Just some things I received in my emails from my friends..
Some of them I can't show..
I would post more, but I'm going to go practice my inner Freddy.
(Freddy Mercury)
Going to go put the Queen tape in the white charger and roll the windows down, crank up the sound ...and play 'bicycle'....see ya
Ahhh I do love me some Queen! Enjoy the ride!
HA!..Vick is such a schmuck.
Great stuff yellowdog!
I'm going to ride my bicycle
I'm going to ride my bike
I'm going to ride my bicycle
I'm going to ride it where I like
Ok, thanks that'll be playing in my head all day now.
Americans are going to vote Democrat, voting Republican made our bottoms hurt!
buddhagirl:i can't pick a favorite queen song..i love them all..'yah, i bet ole vick is wishing he'd used better judgement and found jesus a lot sooner..
rox:sonofabitch..i can't find my queen tape..anywhere..did some low down asshole steal my queen...heads will roll and asses will be kicked..'
sling:yupper..schmuck he is..
tex:yup..i can't find the damn tape, but now i cant get that damn song out of my head..shady lane said i wont get a rebate from the government because i have called him too many dirty names the past 71/2 years..figures..
JS, I knew I loved you! The only CD in my car is Queen's Greatest Hits!
PS Loved the Michael Vick jersey pic
an intriguing light switch.
does the touch of children make the switch rise?
practice my inner Freddy
Now that must be what has been missing in my life. And here I thought it was sex.
rocky:everybody loves queen
billy:im sure if jesus is touched by children he'll talk about the first thing that pops up....ohh, im going to hell.
lostinco:i stole the idea from buzzardbilly...she did a whole post on freddy..it rocks..
You're a girl that knows how to have fun. Let's go ride around and ogle cute boys!
Queen is great. I listen to some of their songs almost every day. The only radio station worth a crap around here is 70's and 80's classic rock.
Gee, maybe I could blame my parental abscess on the Gump administration. I could put in a claim for disability.
i saw freddie in concert once when i was really young... it was awesome. Brian May fucking rocks. and no one could hit the notes like the fabulous Mr. M.
Everyone of those pics are great! I love them. I just realized I need to download the bicycle song for when I really ride my bike. It will be a good motivator.
elizabeth:there are a lot of cute 'boys' in west,texas...these czech's raise some good looking men...the women folk are pretty good too.
nitwit:the great thing about queens songs is they are all great to sing along too..we will we will.......rock you...
good look on getting anyone to ok a claim of any sort of disability...they turned down this guy in west for a disability and he's FUCKING BLIND..no shit..
kali:oh man..you got to see them in person?...now how fucking cool is THAT..
sage:I got a brand new key is a good bicycle riding song...you got a brand new pair of roller skates and i got a brand new key...
bicycle, bicycle- i want to ride my BICYCLE...
hope everything is good..
Bicycles are nice, but fat bottomed girls really make the world go round.
Love the dogs with the jersey...
Ooooh I love this post! Love your blog! Got to you from Serenity Now (where else!) and glad she had you on her favs. LOVE the dogs with the Vick tee and Monica is sublime. Great sense of humor....what a break from the pink sparkles out there. WHEW!
Karen Otto
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