even used it to describe that awful Ann Coulter), but I really don't see what the big deal is.
People should be more disturbed about the economy and the war in Iraq than what Jane Fonda said.
I liked Jane Fonda in On Golden Pond.
She always seemed too nice and admirable to be a Commie.
mwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaa... i just love how you end your posts!
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