Dear Jackie:
This really hit home for me. I did not feel ready to come after words but they safety pinned my drainage tubes to me and sent me out the door. Bruce had to go to work today so I am here alone doing the best I can. I have a visiting nurse coming over once a day for about week or two so that is some comfort to me being a diabetic I m worried about infection and healing well. I have a lot of wonderful people praying for me and I know in my heart it's working.This is my exercise for this morning to use my arms to write you an e-mail. Not even my kids got that so lady you are very special to me. You are my appointed Guarding Angel. I have my little orange one you sent me right next to me!I'm sending you some graphic pictures of my surgery. The pain pills are working really good right now so I have to hurry and finish this. That is the hardest part using my arms. They hurt like a bitch. You can post this letter if you would like. Tell everyone thank you, thank you. I love all of you my best buddies!I also give you JackieSue permission to show the photo's. I am doing that because maybe I can help another woman who is having to go through with this.Sending photo's as an attached file.I love you,Nancy
This is email from reply to a email I had sent her that I received from Pixie about a bill called
Breast Cancer Awareness Act...
Like Nancy said..Wed. she had major surgery, having both her breasts removed..and Friday morning, the pinned her up patted her on the head and sent her home. That's no way to treat a woman in any circumstances, but especially since they just removed both her breasts...If I knew who's ass to kick, I would.
I sent a copy of the email to all 69 people on my email list. If you don't happen to be on that list and would like a copy of the email, please email me
I will send it to you...
I am going to post the pictures that Nancy sent me..if it's to graphic for you...well, tough shit..This could happen to you, your mother, your sister, your wife, your daughter, your aunt, your friend...Go get a mamagram, your w
orth it...

WOW! Powerful post.
Nancy, if you're reading this, stay strong girl!
That's great that they didn't have to take the muscles.
*beaming good thoughts her way*
rox:she's lakota...she's a strong brave lady..
gadfly:thanks..she can use all the good wishes anyone can send her..
She is lucky to have a great friend like you. And obviously a strong lady herself. Good wishes coming from me (and the dogs. Great post.
Wow, I actually saw a woman's chest the other day that had a double mastectomy, she just lifted her shirt to show me. I was taken away for a second but I had the same thought. Wow that could happen to me or someone I know. I give her my biggest hug.
Nancy, bless your heart.
And all I can say is: fucking insurance companies. It's criminal how they force hospitals to kick out patients after major surgery.
You'll heal well and be stronger than ever!
jan:i've always found that being a good friend is one of the easiest things i know how to's a good friend to me...
sage:it's shocking, but then it should be...maybe that's what it takes to make you go get a mamagram...
janis:my friend shady lane said, as awful as it is to send them home, it's probably safer and cleaner at their home than at some of the hospitals....
Yellowdog Granny - You are a good friend - and I thank you for reaching out to Nancy in her painful time. You are right - it could be any one of us - and in fact who hasn't know of someone within their sphere who has breast cancer? My aunt had a double mastectomy, the old radical kind where they took everything. Warm wishes to Nancy.
I echo buddha girl. I have lived in too many countries with health systems so they can take care of their own citizens, I guess...we could do so much better by our people.
Bless you, Nancy. Bless you, Granny. Educate. Fight. That's what we have to do.
Be well, y'all.
Breast cancer sucks. I've had to help residents at work with those drainage bottles. Good luck, Nancy.
Also, that's the way with surgery these days. If you can move at all they kick your ass out the door. These people have a lot more training than me--I only have EMT training--but I know for a fact that a person should be monitored for at least a day after surgery because even if you're healthy and the surgery is minor, anesthesia can cause complications even several hours later. I had relatively minor elective surgery about 16 years ago and about an hour after I woke up they gave me a bottle of Demerol and it was "so long, see ya, goodbye." I was still pretty loopy. I had someone stay with me for a couple of hours and then I was by myself. I didn't know it at the time, but I shouldn't take Demerol. It causes me respiratory distress and panic attacks. Because there was never much pain, mostly pressure and swelling, I just took Tylenol. But I really think I should have been monitored for longer even though it was minor surgery. Someone with major surgery such as a mastectomy should not be booted out so soon. This would be very weakening and a person needs care for longer.
To be honest, I don't get any female exams because after being raped 10 years ago I can't stand to have anyone touching "those" parts. I do the self exam, though.
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