take a really good look at one of those pictures of me...a really good look....got it?...kay!...now tell me...does that look like a face that gives a shit?.....
see ya after the game..the Goddess has already eaten all the stuffed jalopenas...
Holy shit...you guys remember Scottish Toodler?...She sent me an email 2 days ago telling me she 'saw' the score for the Super Bowl and the Giants were going to win 17-14...I shit you not...Holy Shit..
ok..so maybe I lied...I did give a shit...wasn't that really a Super Super Bowl?.....
Totally worth waiting three boring quarters to get to the good stuff!!!
Still giggling about Hitler buying a TO shirt.
I think I love the Super Bowl. I went out shopping and had the House of Satan almost to myself.
Of course they were completely out of chips and dips.
Refreshing change.
I didn't even check for nip slips at halftime.
That was the best game ever. I cheered for New York so I am happy. Yippee....off to fucking work now.
jan;yeh, that hitler video was hysterical..almost as good as the 2-brain video...
nitwit:yeah, house of satan with no people..how great is that...this was the most boring half time show i ever saw..too bad they didn't have willie do the half time show..and what is this with the ryan seacrest guy..he's such a dweeb and has a personality like a sack full of hemroids...jeez
billy:I hardly ever bet on the super bowl..but I did pick the giants to win with the 12 points...and toodler picked the correct score..like 3 days before the game and she knows jack shit about football..how cool is that?.
sage:i think it may have been the best super bowl ever..right down to the last second...
Serves Belicheat, "Turf" Brady and the Traitors right for trying to screw their way to the championship.
They can console themselves with "there's always next year."
Meanwhile, we have to wonder if those Super Bowls they won before don't need an asterisk next to them?
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